Shoul I say "byebye" to my bf?

@zhcy888 (256)
March 15, 2010 10:27pm CST
I'm so depressed, because my bf cheated me. I just found he always sending messages with others at middle-night, and morning, sent many, I asked whom did you send to. He told me it's his classmate: a man, but then i found he cheated me, why he didn't dare to tell me the truth, I think there is must something wrong on him, or at least it's not necessary to cheat me. And before, our realationship is not so good, often quarreled, he sent messages with others at middle-night for a long time, I just found this, and now he didn't tell me truth, it's so suspicious. What should I do? I'm always unhappy, he always makes ma angry. I want to say "byebye" to him, but my mother doesn't agree. What should I do?
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27 responses
@series6 (294)
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
you cheat on him can text
@series6 (294)
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
hey i really didn't mean anything... is that what you're really thinking? haha...
• China
17 Mar 10
hi, series. you are so cute!
@series6 (294)
• Philippines
22 Mar 10
i aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
16 Mar 10
If this relationship is giving you nothing but anger and unhappiness then I would say it is time to sort out things with your guy. First of all, tell him that you know for sure that he is into texting with someone and you want to know it. Check his mobile phone, right in front of him. If he accepts his mistake, then there is chance to save it... If he remains stubborn, then I think it is time to move on! And MOM! Honey, it is your decision whom to date and whom to leave... Mom can't interfere in these matters, if that gives you displeasure... Talk with your Mom about it, frankly... Good Luck!
@zhcy888 (256)
• China
19 Mar 10
Thanks, Pearl. Every time, he delete all the message he received and text. I don't know what's they text. And now, I ignore him many days, he apologized many times to me, I decide to be good with him this time, if it happen again, it's time to move on. Regards my mom, she always care for me and if I don't listen to her, she will be angry, I'm afraid she is angry and worried, I hope she is always happy.
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
19 Mar 10
I can understand what is going on in your mind. You are being with this guy, whom you love a little (maybe!), you're fed up with his suspicious texting and all and yet, you can't leave him because of your Mom. My dear, I suggest you talk to your mother about 'What's going on!' and let her know that this relation is nothing but Agony and irritation to you. Being a Mom, she'll definitely understand you and also will tell you get away from such a guy. A mom always wants her children to be happy. First convince Mom about it, and then, it'll become real easy for you to quit this guy... Good Luck!
@galileo2008 (1170)
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
Well, if he cheated on you, there's no reason for you to continue your relationship. Just move on. He doesn't deserve you because you deserve someone better than him. You're a beautiful creature of God, and that guy is too blind for him to see how wonderful you are. A guy like him is not worthy of your tears. Move on and be happy.
@zhcy888 (256)
• China
19 Mar 10
Thanks for your comment, Galileo, thanks, I will be happy. Hope all the best for you.
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
fix the problem. talk to him. what i hate the most about some girls is that they wont talk about the problem. talk it out. youll fix things if you have a nice, decent conversation.
@zhcy888 (256)
• China
18 Mar 10
Thanks for your comment. yes, I often told him if you have some views to me, you can tell me, we can talk with each other and get rid of misunderstanding, but he never do, every time, when I was very angry and speak to him, he keep silence. I was more angry, silence can't solver any problems, we need to talk with each other and tell something you want to say. Instead, he always like speak to other how he is painful and I don't understand him. I hate this so much, it's the problem between us, it need we ourself to solver it, well not speak to others, on the opposite, more times you told others, more painful you feel, but he never change.
• Philippines
18 Mar 10
Well that is just irritating. Well, you have to find a way so that he'd talk to you. You can't fix this problem if it's only you that talks.
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
I think you should let him go. You'll waste another month or year being with him. Don't ever let soemone hurt you.
@zhcy888 (256)
• China
19 Mar 10
Yes, you are right, it's the last way. But I thought over these days and decide to give him one chance. Sometimes, man can't impulse, or we will regret. So I will observe whether he will change himself. If he won't, I think it's really time to say byebye.
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
YOu know him better than me. Goodluck on making ways to make this work/...
@philgirl (74)
• United States
16 Mar 10
If he did that to you for a long time already, I think its time to say bye to him. Maybe he just think no matter what his gonna do to you, its gonna be ok coz you always give him a chance. If you both working your relationship and still its not working then dont feel guilty about it. Let him go and be happy!
@zhcy888 (256)
• China
18 Mar 10
Thanks for your comment, Philgirl. It's the first time that he cheat me that I found, I think I need to work him over, I will ignore him for a long time, at least let him know it's not a good outcome that he cheated me. You said right, or he will always cheat me, I plan to be with time right now, and observe whether he change himself and become good.
• United States
18 Mar 10
Good luck to your relationship, hope everything is ok by then!
• United States
16 Mar 10
Leave him. Cheaters can't change. If he cheated on you once, he will do it again. What you DON'T want to do is get back at him by cheating on him. Two wrongs don't make a right. No matter how you look at it.
@zhcy888 (256)
• China
19 Mar 10
Thanks for your comment, I think the words you said it's sometimes right, cheaters can't change.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
16 Mar 10
I would seriously consider it but talk to him first. Confront him about these strange texts in the middle of the night. I would think that if it were just a normal friend he wouldn't need to do it in the middle of the night. That in and of itself is a little shady in my opinion. So, don't break up with him right away. Talk to him first. But, if he doesn't have a good reason for texting at weird hours (time zone differences or the like), I'd be prepared to tell him goodbye.
