Why man has created God?

@vine88 (1031)
March 14, 2010 1:00pm CST
There are much more arguments in the name of God. There are so many religion in the name of God. There are so many mysteries in the name of God. There are so many wars in the name of God. There are so many books in the name of God. There are so many temples/church/mosque in the name of God. Why man has created this trouble? Share?
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27 responses
@tessah (6617)
• United States
14 Mar 10
i think the real question is.. why do YOU seem hell bent on causing troubles by slamming what others beleive simply because you do not? hmm?
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@vine88 (1031)
• India
14 Mar 10
Hi, Tessah, Thanks for your openion, it's a discussion, we can discuss any things. Jesus never speak to peoples the way you speak with me. Does your God teaches this thing to you.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
14 Mar 10
i know many who Jesus as well as other Gods speak to quite plainly. but youve got to be willing to actually listen. why should They waste their breath to deaf ears?
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@vine88 (1031)
• India
14 Mar 10
If i hurt you , i am sorry.
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@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Why did God create man? Man is trouble and they have free will that God gave them. It is their choice to start war and it is not God's will to have war. Man likes to use His name but that is not what God is about. Just like it is you choice not to believe and that is okay. But don't disrespect the people who do believe in Him. I could tell you many stories on how God has touched my life and the difference He has made. I am not sure you would believe me. Right now you have doubts and again that is okay. Faith is a believe I can't make God pop out or show you a picture to prove it. I just know it in my heart and have had to many experiences that have nothing to do with man. Everyone has to experience God on their own and find out about Him on their own. I am not sure if you have a friends who believe or not. I would suggest start with them if you want to know more about God. With more knowledge you learn about Him then you can decide if you still don't want to believe or start to have faith and trust in Him. Whatever you decide I wish you well and take care. Peace
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@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
31 Mar 10
Judas didn't fully understand everything about Jesus for one. Also he had free will was greedy and went for the money. Jesus came to suffer and die on the cross to redeem the world for all of our sins. He chose to die and that washes out what Adam and Eve did by creating sin. After Judas fully understood what he had done he couldn't even live with himself and killed himself.
@vine88 (1031)
• India
31 Mar 10
why somebody betrayed him (Jesus). Knowing that he is god. why why....
• India
15 Mar 10
A slight correction please. Man has not created God, God has created Man. Ofcourse the trouble is created by Man. See when you are given a freedom to do something, if you just go beyond your limits creating nuisance to others around you who also have a freedom to do something naturally a conflict of some sort is the outcome. It is because of the idiotic ignorance about God the trouble was created. God is one and he is above all and people want their god to be above all! air is air everywhere. You can't say this air is better than that air. It is oxygen that gives us life and it is that oxygen gives life to everyone on earth. there is not better or less about it. Similar analogy holds good for God also. There is no better or less. That is one ultimate thing we are all absolutely ignorant of.
@May2k8 (18478)
• Indonesia
14 Mar 10
because God is eternal and organize human life to take the right path and people use these words for us to know that he was in power and no one can match with him. God does not know the word of fear or tired he was there when we need.
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@vine88 (1031)
• India
14 Mar 10
hi, may, Thanks for your opinion.
@reploid (1371)
• France
14 Mar 10
Man create God because we needed a beginning to the story of humanity. By creating god mankind put his beliefs into something superior than himself, something that no one can really understand.
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@vine88 (1031)
• India
14 Mar 10
Hi, Reploid, Thank you for your opinion. I think, person like Jesus is always ahead of him time and people at that time don't understand and know him. They are genius, they are not simple man/women they are extraordinary, they are super human. I think so that we don't understand what they are saying, we don't have such kinds of vision. letter we will know.
