do you think the top 12 american idol deserved it?
@always_bluemoon (16)
March 13, 2010 12:18pm CST
i meant to write this post 2 days ago but being so busy i didnt get a chance to write it, anyway i watched the show live as it telecast and i have to say i was very disappointed because two of my favorites are gone specially "alex lambert", i believe he have a very good potential and it didnt show because he was cut off so early.
it brings tears to my eyes when i watch him go, i saw the tears that flows in his eyes ad i just sigh and say " it is not fair", yeah i know only one will win and whether i like it or not one will definitely go every week but he didnt deserve to go this early.
his face looks so devastated when his name was not called to be on the top 12, and so am i., i just cant believe it andrew garcia is a good singer but he have a typical voice and beside he's been inconsistent on his performance since hollywood week and alex is doing well and suddenly the ax went to him.
i cant help but talking this situation to friends and family and i dont know if they are just being nice to me so they agree or they really think that he dont deserve it, my sister says she likes the white haired one and she hopes she stay then i called her and says she is gone and she is not happy about it.
well i guess we will just have to agree to disagree with the result, it is a personal choice and i am just voicing mine.
i just wonder how american idol will be like in my taste after alex lambert and lilly scott is gone.
i will still watch it because lee dewyze is still there and i think he have a great future ahead of him, i think he will be on the top three i am keeping my fingers crossed haha.
as always,
6 responses
@attractivestone (41)
• United States
14 Mar 10
American Idol is like having to listen to Potsie sing over and over again.
@always_bluemoon (16)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
hi there,
i cannot blame you for feeling that way and we will just agree to disagree since it is your opinion and view, i appreciate your time and and post.
as always,
@inkyuboz (1392)
• Mandaluyong City, Philippines
15 Mar 10
Glad to know that everyone's on the same page regarding Alex Lambert's shocking boot. He was really one of the best, if not the best guy there. Seeing him go this early makes me root for the girls even more. The 6 guys in this year's Top 12 are nothing but mediocre singers in my book. Good lord. How I wish all of them get eliminated in the first 6 weeks. Preferably Tim Urban in the first week...
I was also disappointed that Lilly Scott didn't make it through. She was one of those voices you rarely hear in American Idol. I believe if she made it, she could have performed well in the first theme night: The Rolling Stones.
Oh well, you get what you give. Hopefully the few deserving people will stay in the competition. WAKE UP AMERICA!
@always_bluemoon (16)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
hi there inkyuboz (sounds like one of the music group but better spelling hahaha),
thank you for your two cents specially with alex's he deserve better than being eliminated before the final 12, it makes me more disappointed when i heard it will be rolling stone this week - ouch! adding more insult to my injury LOL.
i like tim urban - just the look haha he makes me feel young and i have to tease my son that i hope he gets that look and not just the hair LOL. kidding aside i think he will have better future if he follows ellen degenere's advice of being an actor who knows maybe he will have a shot in "glee" show or highschool musical.
there is only one guy i am rooting now "lee" and i really hope he will be atleast at the top 3 together with crystal but with how america is voting i will never know till it is the end of the season.
btw, love love love lilly scott's voice she have this amazing voice that i think can be mold as near as norah jones over time but like she said there will be a crowd that will enjoy her music hopefully she will try again and maybe it will work better then.
as always,
@mslena75 (561)
• United States
14 Mar 10
I like to watch American Idol but I detest the way that it is run. It should NOT be up to America to can tell by the outcomes each week that the morons who take the time to vote wouldn't know talent if it bit them on the nose. I have seen lots of very talented people get cut over those appear to be winning the popularity with the public because they are good looking or some other shallow reason. I'm glad though that they all get exposure, winners or not. If you think about it, most of the winners also end up fading into oblivion too anyway. Some of the best products out of American Idol didn't even win.
@always_bluemoon (16)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
hello, i agree with you on most extent since the two i like got boot off, like you there are few in the top 12 that i feel shouldnt be there but since america voted for them they are there - i guess we just have to say that it is america mostly who buys their record and so the vote really counts on what they feel should be there.
there are only few past idol who is really making their name on the industry even those who didnt win and that is where i feel that the voting process is a flaw.
anyhow, i think some voted for the looks like you said as well but some voted because they really feel they deserve it, let's just hope this season will be a better one and not like the past fading idols.
appreciate your post btw.
as always,
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
13 Mar 10 critique come s from a bit of expreience. I have been playing music since I was 10-ish. so I listent to them from the angle of recording and performing music. Now, I admitiedly can't sing but one doesn't need to know how to drive a race car to know when the car is on fire. I'm picky on vocals.
I am pleased to see this year the overwheling majority of the contestants are genuine musicians. They all play something, pretty well in fact. Some very skilled guitarists this year and I'm glad to see it being featured so much. So far the best overall performing musicians are Krystal Bowersox, Casey James and Andrew Garcia.
I take issue when the judges continually toss out the "wow moment" bomb. Speaking as a performing musician of nearly 30 years, I can confidently say that not every song in a concert is a wow moment, nor is every track on a cd a wow moment. One must look at over all consistancy in performance and quality.
@always_bluemoon (16)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
hi xfahctor, thanks for sharing your thoughts and for giving a view from a musician's perspective i dont play any instrument but has been a choir member since i was 5 but i dont have a good voice in my honest opinion.
i have to agree with you on the judging part that you mention coz most of the time i feel that they are giving contradicting views and it seems to just confuse the heck of the listener, maybe they know it better since they are in the music industry and really looking for the "wow" one but like you said not all is a wow in a concert or cd's - honestly some are just ok and i feel they dont really deserve to be there. not much musicians now, i mean originality wise i think 60's to early 80's are still the best.
btw, i think that is the reason why i feel andrew garcia shouldnt be there since the consistency and quality of it lacks for 3 weeks now but hopefully he will show up something better this week since my daughter enjoys him a lot.
as always,
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
14 Mar 10
I was also disppointed in Alex and Lilly leaving the show. I think there were others who should have gotten the boot. Such as, Andrew Garcia and either Didi or Paige. Lilly was different as well as Alex. His voice has such a different tone to it. I seriously think most of the time the people voting are just voting for looks and not for the singing. Very discouraging. I believe if Crystal stays healthy she will be the winner.
@always_bluemoon (16)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
hi lelin1123,
i am glad you feel the same way i do :) at least i dont feel bad voicing myself out as it seems to be so childish of me haha.
yeah, i was very shock indeed when alex was called specially when andrew was not performing that well the past few times and should have gotten the ax earlier - i just hope he proves us wrong since he looks like a good guy BUT like you said it is not about the looks BUT the talent, he is talented no doubt about it but we already have those kind of singers in our world and i am looking for a new kind of something this time.
i think my music time still falls in the 60's to early 80's where i feel most talent are really raw and fun.
yes, crystal will be in the final three if she continuous to wow the judges and america i do like her sound and style and i also like lee dywze even though there is already so much the same voice as him, i still think that he will do good in this industry.
all the best,
@kaylachan (76267)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
14 Mar 10
A couple of my favorites are gone. I don't remember their names, but they didn't make it into the top 12. But, I just chock it up to the fact I didn't remember to vote like I should have. If I had remembered to vote they may have made it another week, but I don't know that for sure eaither. Life goes on.
@always_bluemoon (16)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
hello kaylachan,
dont worry i dont remember all tehir names iether :) i just often look on their site to see who they are and learn something about them if i am really that interested.
i honestly dont vote just watch and hope that those i like will stay some how, maybe next time you can vote and who knows it might make a difference on the outcome.
like you said, life indeed goes on no matter what.
as always,