A dream for long ago....

New Zealand
March 14, 2010 10:23pm CST
I never thought these dreams could ever come true, but they did. Now, the person I dreamed of, I barely knew him from a bar of soap.LOL. In both these dreams, I shared a deep bond with him. And it was so close it was almost as if it were real and he was beside me. The first time I woke up I thought nothing of it. The second time I thought, "Now this is so weird, why am I dreaming of him when I barely even know him?" That was the question running through my mind at the time. After all, he was only a friend of a friend. So I only knew him by face and seen him once or twice. However, it wasn't till a few years later that I found out he was my soulmate. Now I know him right down to a T. The connection is amazing! I guess I found him before we found eachother!
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1 response
@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
Sometimes it's our subconscious mind that have already found what she likes but since we often are ignore those subconscious thoughts and take it as irrelevant by our conscious mind then there is no alternative for subconscious to express itself is through dreams. Maybe that is why you dreamed of him because your subconscious already took notice of him but you avoided entertaining that thought in your conscious mind. Well i hope that you are now happy more than ever that you finally found your soulmate.
• New Zealand
15 Mar 10
Now that I come to think of it. Yes it must've been deep in the back of my mind. cos I remember vaguely (now i think this is dreaming)LOL. I imagained being in a relationship with him. But it was only a slight thought, nothing outrageous. But I thought to myself, "No he would never want someone like me," And now...LOL
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@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
Yeah sometimes it is really our subconscious mind that dictates and we tend to ignore it. I think in your case it was in your dream that you expressed who you want in your life but during waking days you would deny it.