discussion or statements

@benny128 (3615)
March 12, 2010 5:33am CST
hey all just throwing this open to you all, have you noticed the drop in decent discussions lately I am struggling to find any decent recent discussion to join in on. Also they are plenty of people posting statements as opposed to discussions come on mylotters lets get some decent discussions going woot woot
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18 responses
@kar295rocks (2116)
• India
12 Mar 10
Well, this discussion also sound to be decent and yes, I do agree with you! Why do not you post something very DECENT!? You start and the others will follow!
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@benny128 (3615)
12 Mar 10
I seem to always start discussions lol, and to be honest I would much rather respond to a few really good discussions but theres not many about compared to say a month ago. If everybody started discussions that we could really get our teeth into we would all earn more
@benny128 (3615)
14 Mar 10
have a look and at some of the older discussions and see what you can get your teeth into, a decent discussion to me is something that stimulates a response not a statement or something like how do you eat your chicken or what's your favourite colour. to me its something that maybe controversial and stimulates different views and opinions.
• India
13 Mar 10
Hey, I think this is really meaningful! Can you give an example of a decent discussion, by the way!? Maybe, I can start one after seeing the example!
@allknowing (142676)
• India
12 Mar 10
Go to my page and you will find enough of them. There is not a single 'indecent' discussion there. Hope to see you there.
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@benny128 (3615)
12 Mar 10
am on my way ha ha ha ha otherwise am going to keel over and loose the will to live lol,
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
12 Mar 10
What defines 'indecent'?
@Aaleexix (2290)
• India
12 Mar 10
It is very hard to define the difference between decent and indecent. It is matter of observation. So it is best to term as proper sentiment of discussion. Discussion is a broad view of exchange of thought to establish a concept. And a way to find the unanimous resolution in any subject.
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
12 Mar 10
I have noticed this, too. Although the membership is growing by something like 50 a day (sometimes more, sometimes less), Alexa shows that unique page views have been declining steadily over the last year. I feel that many people who really appreciate (and post) good discussions have become disappointed with the site recently and spend less time here. I have found that I am spending more time reporting discussions that are definite violations and considering many more discussions that might be. Being critical of discussions and rating or reporting those that we don't consider are up to standard is part of the MyLot mechanism and is, I believe, vital to the health of the site. This, of course, takes time and that time is so much less time available for responding to good discussions. Of course, being critical is one side of the coin. The other side is to be positive about it and to make every effort (for those of us who can) to try to start good discussions but, sometimes, what seems as if it should be a good topic gets rather few good responses and the DO doesn't comment back, so the discussion loses way. Statements as 'discussions' are really in the same category as recipes, jokes and such like. They are very often found to be simply copied from some web page or other. We have had a spate of plagiarists recently (but MyLot have dealt with all of those that have been detected) and I was beginning to feel that it was just my perception of the site that was jaded. I am glad that others have noticed the drop in quality recently.
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@benny128 (3615)
12 Mar 10
hey owl, am glad it is just not me, I feel like a veteran on this site lol, and even compared to a month ago the number has dropped. I class a decent discussion as something I can get my teeth into, whether it is controversial or not. Maybe people are worried about their ratings here in mylot and not posting some more controversial subjects who knows. I for one will never go with the grain just for the sake of it, I feel that if we dis-agree with something then we need to pipe up. The last discussion I posted was 1 week ago and that got a few replies about the recession good or bad. The thing I don't understand is that if people posted more quality discussions we could have a proper discussion about the more they would actually earn, though maybe people are expecting mylot to make them a millionaire I really don't know. Oh well onwards and upwards.
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
12 Mar 10
hi Benny... I agree with you that it takes a little while to find a real and decent discussion... Many times, I keep searching from this category to that and finally end up with nothing... And the single liners!! They have started flooding, I fear.. Just before 30 minutes while I was searching for a discussion, I found 4 single liner posts one over the other. I was stunned and couldn't think of anything, so simply changed the category... These post do not serve anything. Their authors post these, just to increase their count in order to make more money. I am sure this is not going to increase their earnings.. But flooding is still really harmful to the site... Something must be done!
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
15 Mar 10
Oh yes, of course such foolish action is expected only from New members, who know little about myLot. I didn't do this when I was new here. I didn't start any discussion for a week after joining. I had the experience of it first, had a feel of this site and then posted a few discussions. Some guys think that there no. of posts is going to increase their earnings... We can't help them... There're a lot of things to discuss.. I personally have many personal or social or political issues, but I would post them only after preparing in a proper way... :) Thank you for sharing Benny... Happy myLotting!