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@ispuray (93)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
"I am" that is the name of my God, he created all things in the name of my Lord, my God is my Savior, god is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient he knows all these i just do not know why He is allowing these
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@Celanith (2327)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Mankind would rather have gods they can control, destroy, throw off, and ignore than one who created everything and mankind and gave mankind rules of conduct to follow. It is called rebellion and the first being who rebelled was Satan the father of all lies and who stirs discord and appears as one of light and well being and good. Man created god because man wants to do as man chooses without penalty or consequences. However that is for them not for others. If others do evil or harm to them they want others to pay for the harm done. It is to do with human nature and selfishness and self centeredness. I can lie a little and it does not matter, I can just steal a couple of cookies no one will notice, I can cheat on my wife or husband as long as I am not caught who is going to know or suffer. It is called human nature and if man says there is no God or they make their own gods then mankind can excuse him or herself for any wrong by saying well so what it is only a stone, metal, wood idol anyway. But to have a true creator brings about the fact doing wrong is not right and never was. A true creator has to be adhered and answered to sooner or later.
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
15 Mar 10
First of all, let us not see God as a 'trouble'.. In the ancient times, when the human being had begun to socialize and when the villages were being settled on the river banks; human's knowledge of nature was too feeble. He would never be able to understand certain things like storms or other natural disasters or even wonderful things like a rainbow. He couldn't understand those, because he had not had sufficient knowledge about nature or science. So he assumed that there was a mighty and invisible power (in the sky or heavens) which creates and destroys things around him. That power, over many generations, was named as God... It was needed and it came automatically- nobody planned it! It was needed to uphold passion to be alive and to struggle in humans. The same assumed power gave him emotionally balancing support and strength when it was required the most... The human beings were spread all over the world. That gave rise to different communities and faiths. As there was no mode of communication among different far placed regions, for many centuries their faiths remained the only ones for different communities. After some time the modes of transport were availed by the genius that we've been gifted with. The people from one part of world started traveling to others and that is where the clashes began. For centuries they had believed that the one they called God, was the only Almighty power. When they saw other communities worshiping another power, the clashes between such communities began... And unfortunately, after so much knowledge of science, nature etc., we still fight for these beliefs, for no good reason. There are still weirdos who believe that their religion or faith is the best and all others are making of Satan. They feel that it is their holy duty to destroy other faiths and their believers. This is truly unfortunate! The reality is that that we're children of only one Mighty power and that is our God. His existence can't be judged but He makes us feel His presence, during the times of crises... Thank you for starting this conversation... Happy myLotting!!
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
19 Mar 10
I don't know about He or She! I believe that there is only one God... And that is the Almighty! It is us who created names and all, for our own convenience. There is only one God and we're all His children. I believe I have given sufficient and logical reasons for 'why we created God!'... Have fun! Happy myLotting!
@vine88 (1031)
• India
18 Mar 10
Hi, mr pearl, you said he (he) is god. You have not mention his name? Is he Jesus? Is there only he god in this world. why there is not she god? Thanks for this fable mention above. Feel nice to know. Thanks for your feelings. They are great. Thank you.
@vine88 (1031)
• India
31 Mar 10
Hi, pearl, so you believe in invisible powers... as far as muslim is concern... there is no shape and no figure of their god....but his name is mohamed. Are you muslim??
@primeaque86 (8108)
• Philippines
14 Mar 10
Oh, this is tough vine... I could not even answer them coz I am not a bible man, yet, I like this topic of yours. So I will squeeze my mind... Why man has created God? Because no one can answer their doubts except God. There are too many mysteries in this world and beyond that human minds could not surf the solution. The only way to come up an answers is to Believe that there is One who posses the Great Wisdom and power to create this things. Scientific studies and researches perhaps provided an answers but never dig into the preciseness of it! There must be a Creator of the Earth, of the universe our naked eyes could not see, and everything!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Mar 10
vine my dear you are indeed stirring up things. I am angry as man did not create God. God created man and by the sound of you, he might have done a bit better job. Men make religions,men fight wars, men write books and build temple. these are done by men. Men and women were given free will, free moral agency to do as they see fit. some in fact a lot misuse this free will and they start wars. Why has mankind created these troubles? because he refuses to use his free will for the good of mankind, he makes troubles instead.A lot of us have different religions and so what,we hav free will and as long as we all believe in one God and live a godly life it makes no difference.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Mar 10
please do not insult me by that phony thanks for your opinion as we who respond deserve a bit more from the discussion make rthan have a good day, thanks for your opinion, for example why are you thanking m e, do we think alike or differently, what is your own opinion /this makes a discussion, not thanks for you opinion, we want to hear your real response, not a knee jerk thanks.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
15 Mar 10
Why is asking this question stirring up things? I think that your response is towards the beginning "and by the sound of you he might have done a better job" - It's not your place to pass such judgments Hatley. And someone saying "Thank you for taking time to respond" is the COURTEOUS thing to do. Some people ask questions on here just to ask them, because they like to hear other people's varying opinions in different situations about different things. You stated your opinion Hatley, but is it necessary to level people down with just the palm of your eye?
