domestic abuse

@benny128 (3615)
March 12, 2010 11:43am CST
hey all, thought I would start this discussion for domestic abuse, I would gues there is a lot of us that have suffered from domestic abuse. People always assume that it is the woman who gets abused, it can also be the male. I was in this situation when I was younger eventually I kicked her out and thats why I am a single dad looking after my 3 kids. I was arrested because one night after I got 2 black eyes from my ex wife after she hit me in the face with a cupboard door. I by that point had enough and restrained her, I rang the police and you know what I was arrested after speaking to the solicitor he said that if there is any domestic altercation the man will always be arrested where as the women will not be. In my case I was an abused husband yet I was penalised and arrested when I had done nothing wrong. What do you guys think is this right as I think the law is always on the side of the woman in most situations. Incidentally my ex has done it to other partners since me as well.
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13 responses
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
12 Mar 10
Hi Benny! I hope you don't mind a woman responding to this discussion. All I can say is, "Thank God you got the kids" as she doesn't sound like she could be a very good mother to me. It's brave of you to mention it, actually as it won't be something that men talk about that often. It also proves that women are capable of being nasty, evil b*tches that can't control their temper. I lived with a guy that mentally wore me down but it took me 2 years to leave him. Glad I did though cos afterwards he shacked up with a younger lass, got her pregnant, neither of them worked, then he left once he got bored of the baby. I feel so sorry for the girl but, because she was younger than him, I reckon that probably worked in his favour. He could control her maybe? Anyway, I hope she's found someone better since then...and I do realise that women are capable of mental cruelty too. In fact, there have been some female dragons I have worked for and I've thought to myself "My God, I'd HATE to be married to THAT!"
@benny128 (3615)
14 Mar 10
nah all welcome I started this after seeing loads of discussions about domestic abuse and all assuming it was the man doing the abusing when that just is not true. I think men don't talk about it for a number of reasons, the first being the man thing where they don't want to be accused of being soft and weak and also from the fact that most people don't believe men have been abused especially in my experience the police and courts. I would never change anything as I have 3 fantastic kids and to be honest I would never want to have my kids in the situation that I was in even indirectly.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Mar 10
That is just what I expected from you, my friend, protecting your children from this woman. You have definitely done the right thing. It's a shame that some people will think that men who are abused by women are weak. I think they are the opposite, actually and you were strong enough to get well away from her and bring the children up yourself. Highly admirable!
@kaylachan (76377)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
13 Mar 10
I have noticed this as well, but the police often have to make a split-second decision in a situation like that. And, quite often the woman are often seen as the victums. You have to remember they weren't there when the insodent occoured and the law states if you use physical restraint, you're going to be the one arrested. Its a sad reality, and I don't think your ex would have out-right admitted to being the agresser. I am sorry that you're a single dad raising three kids. Being a single parent isn't easy, but you can take joy and confert in knowing your children are safe. One day down the line your ex will get what's coming to her, just probably not as quick as you would like.
@benny128 (3615)
14 Mar 10
yeah but you are allowed to use resonable force I am sorry but restraining someone who has just given you 2 black guys personally to me is resonable force in my eyes. Also yeah I know what you mean about the split second decision though when I have 2 black eyes and my partner is unharmed plus when its me thats called them in the first place I think its a bit off that I was arrested and she wasn't even questioned under caution. Its a waste of police resources I did get an appology off the police bu what if I was arrested and my partner then turned on the kids. I think people need to wake up to the fact that women abuse as well as men, both physically and sexually but I guess that's the assumption most people make, and no I really don't care if she gets what's coming to her I am not that kind of person. My reality is my great 3 kids and that is all I am concerned about.
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
12 Mar 10
I think it is wrong that you were the one that was arrested. I mean you were the one being abused and she got nothing. That is so wrong. I know the law is on the woman's side for a lot ofthings and that does need to change. Maybe since she has done it with other partners that something has happened to her.
@benny128 (3615)
14 Mar 10
well that's life, I think it is totally wrong, but even in night clubs if you see a man and a woman arguing people will always assume that its the man that's started it. I guess equality only exists in certain area's and in some area's if doesn't exist.
