I need you Opinion about Mr. Lars Vilkis
By rockydam83
@rockydam83 (846)
March 12, 2010 12:41am CST
Mr. Lars Vilks is a Swedish man who calls himself an artist. He created drawings of Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and all the muslim world is protesting against him. Actually an Alqaida group have announced a head money for one who will kill him.
All i want to know from peoples here on mylot from all over the world that do you guys support this type of freedom of expression which can deeply hurt millions of peoples heart and can start violence widely in the world. Why he is doing all this at the time when we need more harmony and peace between different religions. As far it is concerned with freedom of expressions i want to why it is banned in europe to discuss about holocaust. I remember in back days an austrian guy captured and sentenced in jail only for discussing holocaust publicly. What he was doing, only trying to express his views. I dont want to say that he was ding right but all i want to say that why they choose such sensitive issue to start this controversy. Let me tell you he asked all his cities art exhibitors to exhibit the drawings but they refused because they have realized it that this is a sensitive religious issue. Its a 100% normal thing that if someone abuses your father you will get hurt and will try to stop him by any means you can manage and our Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) has much more respect and worth in our hearts then our parents so why every one says that we are creating violence. Why dont they stop such i-d-i-o-t-s to do this type of things.
I need your honest opinion and plz be respectful to every other religion also.
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6 responses
@TheMetallion (1834)
• United States
12 Mar 10
If you really want to live in a word in which people don't say things that other people find offensive, we really have to talk about how offensive and blasphemous I find the statement "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His prophet." If you're not willing to give up your right to make that assertion, then I'm sure you understand why I support Mr. Vilks' right to say and publish things that you find offensive and blasphemous. Moreover, I expect that you'll agree with me that you are wrong to suggest that Mr. Vilks' right to say offensive and blasphemous things should be in any curtailed.
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@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
12 Mar 10
A prophet is not God. To kill someone because they drew a picture of Muhammed is beyond stupid. If the guy is muslim, and he's going against what you believe its one thing, but I believe he's not a muslim. You can't punish people for going against your beliefs when he's not even part of your religion.
@rockydam83 (846)
• Italy
13 Mar 10
A Prophet is not God. Thats what we believe too but he is the most respectful person on this earth after the God for all muslims. This is not a matter of difference of opinions because there are many religions and millions of followers of every religion on this earth and their beliefs are clearly against Islamic thoughts. No one ever have killed them, threatened them. They are living and preaching their own lifestyle freely in many muslim countries even the the most bad shape of muslims in Afghanistan (Taliban) have given full freedom to follow and practice your beliefs in their territory.
This is a matter of insulting someone at the highest level. I am sure you know very well about his drawings. These were not only simple drawings. he is insulting our Prophet by showing him as a dog as a pig ( the most hateful and dirty animal in Islamic beliefs). No one has ever tried to hurt him or kill him in his earlier life when he was practicing his own religious thoughts. Its the same for all peoples muslims or non muslims, go follow your thoughts but never insult others thoughts. He can say that he dont believe on prophet Muhammad and on islamic teachings but he have no right to insult them in such a dirty way. He is insulting our religion, our beliefs, our thoughts.
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
13 Mar 10
I can see how that would be insulting, but you're talking about killing the guy. How barbaric. And don't tell me that those people haven't been killed for their beliefs. People of different religions all over the world are killed by Muslims just for not being Muslim. The koran says to kill all non believers. I try to have respect,and not lump everyone in the same catagory, but you are beyond stupid. Muahmmed is a man. Just a man. P.s. not even a prophet. He even says himself in the koran he's not sure if it was an angel that gave him his info. It came straight from the satan. Judgement is not the right of man, it belongs to God, and God alone. How you judge others is how you will be judged. Do you think you'll be rewarded for murder in heaven with 20 virgins. Where are you going to find 20 muslim virgins? lol
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@parvezs (105)
• India
13 Mar 10
Answer to "The koran says to kill all non believers".
1. Islam is the religion of mercy and justice.
2. Muslims are commanded to call non-Muslims to Islam with wisdom and beautiful preaching and by debating in a manner that is better
Allah says in Quran:
"And argue not with the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), unless it be in (a way) that is better". [al-‘Ankaboot 29:46]
3. "And if anyone of the Mushrikoon (polytheists, idolaters, pagans, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allaah) seeks your protection then grant him protection so that he may hear the Word of Allaah (the Qur’aan) and then escort him to where he can be secure". [al-Tawbah 9:6]
4. The Muslims believe that it is not permissible, under any circumstances whatsoever, for a Muslim to mistreat a non-Muslim who is not hostile towards Islam; so the Muslim should not commit aggression against him, or frighten him, or terrorize him, or steal his wealth, or embezzle him, or deprive him of his rights, or deny him his trust, or deny him his wages, or withhold from him the price of his goods when buying from him or withhold the profits of a partnership if he is in a business partnership with him.
