What is the last thing you bought, that you regret buying.

@AmbiePam (88834)
United States
March 17, 2010 11:53am CST
Last night I ordered breadsticks from Domino's and some coca-cola. I didn't have any groceries, so I thought for tonight, I'll just order out. The food was good. When Domino's said they have made their food better - they aren't lying. I used to hate Domino's. Anyway, what is the last purchase you made that you regret making? Is there any particular reason you regret your purchase? I went to the grocery store this morning, so I feel better now!
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9 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
17 Mar 10
I love Domino's Pizza it is very delicious! Hmm, I've got to think on this one, the last thing we bought that I regret buying... I can't really think of anything, I guess anytime I overstuff myself I regret ordering what I did! I often over order!
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• Canada
17 Mar 10
Where I live now we don't have a Domino's Pizza, but where I'm moving too does so I can't wait to get moved there and try it again if it's better!
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@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
I bought a dress last December and I havent worn it eyt. I realized when I got home after I bought it that it really wanst very nice and that I didnt need it. I hated myself for buying it at that moment. Though I got discount for it, it was still not worth it.
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@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
19 Mar 10
I've done that before too.
• Australia
17 Mar 10
I don't eat pizza and I don't buy fast food, so I can't comment on that aspect, except for saying that if they have "made their food better" they are admitting it wasn't very good before - and being "better" still doesn't mean it is good. Seriously, I can't remember buying something I regretted buying, unless it was a large bag of bulk premium dark chocolate. I didn't really need that much, but I ate it!
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@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
17 Mar 10
Good for you! A little chocolate won't hurt - at least that is what I would like to believe. Actually, to be honest, the three things I've tried from Domino's since their proclaimed makeover, have been phenomenal. I never would have tried their food based on the claims they make on commercials. But last month when I was at my sister's, she and her husband ordered Domino's. I was shocked how good it was.
17 Mar 10
The last thing I regret buying was an expensive bag off the internet it looked lovely in the picture but when I recieved it I didn't like it. I think it's horrible and isn't as nice in real life as it is in the picture the worst thing is that I left it too late and now I can't return it so now I am left with an ugly expensive bag that I don't want.
@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
17 Mar 10
I hate when I order something online, and then it isn't anything like the store said it would be.
@amijor (234)
• Philippines
18 Mar 10
I bought this expensive shirt and was so excited to wear it. I was just utterly disappointed after I washed it because it shrunked!
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• Canada
17 Mar 10
I bought a muffin yeaterday while I was out with my friend. It was a waste of my money (and I am a very cheap person) because I didnt even want it and I wasnt hungry I just needed something to do with my hands while we talked. A nervous behaviour of sorts.
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@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
17 Mar 10
Love your user name! lol
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
17 Mar 10
i tend to always feel a little guilty when i buy things as of late because i know we dont have a lot of extra cash to play around with. i feel guitly most often when i am buying things for myself!
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• Canada
17 Mar 10
I'm glad to hear that the Domino's folks weren't lying and that their food is better! I'm also glad to hear that you got to the grocery store and your feeling better! You know I worry about you hun! Hmmmmmmm let me think ... The last thing that I regret buying would be when I was grocery shopping and I was in a hurry to pick up a few things and I didn't take a close enough look at the strawberries I bought! They aren't in season right now so they weren't very cheap. They tasted weird and started growing mold within a few days! Ugggghhhh! It was such a bad experience with strawberries. I love them and can't wait for them to be in season again!
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
18 Mar 10
I regretted buying a rechargable hand crank flashlight on Ebay. When I got it, it worked okay a fine but as the weeks past I noticed the light gotten weaker. Then I found out it was just working with a watch battery. It was too late and I couldn't get a refund. I sure learned my lesson. I'm glad that everything worked out for you and you got to enjoy a really tasty pizza from Domino's. =)
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