@vine88 (1031)
• India
14 Mar 10
Hello, Hatley, I said thanks, just to notify that i take care for your opinions. I have read your opinions. Just for that. You can see above or others discussions, i have said some words too. If i don't have feelings to share i just say thanks. I put discussions to know opinions of friends like you. I know you a little bit angry with my questions. take it easy. I am not here to change you and your feelings. Thank you once again. God bless you.
@Makro74 (591)
17 Mar 10
Regardless of Tessa's reponse, God actually has created Man, not the other way around - you must understand this. God Himself has created the intelligence in man so that he could go far beyond the normal capacity of breathing air and basic bodily functions to live. Man never asked for any of this, but was given out His Mercy. All he asks in return is worship God and Him alone. With the intelligence, aspire to become close friends with God, for He is the saviour for all our foes. Your question is like saying, why does God need us, and the answer He does not. But we need Him. For we are nothing without Him, but to come to that conclusion you first have to believe He exists. THe existence of God can be explained by Eternity of life. Nothing in this world or any entity we know of has an infinite lifespan. The universe, sun and the stars all have a lifespan, as does everything in the Earth. The only entity outside this is God Himself who Eternal beyond what our feable brains can fathom. He has no beginning nor no end. This is what needs to be understood. Therefore, your part of the name of God as responsible for the troubles, seems a very meagre attitude when at par with what I have just said. But you are also right, but only on the part of mankind, and nothing should be attributed to God. It is man's nature to fight, to hold power and be greedly, blinding he practice to be fair and just. But this is what God wants Man to do, unify for the sake of worship of the One God, do this and all the problems will begin to vanish. It is this ungratefulness of Man that has created this problem, and the problem can be solved by man himself, if only he could find that devotion to the Almighty and pray for the unification of man. This is the simplicity of the answer.
@vine88 (1031)
• India
18 Mar 10
Thanks, Marko I am searching God. Thank you for your effort for me. Thank ful to you. i think belief if pure poison. I don't believe on books. I don't believe a wise man had said it. You can said me mad just like people said Jesus.
@vine88 (1031)
• India
31 Mar 10
Thank you tnsct, Thanks for your info... i do love Jesus ... no doubt...he is true man. i don't like to called him God, he is man... i love his opinions....
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
Vine, that is not correct man created GOD. the correct is GOD Created man . you need to believe in one book. This Book is called BIBLE. If you to know about more GOD . I will you a website where you can interact to this person, who is w\very good in BIBLE.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
hello vine, i believe that God created us. but we people are thinking about so many things, abusing the things that God has given us. people sometimes holds on their own knowledge, questioning everything and looking for a reason for everything... its people who make a lot of troubles and they are just using God to justify the things they are doing... as far as i am concern God only wants the best for His people but people refuse to listen to Him... and i think what some people created are the wrong understanding about God & His teachings... well this is just my opinion.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
15 Mar 10
The bible is the only book inspired by God. As far as why there are so many churches, I don't know. They were started by men, not God. There is only one true church. Kathy.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
15 Mar 10
God created man. Man didn't create God. Kathy.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Yes, it's true that God is everywhere and loves all of his children. However, there is really only one church and that's the Church Of Christ. Kathy.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Jesus said where two or more gather I will be there. God is in many churches all over the world. He is wherever people want to build a church and worship Him. There is not one true church. Unless you are talking about the one in Heaven. God is everywhere and loves all of his children and churches the same.