5. "Allaah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion nor drove you out of your homes. Verily, Allaah loves those who deal with equity". [al-Mumtahanah 60:8]
Finally, Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
"Say (O Muhammad): O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians): Come to a word that is just between us and you, that we worship none but Allaah (Alone), and that we associate no partners with Him, and that none of us shall take others as lords besides Allaah.' Then, if they turn away, say: 'Bear witness that we are Muslims'"

@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
12 Mar 10
A few years ago, an artist put a crucifix and representation of Jesus in a vase full of urine and took a photograph of it, calling it art. Christians all over the world found this offensive because they revere Jesus Christ. However, none of them threatened to kill the artist and he lives on, perfectly safe to express himself.
"do you guys support this type of freedom of expression which can deeply hurt millions of peoples heart and can start violence widely in the world."
The fault lies in those that would start violence, not those who allow freedom. Ask yourself why you find the freedom of others to be such a danger to you? To even say that violence will result from free speech if someone doesn't like it is the same as a threat.
My personal saviour, Jesus Christ, tells me that if someone slaps my cheek, I should offer him my other cheek. HE took all offense upon himself, I have no right to offense. I do not need to defend God, He is not able to be injured by the comments of men. Their comments do not diminish His power. He is God, how can any man do any damage to God? I may feel hurt when someone says something insulting about my God, but my God says I may not kill him for saying it. I am told to forgive and to pray for my enemies.
I am sorry. Those who commit violence are the ones responsible for their actions. No one makes anyone else commit violence, especially not if it is over an insult.
"Why he is doing all this at the time when we need more harmony and peace between different religions."
If "harmony and peace between different religions" means that we must all live in fear of being insulting to someone else, then it's not peace, it's a bullying and threatening atmosphere.
I value my freedom. Because of that, I must respect the freedom of others.
@parvezs (105)
• India
13 Mar 10
The fatwa of the organization about executing the person who insulted Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was correct if we see it in the light of Quran and Hadith.
However there is something else that needs to be done before executing the culprit. It is to talk to that person make him understand that we respect our Prophet (peace be upon him) and the action that you have done is hurting. Try this few times and then if he doesn't repent then...
I think this is not the right place to ask these type of questions, because majority of the members here doesn't know about the teachings of Islam. I know they will think that this action of executing someone is barbaric.
Today the world is influenced by the media and media has portrayed Islam as a religion which instigate its followers to kill non Muslims.
I would like to bring to the notice of everyone that please do not judge a religion by its followers, followers can be wrong, judge it by its teachings. Quran in no place tells us to KILL innocents. It tells us that if you kill one innocent person it is like killing the whole humanity.
(If someone really want to know about the teachings of Islam I would suggest "islamqa.com".)
The people who are doing this cannot be true Muslims. Either they have not understood the religion or they are misguided.
We condemn these killings.
@Firestorm0122 (735)
• United States
12 Mar 10
Most of it stems from a lack of understanding and acceptance. The problem is that Muhammad is worshiped as if he were a god. In the Bible, you will notice there is no earthly image of God. I've heard that to even make a drawing of Muhammad is cause for condemnation, as well as any other picture. But the one I've heard the most from the media is of Muhammad
Too many individuals worry about offending Muhammad who was human like everyone else. Should we be disrespectful and make false accusations against him? No, we shouldn't. But neither should we treat him like a god when he isn't one.
I would be more worried about offending God than anyone else, prophet or not.
However, if someone were to draw my brother in an insulting way, to shame and embarrass him and the family, you can believe I would be angry and upset. But to kill that person because of it, makes me no better. Will it make the al-Qaida any more right to take a life? What right do they have to take a life when they too have committed crimes, hidden and unhidden? The answer is none.
@Firestorm0122 (735)
• United States
13 Mar 10
Exactly. Too many people today are offended so greatly they feel the only way they can be justified is to murder that person, or sue, or shame them. In today's cultures, it's very difficult to just turn the other cheek, forgive, and then move on.
It's like the woman who shot her husband because he looked at another woman. Or the man who strangled his wife because she embarrassed him at the dinner party. It is all right to feel angry at being insulted, but how one directs that anger is the actual concern. Particularly if someone become so angry they think it's okay to rage war and murder.
And it's not.
It's particularly sorrowful when some people make the world so hard to live in.
@angger07 (8)
• Indonesia
12 Mar 10
I did not understand this,but ot all depends us to respond,but if he dared to draw a prophet of a God,that's not true it deserves if gets critism from islamic people,who are now hunting