Do you recycle a lot?

@newtalent (1112)
United States
March 14, 2010 9:00am CST
We try to recycle. But it is so hard to do it. It is time consuming but if are in a habit it is pretty easy. My parents will throw everything in a bag instead of putting in in separate bins that are supplied by the city. They will though collect the cans and turn them in or if they are traveling they will do this with the bottles. That's about it. What about you, what are your recycling habits?
1 person likes this
19 responses
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
15 Mar 10
We recycle just about everything that comes into our home. Our diet in our home is mostly a raw vegan one so most of our food scraps go into our compost pile to be used in our garden. - Any paper we get, we shred and keep for packaging with our business. We keep bubble wrap for this purpose too and also source second hand bubble wrap to use. - We re-use all of the cardboard boxes that come into our home too. - Any plastic bags or wrapping that come into the house, I put into a big bag and take to my archery club to be stuffed into bales that hold the targets. - Any glass bottles, tin cans, paper or cardboard that we do not use is put into a recycling bin which our city collect once every two weeks. Our regular garbage bin that they collect and take to the landfill every week is nearly empty most weeks.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
15 Mar 10
What do you mean by an association? I am imagining it being what we call a complex here with lots of small units with tiny backyards.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
23 Mar 10
Thanks for the BR! I really appreciate it.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Yeah I will reuse bubble wrap to. Envelopes to if I an very careful in taking off the old sticker. I like to save money too. That is a motivation in itself to recycle. There is so much out there that we can do. Yeah I cannot do the compost pile. I live in a n association and it is hard to. If they can see it they are writing letters. Associations need to lighten up and go green. Great Job. Thanks for your input.
• United States
14 Mar 10
When you stop to think about it, it's not time consuming. You have to take the trash to the curb anyway. What difference does it make if it is the big trash can or the little recycle bin? And it means that your taxes are less because the city/county are going to sell the recycled stuff for the cash $$ which goes into their general tax fund. The more they can recycle, the higher the income & the less they need to raise your taxes. Another good reason for recycling. Tell your folks that their taxes will go down... or do they live in an apt & not pay the taxes directly?
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Hi Lamb, thanks for directing traffic to me ( sorry I caused confusion). I had to be answering you at the same time my spouse walks in, lol. He said quote " See you cause confusion for those on the internet too, How do you expect me to understand?" Take care.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Hey TQ, I just learned something from you. I did not know it can lower your taxes in some way. Good post. You would think people would want to do it because it could save them money in the long run. Take care.
• United States
15 Mar 10
To: The Lamb Lies Down... Oops!! You are right. This was the discussion I was trying to find.... How did you do it? And how do I post this message to you instead of to the entire discussion since it doesn't mean anything to them?
• United States
14 Mar 10
I recycle and reuse things all the time. The main things I recycle though have been aluminum cans for a while now. Somewhat recently I have started saving soup cans (steel or tin, basically). I'm actually getting ready to take the steel cans to the recycling place soon. I also have this old plasic bottle on my desk. It's the kind that tennis balls come in. I use it to keep my loose change in. At the moment it's about halfway filled up. Mainly with pennies though.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
You guys both make good points. If you can reuse then do it. If you can pass it on that is great. I have to laugh when I see people go out and buy rags to clean crap up or as you pointed out buying paper and it costing money.. Its such a waste and expensive. OK TQ, my friend is the same in quilting. She will cut squares from jeans, and other clothing. Sh hardly throws actual trash out. She went and picked up a fence to fence her yard that someone was throwing out. Sometimes it drives me a little nuts but I understand her reasoning and it is a good deed she is doing. Yes your motto is true.
• United States
14 Mar 10
I'm with you. If I can recycle or reuse something, I don't have to buy it. Then I have more $$ to spend on stuff I really want, instead of stuff I think I need. My county recycles so they get my cardboard boxes & glass & plastic. Steel cans & aluminum are mine for the $$ at the recycle plant. Electric cords are copper & they pay very well for that. I ask folks for their old clothing. If it's in good shape, I use it & if it doesn't fit, it gets passed to people I know need it or to the homeless shelter. Stuff that isn't in good shape is cut up for cleaning cloths so I don't have to spend my $$ on paper towels. If the item is really nice fabric, I use it for my crafting or it is cut into sizeable pieces & sold to quilters & crafters for their needs. I love recycling!! SUFE - SEcond use for everything.