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
12 Mar 10
well i think with you, i guess the cops or anyone else dont hear much about the man is being abuse. i did have a g/f who used to hit me all the time, i told her she's not dating a punching bag. well i broke it off. but i think if there is proof that you are the one who's being abuse she should have gotten locked up not you. but now i do know females who been abused, and my own neice was by her husband and i told him next time he feel like punching her, please come over and punch on me, bet he wont never touch her again because he would be piicking himself off the floor. a man who hits a woman is a punch a$$ he wont hit on someone who cant fight back.
@benny128 (3615)
12 Mar 10
yeah I think men are scared of saying it happens I also think that people assume its always the women who are the victims not the men
@scja16 (322)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
Thats unfair...What is equal rights for? Woman always wants to have equal rights so even on your situation it should be equal as well. Atleast you know that you are innocent. God bless
@benny128 (3615)
14 Mar 10
yeah I was, but the assumption of most people is that abuse only happens to females and this is simply not true.
• Canada
13 Mar 10
I dont thinkthis is right at all I mean some women are nuts. But it is true that in most cases it will be the woman who is abused. I guess that it just has to be investigated more but of course the police wont do that because they dont want to take the time and sometimes dont have the time.
@benny128 (3615)
14 Mar 10
to be honest its an assumption that in most cases its the woman who is abused I know a lot of men who have been abused and have not reported it to the police for the same reasons that I feel like its not worth reporting it to the police thru my own experiences should it happen to me again.
• United States
13 Mar 10
I'm sure this happens alot, I think alot of men wouldn't tell anyone. I give credit for speaking out on this. If more men would speak out about this sure things would change. I'm glad u got rid of her! Liz. :)
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
13 Mar 10
No its messed up and not right at all. I've heard and read stories about this kind of thing all the time and once I read the woman even admitted to being the one doing the hitting and still the police charged him with domestic abuse and he went to jail. I'm trying to find an answer to understand that . Someone had told me once about some abusive males intentionally causing injuries to themselves thinking the police would take the woman to jail instead. From my experience in an abusive relationship I can see that kind of thing happening. My ex was just the sort of man who would have done something like that. However it doesn't explain when the woman obviously has not even been touched and she's admitting to it.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
13 Mar 10
No its not right at all and they need to get their brains in gear and make some changes with the law on that . I've been looking in this subject since meeting a man some years ago who went through abuse by his fiance and read and hear this same thing all the time. I mean there will be evidence plain as day that the man is the one who got beat up while the wife /girlfriend hasn't been touched at all so I just don't get it unless the police are all blind.
@krisnel (498)
• Philippines
14 Mar 10
men are not the one who abuse women because women can also do it to men. abuse is not about gender, it is about to those who character that can make to hurt another people. thats why there are some who called a battered husband and wife. since your ex has done it to you and to her other partner. maybe she has a problem with herself and she should undergo a rehab.
@Ladyslipper (1327)
• Philippines
13 Mar 10
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone (man or woman). However, majority of the reports show that most of the time the prepetrator is a man. I have already heard of stories of husbands being abused by their wives. However, in our country this is a rare case. I am not sure if this is because men are ashamed to admit they are victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence does not only pertain to physical abuse. It may also include threats, emotional abuse, intimidation, economic deprivation, etc. Most of the time however, domestic violence is considered as equal to physical abuse. In this perspective, since men are more physically domineering than women then, that could be the reason when we hear the term "domestic violence" it is always associated to a woman as the victim of the violence.
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
The solicitor was a bigot as with other human beings. These instances go around freely. I just hope that someday the tables wont turn.
@benny128 (3615)
12 Mar 10
well have spoke to a few solicitors and they all say the same both males and female solicitors. Its just like the break up of a marriage the house usually goes to the woman etc etc
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@Mike4me (567)
• Philippines
13 Mar 10
oh that is just not right, what's happening to the laws nowadays, grr don't they ask questions first? didn't they see your black eyes by that time? Oh what happened to you was just not right at all, it's really frustrating. What if it was something worst? and the victim was blamed? government should take actions about it, justice should be served.