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@climber7565 (2566)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Well said, it is man created in fact many of the troubles we live in are man created. I think we all, by human nature, need something to believe in, hence religion. Many thrive on that and create church after church, within on denomination and move on to new denominations. Wars are fought over religious righteousness and gene supremacy. All for the bottom line, money, power, territory.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
15 Mar 10
YOu got me I dont know this answer. For if you go to differnt ones you find that alot of what they preach is all the same or similar
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
19 Mar 10
your most welcome!
@vine88 (1031)
• India
18 Mar 10
Hi,lokota I really appreciate you. Thank you. I have heard- "i don't know" this knowing that" i don't know" this awareness that " i am ignorant" gives you opening; then you are not closed. The moment you say" i know", you are closed circle; the door is not more open.But when you say " i don't know" it means you are ready to learn. It means the door is open. THanks you.
@shibham (16977)
• India
15 Mar 10
actually there is nothing about god.
@vine88 (1031)
• India
17 Mar 10
Friend, shibham, your name derived from Hindu religion. I think you born in hindu family. I am thankful to you that you search on truth. You don't like to believe directly. that's the good expects of your thinking. You are free and you are using that, you are free to think. You are totally free man. Friend you are not interested in god then where are you interested, do u take interest in Meditation? what is your concept of life. hope to hear from you.Thanks.
@shibham (16977)
• India
17 Mar 10
Truth is life, reality is life. Whatever u encounter in your life, that is truth. Treat all living creatures as a part of ur life. Never try to hurt them, never try to frustrate them and i am damn sure you will be happy always. Thats the fact of my life. Better Worshiping a god, i would like to serve a poor and sick man. I would like to rescue a butterfly from a childish hunter. Lol
@airakumar (1553)
• India
31 Mar 10
Yes, you are right. Man itself is so confused that the created so many God. Actually your inner sense and belief is what is a God in true sense. I think man has created so many religions, caste, sx and creed that people are facing so many difficulty. God is one and it is in you. Find out. Do good things and make and give this world happiness. This is what a true sense and then the world will be always happy and peaceful.
@vine88 (1031)
• India
1 Apr 10
Thanks, god, i meet friend like you... thanks for existence... the give the right feelings...i have those feeling which you have mentioned. Ya we are creating so many gods and so many wars in the name of god and still we are searching for peace...what a shame...we are responsible for war...we...we....
@libramie (562)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
I don't think that anything about God can caused trouble. Argues about God arised maybe in seeking the truth and stand his belief. So we consider and respect the belief of others to have peace because we have the freedom to choose and we choose from many things arising. For me vine, man has not created God instead God created man to worship Him.
@vine88 (1031)
• India
31 Mar 10
hi, Libramine.... you are free... you can believe what ever you like.. i am not here to change you ....any way..thanks for your message..god bless you.
• China
29 Mar 10
you mean why God has created man?
@vine88 (1031)
• India
31 Mar 10
Hi, healthy life... my question is right.... why man had created god? The story of bible said god had created man. but i don't think that is true. Man had created god.
• Brazil
26 Mar 10
Have many ways to see why man created God. I personally have two. First: Man created God as a metaphora for the energy that created and creates everything in the world, like a creator and a belief to help the universe to bring them good energies. Second: Man created God to have something to believe in, someone to fight for, some meaning of life and anyway a limit to the animality of human being. If the human do not believe in a god would be with no limits would have no regret for killing, stealing, or the 'sins'.
@vine88 (1031)
• India
31 Mar 10
Hi, Pin..... Thanks for your opinions... they are great...ya in past there are no rules and no punishments..so religion is making rules...they made sins...these religion is making heavens and hells. People go on believing in invisible powers..