@benny128 (3615)
14 Mar 10
yeah but the number of posts doesn't translate in to earning power, maybe its the newbies that are posting the one liners thinking its going to earn them money when in fact its the opposite. The world changes everyday I can't believe that their is nothing new to discuss he he he
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
12 Mar 10
So if there is a drop in 'decent' discussions, then one can assume that there are more 'indecent' topics? I honsestly have not noticed that trend - but then I don't go there (well not often ). I see what happens here every day, week and month and notice when users going missing and when new ones arrive. I try and throw a rope to some of the interesting new users and indeed there are many. There are also MANY new users who think that myLot is going to make them rich. I have seen many false promotions which I preume are enticing them here telling them all sorts of falsities Since Admin Alice has arrived things here are smoother. She lands wherever there is a problem but this could alsobe the reason why some of the older users are not posting now? Personally I am thrilled to see her on the boards and with her advice we can all get much more from our time spennt here - but sadly not many are noticing here. Oh I am not going to start anymore than I can cope with, which is on average, only one a week. I never see you on them much anyway even though they are not 'indecent'. As I said, I don't do 'indecent', well not in public
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
12 Mar 10
I'm curious, Diana, as to why you think that the more visible presence of an Admin might be a reason that more experienced members are not posting. I would have thought that it would be an encouragement rather than the reverse.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
12 Mar 10
@ benny I doubt you ever will! @ Owl My response to you is not meant to be controversial but it is a result of something I have noticed more than once. You well know that several of us help the new users informing them, when we are certain that what we are saying is what myLot say too. There used to be many more older users informing too but on many occasions theirs was misleading information. When that happens now, Alice sees it and correct them I would often do it in the past, which didn't go down too well as you can guess. I sense that having someone who keeps an eye on us might (note I stress 'might') have stopped some. I certainly don't see some of the familiar names doing it since she arrived (thank goodness!). It should have been an encouragement and indeed to most it is, but to some it is a hindrance as they can no longer post their misleading responses/comments for which they were earning
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@benny128 (3615)
12 Mar 10
miss di being indecent never thought I'd see the day ha ha ha and yeah alice is a god send its great having a face for mylot to keep us all in check.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
12 Mar 10
I've notice this too. So I have been trying to raise a few this past few days. Topics which are interesting to me. I was hoping to get a few others started. I think I've seen a few which are redundant, and I couldn't get myself to respond again. I guess I could if I just want to get my number rating high. Hopefully the veterans come back with interesting topics soon.
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@benny128 (3615)
14 Mar 10
yeah but for me I think its pointless just responding to raise your numbers or ratings I personally don't really care about my rating as I just say what I think and I reckon that is the way that people should reply to discussions and not just reply to try and please people and get plus ratings.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
28 Mar 10
i was too busy even to respond...with children....their studies..now that i am free..i have started emptying my mailbox...and let me see what fresh thing pops up in my mind...to discuss...recently u need to think about the deleting of post...thats again a problematic thing...let me rub my brian...till that time i am responding
@iridium (431)
12 Mar 10
yeah i agree. no posting about stuff in the news, nothing under politics or day to day issues. theres one asking how you eat your fried chicken though! go figure that one out,
@benny128 (3615)
18 Mar 10
yeah its really easy to think of new stuff, as the world changes from day to day peoples live's change daily. Yeah I saw the one about the chicken ha ha ha I felt like putting I put it in my mouth and chew he he he, but I managed to control myself and not be too flippant he he he I think people seem to stay clear of politics though or really good blood boiling topics for fear they might get a negative rating which I think is a weakness in the mylot system if people get negative ratings for simply dis-agreeing with someone else's point of view. But hey ho what can you do hey happy mylotting.
@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
12 Mar 10
I certainly do agree with you, that it has been hard to find discussions that are interesting enough to respond to. Sometimes I have to look for awhile to find ones that I want to respond to. I have also noticed that a lot of so called discussions are nothing but statements like you said, and the sad thing of it is, the same users are posting those day in and day out and posting and posting like that everyday, all day. It is so frustrating too. Ween I see discussions like that, I just ignore them,a ss they really aren't discussions at all, and not worth my time. I agree that if users are going to start discussions, then make them discussions, and not just statements. They are only wasting their time by posting those anyway. Good luck to you and happy mylotting.
@benny128 (3615)
18 Mar 10
its also really easy to turn a statements into a discussion for example for a really silly statement "rain is wet" to turn it into a discussion is really easy "rain is wet, what do you think" it's now a discussion obviously it would be an awful waste of time to post that discussion but if you invite replies you will generally get replies and having better quality discussions.