@MrKennedy (1978)
15 Mar 10
The local council have started giving out gifts and bonuses to people who recycle frequently, so I guess that's a little extra motivation to recycle. I do recycle whenever I can, which gets collected every fortnight
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
A little motivation is good if it works. I feel the reward is when you know you are helping your environment and keep doing what ever you can to help. As for possibly being ticketed TQ, I would not be surprised. Yeah we tried to get the solar lined shingles association would not allow it and it was quite expensive to get. It hard when your fighting obstacles to get what you need done to help your environment. I found out about the shingles from my friend. I had no clue. Like I said before We always can learn something new if we allow ourselves to. i hope you do not mind me using initials when referring to you. I am not being disrespectful. I should of asked first. I was telling my friend about and the similarities you guys have and it just stuck. Thanks for posting and take care.
• United States
15 Mar 10
California does it just the opposite. If you don't recycle, you get fined. So I guess everyone gets the positive motivation when they don't get the fine. And I've heard that the trash men are empowered to write the tickets if they see recyclable materials in the trash pickup. Don't know if this is true or not, but it is true that CA is miles ahead of everyone else in their recycling efforts. They have stricter smog controls on their vehicles. They have solar collection panels built into their roof shingles & then purchase the surplus power from the homeowner so they don't have to build more power plants. And so many other recycle efforts on their part.
@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
14 Mar 10
As far as I am concerned, I think I do not have a habbit of recyle some other things. I just throw the things are out of use. For me, I know that it is good to recyle things when the things are out of use. So , in the future life, I think I will try my best to develop a good habbit of recyle things and not just set them aside.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
14 Mar 10
That is good. I know it is hard to start.Everything may be able to be used for something. Looking for the symbols too are a pain too just to see if it was from a recycled product. I try but not a priority as much as it should be. I know individuals that have basically a compost garden of old food paper material etc... I do not go that far. Thanks for your input.
• United States
14 Mar 10
I love your friend's thinking. I use all organic material that I can scrounge for my garden. I haven't had to purchase any fertilizer in 15 years or more. And one of my tomato plants can yield as much as 100 pounds of tomatoes.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Hi TrashQueen, yeah my friend Brenda is the same way. WE laugh if there ever had to dig up her yard for whatever reasons she would get funny looks, LOL. She has the best crops when she has her garden going strong. I live in a association so you have neighborhood watch dogs, lol. You guys would get along great. She is on all these groups and she sends me stuff. I try to. I just cannot my parents to do it. Of course my child is conscientious about it too. I have to laugh she uses her pencils right down to the nub ( my daughter). I cannot do that. That is a lot of tomatoes. I know you must have a lot of friends or buyers to use all those. My friend does the same --she does not buy what she does not and tries to live off her land and garden. Back to the basics. Thanks for posting.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Mar 10
Hi! We live in a row of terraced houses and each household has a Green Box for recycling glass, paper and aluminium, plus two bags with solid bottoms to place (in one) small cardboard boxes (and the other) plastic. Not all plastic is recyclable but it's a lot better than it used to be. It all gets collected on a weekly basis..the box one week and the bags another...along with the landfill waste in a refuse bag. The reason for this sudden surge in recycling in the UK is that our landfill sites are becoming full and no-one wants a new site opening near their homes. In one job I had I visited two landfill sites and I was amazed at the size of them...but they were getting full. The people running the sites have started utilising the liquid that forms after years of compaction and converted it into electricity which is a brilliant idea isn't it? We still have rubbish going to landfill but some things just can't be recycled at present. In Towns and Cities across the country there are also Recycling Centres where one can take large items to be recycled. These are becoming increasingly popular but is limited to household waste. I really think something should be done about trade waste as, currently, there is a charge to go to landfill sites..therefore fly tipping can be a problem. We have a long way to go but I am proud of Cumbria's efforts so far this last 5 years or so.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Mar 10