@jlamela (4898)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
Hello! A situation where you and your love one always in a heated row, is not an indication of a healthy relationship, but if you really love him and want to save the relationship, try to talk to him sincerely, there's no other way to revitalize the worn-out relationship than having an open communication, try to be honest with your feeling and tell him you are not comfortable with his attitude. But before you fire out your irk, ask him first why he always find ways to hurt you and what you really mean to him, then try to find out what's the content of his messages on midnights (lol!)I mean what are those text messages mean?if those are just forwarded messages, I guess nothing to worry about, but if those things have a touch of sweetness then you have all the reasons to be alarmed.
@tomcat23 (622)
• Old Forge, Pennsylvania
18 Mar 10
Not knowing all the details of the two people in the relationship, it wouldn't be fair, nor right, to provide information which could hurt both of you. There's two sides to every story. Just because he e-mails or even chats with other females doesn't mean he is cheating on you. I have female fiends online that I never even meet in person. My girlfriend usually gets upset when I e-mail or chat with another female, and also thinks it means I would rather be with the other female. For that matter, if I talk to a total stranger who happens to be a female, my girlfriend also thinks I want to be with her. If my girlfriend starts talking to a guy, especially one that rides a motorcycle, she doesn't think it should bother me. I would say give him a taste of his own medicine and start e-mailing some male friends. Get to know some guys and see how he feels about it. I want guys to know how wonderful my girlfriend is and I want girls to know what a wonderful guy I am (or at least think I am). I'm not looking to cheat on my girlfriend and have not cheated on her since we've been together (going on 13 years). Whatever you do, don't ever think you are not a good woman if your boyfriend is indeed cheating on you. If he is indeed cheating on you, then it is time to move on. Sometimes breaking it off can actually lead to a better relationship with him. You never know what you have until you lose it!
• Malaysia
16 Mar 10
Hey it's your relationship. Your mother doesn't know anything about him. Do it your way. Ditch him and find your own happiness! :D
@zhcy888 (256)
• China
18 Mar 10
Hehe... thanks, you said right, it's my own happiness, I should persue it myself.
@junrapmian (2169)
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
If you think you are no longer happy with him, why waste your time being with him. You said he's cheating on you, do you have proofs? Talk to him, ask him about what you're thinking. You see, your relationship won't go places if you no longer trust him. If heartaches overpowering your love for him, then I must say, you must say your goodbye. Maybe, you are not meant for each.
@zhcy888 (256)
• China
19 Mar 10
Yes, I am 100% surely that he cheated me, sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm angry, these days, i ignore him too, he apoligized to me many times, but I still ignore, I decide to give him one chance, and ignore him for some days, at least let him remember it's bad result after he cheated me.
@scja16 (322)
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
Even your mother will not agree, it will still depends on you. You are the one who will live with the guy so better think twice or maybe more before doing it. Ask your self if you really dont love the person. If so, then better leave him as soon as possible because for me it is really painful that you are with someone that you really dont love. Love means sacrifice and taking the risk but if there is no love...Dont even bother to sacrifice about a person who dont as well. Dont worry God will guide you and as you take your decision in action. Pray and God bless.
@pilson (94)
• United States
17 Mar 10
I think it is better for you to have a formal talk to him, telling him your feelings. Honesty is the basis of relationship between you and your bf. If you realize that he is not able to be honest to you and you can't stop suspecting him, your relationship will become meaningless, I think saying "byebye" is not far away.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
16 Mar 10
i think you must consider again your relationship with him.dont too much think if your mother doesnt agree with your decision. remember , this is your happiness and your mother must support you not support cheaters i think.but you must to tell the turth to your mother so she can understand why you take the hard decision, left from the cheaters
@krisnel (498)
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
why don't you find out first if he really cheats you. if you have an evidence that he cheated on you. then the decision is yours. it should not be the decision of your mother. you are not happy because you are angry with him. can you live without him? talk to him in a well mannered way not in a way that you are mad. breaking up is not the solution to your problem.
@lylisal (78)
• Mexico
16 Mar 10
Definitely, you have to say "byebye". You don't deserve, he treat you that way. A man who cheats once, can continue forever. And if your mom says "you don't leave him", it doesn't matter, because you're suffering, that's your life not hers. You don't deserve to be unhappy. Make the decision asap.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
16 Mar 10
Hi, i understand how you feel. Relax friend. Dont make decisions quickly. First take him to a nice place, talk to him freely. Tell him how much you got hurt and how you love him. And in relationship, suspicious is not healthy. May be he would feel if you know thats a girl you may feel bad. But at same time, tell him you are possesive of him. Please take your time and talk. Its easy to break a love, but it hurts for ever. So try to talk and convince him.
• China
16 Mar 10
I feel no love between you and your bf. why not say "bye"
@adaox1 (65)
• Belgium
16 Mar 10
confront him with the truth and then look at his reaction. if he gets angry and tells you to mind your own business, then dump him. if he says he's sorry and tells you he'll stop doing that, forgive and keep him.