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
Hmmm, as far as i'm concerned i try to participate daily in the discussions.And when i have to be absent on some days, i make up for it by spending more time the next time i have the chance . Yes i notice some would just post discussions which are irrelevant to the topic at hand, that's very frustrating i know.Thinking of how you tried hard to present your thoughts only to find out that some didn't "feel" you at all.
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@benny128 (3615)
12 Mar 10
yeah its just I like to start discussions but I also like to get my teeth stuck into other peoples discussions as well, to be fair theres not that much about have even added new interests that I ain't really interested in, in a last ditch attempt to actually find some half decent discussions and even that hasn't worked lol, hope it picks up lets get some discussions started that we can get heated about and get stuck in to, though wonder if some people are worried that they may get negative ratings maybe that's the reason.
• United States
12 Mar 10
i agree. that is very true. i have noticed that aswell. maybe some people are running out of things to say. it is hard to tell. but i am guessing there are alot of great questions the need some great answers to aswell. hope that there will be some better discussions up soon. i have been trying my best on writing quality discussions.
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@benny128 (3615)
12 Mar 10
I really have no idea how people can run out of things to say though lol, everyday is different new things are happening in your town country or even in the world as a whole
@Aaleexix (2290)
• India
12 Mar 10
Actually composing a good topic of participation in any topic with creative view is not a easy task. Creativity and well compositional of matter with good presentation is very important for creating any good topics. A question arise here how much of us has the creative power? It is a literary task. And creation of topic in large scale is not easy. But we post after post without having creative power. So discussion are going boring day by day. There is a question always there in literary field. How much a creator can creates good topics. Always there is limitation. It is hard truth in creative field. Stagnancy is always there. But here we don't want to consider this matter. So we find numbers of single lined discussion. Like quiz many of us post discussion with a single line question. Some time we feel whether we are participate in any quiz competition. Second problem is with repeated of same topic and discussion. Most of the repeated discussion are posted here daily basis. It is really boring to attend repeated topics. People find scarcity of topics. So we find here discussion with complain. So time it like are we opening complain box. We can see many discussion based on complain. How much we read complain based discussion.It looked like that people are struggling with topics. So they want to find complain as a matter of topics. Some other want to create gimmicks with complain. Normally gimmicks are attraction of common people. And complain is best way to create gimmicks. All those happening here are not suitable for the genuine people. You are fight in your view that it is very hard to find decent topic here in mylot.
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• India
12 Mar 10
According to you the discussion is not getting seriously it is true friend but what to do all this happen
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@benny128 (3615)
12 Mar 10
to be honest am not really sure what your trying to say, don't understand the reply sorry, but thanks none the less.
@avani26 (1518)
• India
12 Mar 10
I have posted some good decent discussions and I do not get any responses so I now just respond to discussions and yes there are quiet less number of discussions which I would want to respond to.
@benny128 (3615)
12 Mar 10
yeah I guess that is a problem, but if you post a discussion some are popular and some are not its just trial and error. I don't post loads last one was a week ago as been to a wedding and busy with kids but I try and make sure the discussion is current and hopefully people will get their teeth sunk into it my last discussion was recession good or bad and think it got about 12 replies though don't quote me on that as haven't checked lol,
@timhinyy (1653)
• United States
13 Mar 10
i have noticed that too that there just isn't a lot of discussions that make you want to jump right in and be a part of them and i try to add something, but i may at sometimes have gone into a statement or maybe tell a story just to make my point, but i always try at some point in a discussion to put it into some form of a question at some point in the discussion. It is a little hard at times to come up with something that someone else hasn't already covered. It is a rare thing these days to come up with some fresh ideas that will catch others attention, so if you can do that you have accomplished something right there. I'm sure if we all work together and put our minds to it we can come up with some worthwhile discussions it will just take some time.
@kaylachan (76290)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
13 Mar 10
I can't help to agree. I just want to blink or say something really snarky. But, I'm good at holding my tongue against those people. Quite often if I see replies to those type of "discussions" The first thing I see in them is 'thanks for the information'. But, that's all it is information.... that's something I would expect in an answer to a discussion not as a discussion-starter.
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
13 Mar 10
I know what you mean about statements being posted instead of discussions. Those types of discussions that really invite no answers because there is nothing to answer at all. I see a lot of them here. Mostly the one-liner ones.
• United States
12 Mar 10
It depends on the topic of discussion benny, is there a particular topic you want to discuss? If it coincides with my interests, I'd love to discuss! =D