Yes, it's amazing what we are all getting up to isn't it. Fascinating subject too, don't you think? Many thanks for applauding our efforts, it can be a pain at times but I do know it's worthwhile participating...and we really haven't got much choice in the matter if I'm being honest.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Wow when I started this discussion, I had no idea of what everyone was doing to help their environment and how I could improve myself in what I can do. We have bins where live and I have to say I fill it up every week-- sometime my neighbors too. Trying to get the parents to do well they just tell me off. Its annoying. Yeah our site is getting full to. I don't drive in that direction unless I absolutely have to. The stench is horrible. But if all pitched in a little it would make world of difference. If we bought things that recyclable then it would send the message to these manufacturers that as consumers we have a choice to buy recycle products or not. You are doing great, thanks for your input.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
15 Mar 10
here in the city i live in we are only allowed to put out one bag of trash per week so that means we have to recycle the rest! (we also have a box that is picked up for food scraps and whatnot). it is a bit of a challenge, but its do able.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Wow they definitely take recycling seriously. We do not have bags but one big trash and the lid has to closed on its own or they will not take it. They have brush pick up once a month--used to be once a week. I just cannot stand to see what can be used by someone is tossed away. My all time favorite is buying rags or buying containers to put things in, but your tossing away these items that can be used for this. Or you buy the same item you already have and toss the old one out after you find instead of just looking for it a little harder. Thanks for posting.
@youless (112923)
• Guangzhou, China
15 Mar 10
I think it needs some time for more people to change the habit. I try to recycle. I put the newspaper and other paper and the plastic bottles together because they can recycle. I like to do more things to better our environment. I love China
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
It may be hard a t first but just like anything once you do it then it becomes second nature without even thinking about. What cutie!
@jilshi (271)
• Malaysia
15 Mar 10
i'm not passion to do recycle stuff and lazy to collect all those items. furthermore the recycle belongings cannot sell for high price. since early this year, a lot of shopping mall at my place does not provide plastic bags on saturday. we have to pay 20cents if we need a plastic bag. i appreciate their effort and i begin to bring recycle bags along whenever goes shopping. hope my action will save the earth too.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Well it got you to bring your own bag or pay for it, right? You are trying. If money was the motivating factor or not, it is a start. Not to get off topic but you made an experience jump in my head when you said you have to pay for a bag. Experience: One of the stores here (cannot name it, at least I don't think we can) started to charge you (customers) for using their shopping carts a quarter. They were chained up and it took a quarter to release them. I chose to bring a bag instead--surely got followed, lol. They asked why I was not using their cart --I said I am not paying you to come look or shop in your store. Their reason they were charging this amount was because the carts were leaving the store and not coming back. They were losing money. I also told them that this way it keeps me from over buying (which creates less trash to distribute) they did not like my comment and the locking carts soon came off not because of me. They probably thought about and maybe seen the sales, or traffic diminish. A little off topic but your comment reminded me of that.
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
In our city, the government is strictly ensuring that the rules in Material Recovery Facility is being obeyed, so we just have to segregate the papers, plastics, bottles,tins etc and have a separate trash for the biodegradable from the non-biodegradable. It is just a matter on how we discipline ourselves and be good to the environment we live in.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Yes it is dependent on how we discipline ourselves. First we have to acknowledge the problem. Some people just do not care, it is not our problem, I am to old to change or care. Ya' know they pass the buck for someone else to take responsibility or in some cases be forced to do it. I do what I can and know what to do but with some of the responses here I have learned more about things I can do. Even more importantly that there are people out there that do exactly that . They do recycle as part of their everyday life. Which is good to do for everyone involved. Thanks for responding.
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
My wife recycles a lot but I simply do not have the time. We argue a lot of times because of this. As a compromise, I just do it whenever I can
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Trying is the first step and keeping it up is the next step. So if you have to take baby steps that is okay. We all have to start somewhere. Thanks for pitching in. Every little bit helps. Thanks for responding.
