Best natural therapy of headache???

@saanjh (784)
March 16, 2010 7:46am CST
Hello my lotters give me the best natural therapy of headache, I have so many pain in my head for last two day's I take the medicine but it not improved totally so please help me out I don't want take medicine more so tell me about natural therapy.
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3 responses
• India
19 Mar 10
Hello there are many herbal remedies, you can try ginger powder with honey, but better carry some balm in your pocket, apply on forehead if there is pain, it helps Happy posting, cheers Bhuwan
• India
17 Mar 10
Take some amount of ginger and in tamil we name it as "sukku" take this small quality,boil with hot water if you need pour some honey and take it for 2 days
• India
16 Mar 10
Sorry to say that I am not able to help you because I am facing the same problem for near about 20 days. A continuous pain at my head. May be it is for my eye. I think I have to wear a glass for some + power.......