When It Rains...

@tessah (6617)
United States
March 11, 2010 4:45pm CST
apparently, this basement floods .
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5 responses
• Ghana
11 Mar 10
I do not understand your question, please be brief and go straight
@tessah (6617)
• United States
11 Mar 10
im hardly brief, i like to be dramatic. whats the fun!(tm) in not telling a story to entertain and amuse?? and ive only recently started going..straight.. but to elaborate for yer lesser sensibilities. do you like to experience new things that arent very pleasureable? do you chalk up said experiences as a learning excursion such as a science experiment into the human condition? did i use workds too difficult for you to understand? should i dumb it down and use only those with two sylables or less?
1 person likes this
• Canada
11 Mar 10
I am NOT laughing. Ok, yes I am.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
11 Mar 10
@jwfarrimond (4473)
17 Mar 10
Wooden pallets on the floor so that you can walk dryshod over the coming wetness..
18 Mar 10
I suppose it depends on how deep the flood is.. you might wake up one morning, (after having had a wet dream??) bobbing about near the rafters along with all your worldly goods.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
18 Mar 10
its since re3ceeded back to dry.. but thats not a bad idea! i will keep it in mind for the next flood lol thanx
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 Mar 10
I'd be moving out of the basement. Or if that's not possible I'd be getting my stuff off the floor and my bed chocked up on wooden blocks or bricks or something. I'd also be getting a store of rubber ducks so as to have races.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
17 Mar 10
feh the basement is the only space available for us to be unless we wanna be outside under a bush in this weather .
• Canada
11 Mar 10
SHYT! I hate basements, and that is one of the reasons. What a royal pain that will be now living there. Is it only temporary, till you 2 lovebirds get your own place together? *fingers crossed* I'll send some DRY mojo your way, no promises, but I can try really, really hard. *puts on wishing cap, and wishes..DRY for Tess, DRY for Tess, DRY for Tess*
@tessah (6617)
• United States
11 Mar 10
yes yes.. only temporary. but we will be here for a while yet i think.. unless along with DRY you can also mojo up a winning lottery ticket LOL
• Germany
11 Mar 10
Oh so you are in the basement... and when the laundry machine is on?? I hope it does not shake too much. Anyways...try using empty boxes on the floors - they can absorb pretty amount of water. And block that part where the water comes in ... Be sure to keep your computer dry though! or you will have real problems. :-)
@tessah (6617)
• United States
12 Mar 10
the washing machine is one of those energy efficient uber models thats practically silent.. which is great lol and my computer? is a teeny tiny laptop that will fit into my purse.. and never gets put on the floor so no worry there lol