How many times have you attempted to commit suicide??

March 11, 2010 7:45pm CST
how many times have you wanted to kill yourself?? and for what reason(s)?? i don't know if I'm just being emo or what but there are many times that i've tried to slice my wrist because of my depressions and insecurities... can anyone help me? how do i stop this? any advice would do 'coz i think i'm gonna need them ... -^^- ehehhe
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15 responses
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
kiel, you are 17. the big question... WHY? why would you wanna do this? what's making you depressed and insecure? about what? you are so young to be ever feeling this way. life can be good. it can get better. think. think of the whys. then reach out. i'm sure many people are concerned about you. you can talk to us here. talking about it with somebody kinda helps you know. i've been 17 once. and i've had my share of troubles and trials. and i did make a weak attempt once (years ago), about hurting myself. unfortunately and fortunately... the knife wasn't sharp... just grazed my wrist. i was saved by someone ringing on the door. my nephew... must have been saved by an angel. this happened several years ago. seemed so long now. but i've been a stronger person you know. made my life more beautiful. see the beauty beyond what the eyes can tell. if you need friends... just reach out okay? we're just around. take care.
• Philippines
13 Mar 10
thanks bear! each of us was somehow helped by someone else in the past. paying it forward is just something that we could always do for others... in little ways... for ordinary reasons... to make life a little more precious and extraordinary. hehe so bear... how's our "talk to the jeans" doing? hehe i haven't done much mylotting these days due to being busy with the business. :) kiel, the offer stands okay? if ever you need to talk to anybody. and you can do so in our local language if that would help. think of me as a big sister of some sort. :)
• United States
17 Mar 10
Jeans don't lie!!! They are starting to fall off! Come see my news in my discussion!
• United States
13 Mar 10
You are awesome Myles! You're such an encourager to ALL of us! He means it Kiel! He'll be here for you. He's been there for me!
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
12 Mar 10
The fact that you are here asking for help is a blessing. You don't want to kill yourself. I am not sure where you are from. Is there any hotlines or support groups you can join? I haven't tried it or thought about it. Life is a precious gift. You are a beautiful person and I am so happy to be able to post on your discussion. I am not sure if you can talk to your parents. Go to the person you are the closet to and you can talk to them where they will listen to what you have to say without judging you. If you go to Church talk to people there. There are a lot of places that can help you and get that self esteem back up. You have a family and friends who will be there for you and will miss you very much if you kill yourself. Please look into finding help and talk to someone. Don't give up on yourself. I know life sucks sometimes it isn't easy for me but we have to hang in there. God Bless You and I will be praying for you that things will work out. Dying isn't going to solve anything.
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• Philippines
12 Mar 10
thanks for the advice... actually, i have a friend who's so concerned with my situation when he saw the scars on my arm... i often wanted to break down and cry in front of my friends but my shame keeps on holding my tears back... I've tried to talk to my parents but they're just too busy to listen and I'm also afraid that maybe they wouldn't understand. I think my only hope for now are my friends...
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
12 Mar 10
I just sent you a PM I have to go to work in about a hour. You can talk to me anytime if it is easier for you to do this on the internet I am willing to listen. You are very young and I am worried about you. I think you should confide everything to this one friend. God is sending this angel to you. I have a very special friend here and I tell him everything. I cry in front of him and get everything out. A real friend will listen and support you. It sounds like this person is also worried and loves you a lot. You talk to whoever you feel will listen and get you the help you need. I am here on My Lot everyday and you need advice just PM me. There are a lot of people here that will also support you. Just keep praying to God and He will get you all the help you need. You have taken the first step by asking for help. Stay strong and you will make it through this. You are going to be such a strong person and hang on to that friend and let him or her help you.