@mvpvteye (14)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
Old clothes - donated to charity in nearby towns WOrn out clothes/tattered - reused as rags Bottles (plastic of PET and glass) are resold to junkshops who sell it to palstic and glass recyclers Paper - sold to to junkshops who sell to paper manufacturers We segregate by assigning bins for recyclable and non-recyclable waste.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
All of these things are great. I cannot say enough for those that actively engage in trying to recycle. My child tells me what is recycle-able and what is not. For the most part she is right. Teaching our children is away to get the message across to. What comes naturally is becomes easy to do. Walking, riding a bicycle, instead of driving. Little changes can make a big difference. Thanks for sharing.
• United States
15 Mar 10
I asked earlier, but I don't see it, so I guess the computers didn't want to talk to each other that early in the AM In the original statements for this discussion NewTalent states that her parents "if they are traveling they will do this with the bottles" My question is .. do what? & what kind of bottles? and what do you mean by traveling? Daily commute or long distance?
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Hi, My mom goes to MASS and ( a few other states too) they can return bottles there for money because of the bottle return policy. She will save these suckers to return them there or if she will be near an area that will take returns for the bottles she will save them. Certain states have bottle deposit and returns. So she will collect them and turn them in for cash to the store I believe. Its only a few dollars at a time or so. But she cannot segregate item in her house for recycling. That drives me crazy. I hope I explained that right to you.
• United States
15 Mar 10
What do you mean if they are traveling they will do it with bottles? And are we talking glass or plastic bottles?
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Certain state will let you turn in bottles that a deposit has been paid on them. When they travel they will collect them and turn them in. I think it is like a 5 cent deposit on each bottle or something like that. My mom will walk and collect them so she can return them or turn them in to the store (in her little buggy ) for the refund. She recycling but getting paid for it , lol.
• United States
14 Mar 10
We do recycle a lot. We recycle our cans, glass and cardboard. We have a facility up here that will take everything that we have and recycle it and I'd prefer to recycle over just throwing things away. Recycling gives jobs and helps us save resources and money so I do it every chance that I get.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Wonderful! You have an advantage than most by having it close to you. Another good point on resources and jobs. There so many uses for things that anyone can help. There so many natural products to clean with and to make your detergents, cleaners, etc... I have not found one for the dishwasher yet.That's great. Take care.
• Philippines
14 Mar 10
I don't recycle. Well, I don't know how to do it! I'm not being ignorant about it, it's just not so convenient. Maybe just the bottles, we sell them to the junk shop. That's it. :)
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Anything is a help. There should be local information available on where or how to unless your area is not close to one. Still donating stuff you no longer use to shelters, reusing certain for holding things, or a number of things you can do. Watering plants with your water or drink instead of throwing it out. I mean thinking of alternative uses for the items you have no longer use for. You will be amazed of what you are doing and not even know let alone what you can do. Take care.
@jugsjugs (12967)
14 Mar 10
I do try to recycle as much as i can as it saves alot of room in my bins aswell as we do have a recycle lorry that collects all the recyclable things aswell.I think that there are alot of things that can be recycled aswell as there are alot of things that people never recycle that they can.I think it is ok once you have got the hang aswell as in a routine of sorting all your rubbish.You have to get into the habit of recycling the rubbish.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Yes it become easier as you get into the hang of things. I know it was hard for me to start. But now we have two bins to put items in. I also free cycle items I do not need or want anymore. I would rather see it go to someone then throw in the trash. Lastly I reuse clothing for rags if it is not in good condition to give away. Basically I try to find a home for it whenever possible. Glad to hear others are trying to do it too. After awhile it becomes like second nature. Thanks.
@teamrose (1492)
• United States
14 Mar 10
I recycle all the time. It just a habit that is easy to do.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 10
I agree with you. It is quite easy. if you just organize yourself and throw things where they belong as far as real trash goes. It will become second nature. Thanks for responding.
@kaylachan (76294)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
15 Mar 10
I wish I could say yes, but ever since I moved out of my parents' house I don't anymore. Growing up, My parents recycled a lot. We had a green bin outside our house and all our recycleables would go in it. it was picked up every week without fail. Our complex has recycle bins, but George and I don't use them.