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• United States
13 Mar 10
Kiel, Talk to your parents anyway. No matter what you think they will or will not do they LOVE you! If they are Christians too, they will pray with you. God gave us parents to love us no matter what. No matter what you have or have not done, your parents wouldrather have all that baggage than to NOT have you. Please, as a parent of a teen myself, PLEASE talk to them. I couldn't bear it if my Child, so precious to me, were so affraid to tell me things that my Baby was gone.. forever. I am praying for you to the LIVING GOD. He made you for a reason. You are HERE to love and BE loved by Him. Do not throw that away. Beg your parents to take you to an evaluation by a DOCTOR, not a shrink. Sometimes we have chemical reasons that drowned out common sense, faith and good advice. DO NOT be ashamed if this if this is the case, especially if you are under 23 and still evolving into an adult body and mind. If it is chemical, that can be fixed and you'll be felling better in less than a week, typically. Do not be affraid. I'm so proud of you for reaching out. YOU CAN Beat this! Get RID of that knife and everything else that might be tempting you! Do it now before you even respond to another comment here on MyLot. When you hear the whispers of the liar coming at you SHOUT the name of Jesus! Get on MyLot and ask those who believe with you to begin intercessory prayer. Prayer works. God LOVES you. We're not going to leave you to struggle alone. :*) You are NEVER alone if you are in Christ.
@timhinyy (1653)
• United States
12 Mar 10
well i can remember a time back when i was in high school and no one was ever very nice to me in school that i got to the point where i just stopped going didn't want to do anything. I think i was diagnosed with depression cause all i wanted to do was stay at home and sleep and did not want to deal with the stress of going to school as it was just too much for me to deal with anymore. my family was a good help to me at this time as dad told me if i was not going to go to school i would have to get a job and that helped me break out of it a little bit. The good thing was i went back to school and got one of those equivalency diplomas i believe they are called GED's and so at least school was not a total failure for me. If you are having these feelings my best advice talk to someone about them even if it is just friends that you have met online, because it is always better to have these things out in the open and you won't feel alone if you talk about this with someone. I wish you all the best.
@jugsjugs (12967)
12 Mar 10
My brother tried taking his life at least 5 times that i know of as those were the times that i was called to take him to the hospital.He was a person that had a problem with drinking aswell as being depressed and taking things for the depression aswell as on other pills for anxioty.I think that with his last attempt he was lucky as we got to the hospital just in time.He was in a coma state aswell as on intensive care unit and they were unsure if he was going to survive or if there was any perminent damage done to his brain or other organs.It is not worth trying to kill yourself as it is the other people that also have to live with the knowing that they may have been able todo more to help the person had they of known.
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@CarmenA (127)
• United States
13 Mar 10
Has anyone told you they loved you today?? Well I love you and God loves you too!!
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
13 Mar 10
Throw the knife away my friend. You don't need it anymore. As you can see there are a lot of people here that are very concerned about you. When you feel low or are having a bad day come here and we will lift you up. If it is easier for you to write to express how you feel than do that. You will make a lot of friends here and are willing to help you and listen to you. No judgments here and as you can see you are not alone anymore. God Bless You
• Philippines
13 Mar 10
@ all : thank you... I was in tears when i was reading all of your comments one by one ... they really help a lot ... its really good to know that there are others there who shared the same experiences as i did... although my situation did not really include the chemicals and all... i would surely try to do all the things you said... -^^- i;m not that good at saying things by mouth ... most of my friends would notice that i'm too silent , too shy and cannot maintain a conversation but i'm glad i was able to reach out here and receive really good responses from all of you ... i'm gonna keep the knife and try to forget where i put it ... i'm gonna hope for another chance from God and fill myself with prayers just as you said... i dont know what to say.. my feelings are all mixed up ... my eyes are still swelling from lack of sleep and crying ... this is the first time i've ever cried in a long time (2 years or so...) ... thank you guys ... i appreciate your prayers ... i'll do my best to change ... ... ...
• Germany
13 Mar 10
and not to mention your friends online are international! oh, di ba social? Cheer up and i am keeping track of your posts - sort of an invisible friend. :-) You are loved - HERE in myLot!
• United States
12 Mar 10
I tried once. I took alot of asprins and got really sick. I was in a foster home and didn't think no one loved me never meant my mom or dad have no bro or sis so here I am (feeling sorry for myself) at 15 (teen years sucked) wasn't sure who I was and my foster mother just kept us for the money. I'm glad it didn't work, because now I'm in control of my own life, I didn't need to know my parents I just didn't know it then. and until this day no one knows about this and that's more than 25 yrs ago. hang in there.
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@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
12 Mar 10
Thanks for sharing your story I am very happy you didn't take your life. I am sorry things were rough for you in your youth but you overcame and are now a blessing. It is great that you were honest and showing that if you hang in there it will be okay. God Bless You
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Mar 10
Hmmm???? You do not understand your true worth. You are a wonderful work of art! There is no one in the universe exactly like you! You are special! You are needed here on Earth to help make this a better place.We all have the power to choose what we deem important. We can choose and value the dark side,doom and gloom defeat and sadness Or we can choose the light. See our problems as a challenge.Learn from those wonderful mistakes. Shine that light inside of you as only you can. Give love and kindness to everyone you meet. Help those you can and encourage those you can't. When you give unconditional love, you will attract it back to you. Can't you really see?? This world needs you very badly. If your sad, fake it. Be happy around others. See how you can change their lives. There are blue skies around you. I value my blue skies much more than a few pesky troubles. I am working at my end of the world. You start at your end.Between the two of us, what a world we can create.I believe in you!!
@bryanwmc (1051)
• Malaysia
12 Mar 10
the fact that you are still here ranting about it despite all that has happened shows maybe you are not as desperate as you think you are,killing myself just because of an emotional state, why not try to alter how we feel 1st, operative word is try,if we feel desperate enough to contemplate ending it all,then we really have nothing to lose if we totally maybe go somewhere brand new in environment and meet new people,a complete change in environment and circumstances,may help..just drop everything and up and leave.! just mulling over how depressed we are just makes it more depressing..
@Hazelrose (2179)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
Hi kiel_d_01,No way,I am a GOD fearing person and I will not do that even in my mind because it is really a big sin in the eyes of our lord God.We must be thankful for having been a chance to live in this world.We must love our self in order to serve and worship our lord God.JUst pray to God always and ask his guidance in your everyday life.God Bless,and Good luck.
@rosegardens (3032)
• United States
12 Mar 10
It is a good thing you are reaching out. Thank you for that. Please, seek professional help immediately. A good therapist can help you; they are trained very well how to handle your situation. Next, get involved in a church and get active in some groups. You need God (and He needs you, too)you also need the support of others who will teach you about God's love and mercy and His compassion for you. Any time you need someone to talk with feel free to message me. Please keep me updated.
@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
kiel_d_01 It's just your psyche which rules out you as a whole. You'd better try exercising thinking not and again things related to wrist-cutting and usually what emos do. I know for a fact that you are an emo when you responded to my discussion about KARMA. I was like amazed the way you constructed your text because it necessarily reflects your personality. If you might think to change your ways and refrain from having this kind of mentality, you should plan it our as early as now. To make it sure that it's effective take someone with you who will guide you and conduct disciplinary actions whenever you again thinks of being an emo. Listen, the emo trend is anew just this decade. It is just a trend from where you can escape or choose to stay. It is just a matter of decision really.
@totor_53 (223)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
no i haven't cause i do believe that it is against ones principles and the morality of God himself.
@umit_umit (1984)
• India
12 Mar 10
well many times the thoughts come but then,they pass,not practical!
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
Hello..KIEL_D_01 you know,,,i'm doing the same thing like yours when i feel so much depressed,,,i cut my wrist til it bleeds but that was only before,,,I tried to avoid doing it whenever i felt it. . .i think, you should mingle with the people you can trust around you,,,try to make a lot of friends,,,and be open to your parents whatever your problem is...they can help you...but the great thing that you can do is to pray to God...ask him to help you and to give you courage to fight your depressions whenever you feel it...Remember that you're not the only one whose encountering depressions,,,all people can feel it and their is a lot of solutions that you can do,,,except for hurting yourself.... These are the things that i had tried until i already learn to fight my weakness,,,,I know you can do it!!!take care!!!(n.n)
• Singapore
12 Mar 10
i have ever tried it when i was very young and do not know anything i remember it could be a few times and i tried by many ways but i am enough brave to do it ,when i intended to do it, i was very scare and i though about my family what could they do after i did it ,so even i was very depression ,very mad i also tried to take back my control .