Women and Ministry

United States
March 17, 2010 12:59pm CST
I am a Christian Pastor and I am a woman, on a regular basis I am told that because the bible says, about women in the bible teaching me and being silent. However men take this completely out of context of why it was said. First of all God did not say that women could not teach nor did he say that women had to be quiet. Paul did. Nor did Paul say that it was a rule given by God, he said: (Paul) Women should learn quietly and submissively. I do not let women teach men or have authority over them. Let the listen quietly. 1 Timothy 2: 11-12 Which simply means that Paul was giving his opinion of what he thinks women should do. Another thing is this was a cultural thing during his time. In those days when listening in Church the service was conducted in large theaters. The men sat on the floor level of that theater and the women were way up at the top. If the women did not understand something they would then yell down to their husbands for correction. This caused commotion in the Church during services which was bothersome to the men who were learning from the preacher. So Paul tell the men to tell the women to be quiet and listen, then when they get home they should then ask their husbands, not that they should not be ministers. The bible itself gives a ton of instances where women were called upon to teach or preach the word of God. Here is several. Men believe that a womans role as helper means that she is to be less than that of a man (some Church leaders) However the actual term of helper is someone who provides the help you need when you lack the ability to do it yourself. In the bible men took on the role of helper as well including Jesus who was a helper in that he would help man find his salvation and thus earn his place in Heaven. Many women in the bible were called upon as teachers, prophetesses and even judges. 1. Mary the Mother of Mark led the services for prayer in her home see Acts 12:12 2. Lydia of Thyatira who again was a merchant and a worshipper of God, who welcomed the men of God to come to her household and be her guests, she was also the teacher of her household (men included)see Acts 16:14-15 3. Priscilla who with her husband opened her home for church meatings Romans 16: 19 in addition they instructed Apollos about individual ministry in Acts 18:26. Not just the husband but the wife offered this instruction. 4. In John 12:1-11 the women were said to have used better judgement than the men in using the perfume on Jesus feet. 5. Miriam led the women and she was a prophetess who preached the word Exodus 15:20 6. Huldah gave her one prophesy but she taught it to a man 2 Kings 22:14-20 7. Anna preached in the temple Luke 2:36-40 8. The daughters of Phillip the Evangelist had 4 daughters who prophesied and preached Acts 21:9 9. Deborah was not just a preacher she was a judge Judges 4-5 10. In titus 2 older and more wise women are to teach younger women, and others how to live a right life with God. 11. The bible tells all men and women to share the Gospel in 1 Peter 3:15 12. Women are told to pray and prophesize however she must cover her head when doing so in 1 Cor 11 There for I think men should know the culture of the time and read the chapter again in 1 Timothy where Paul is simply giving his opinion, as it says he does not allow these things when he said the word "I" check it out. What is your opinion of Women in the Ministry.
1 person likes this
11 responses
• United States
18 Mar 10
Woman are not to be above the man on the pull pit..but God made us all ministers of the gospel..we are to go out in the world and spread the good news..I have a ministry, its called Jesus Is My Joy Ministry. I'm a writer and author for God, I HAVE seveal books online forsale and they inspire and lift you up..I HAVE my testimony in them and its online to..GOD made us to bring Him glory and we are to minister the truth ..
• United States
18 Mar 10
While I think women can be in the pulpit, I also agree with you, I spend my time teaching, I prefer to research and find out stuff, I also prefer writing over leadership of the church. Example I always use: In the past most lawyers were men, but the person who did all the research and paperwork and taught the clients how to set up the case was usually the Paralegal, that is where I prefer to be. I love my teaching (especially women) about the bible and I believe my ability to analyse everything and to find answers to questions no one seems to find is why Jesus called me to be a Pastor, so that people get their answers to questions the Head pastor doesnt have time to answer.
• United States
20 Mar 10
I love to do research..I love to look up stuff for the bible, i also love to find things others can't find, i do that a lot for my daughter and sister..I believe God has places for his woman..he is our heavenly husband and we are his bride, He wants us to minister, and bring others to Him..thats why he sent Jesus to save us..praise God for that..
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
17 Mar 10
Women and men are humans and both 'made in the image' of God. There is certainly a difference in the way that men and women are: there is a decide tendency for women to be more 'spiritual' ... to be more caring and to be more aware of the meaning and value of 'love' in its spiritual rather than its 'physical' sense. Forget what the Bible says. If God has called you to be a spiritual helper (or a 'Pastor', then He will support you. Traditionally, men are the keepers of sheep ('pastors') but women look after the fowls (and particularly geese) ... . There is not a lot of difference, really, between sheep (an animal that tends not to display 'attitude' but actually has a lot) and geese (who have a great deal of 'attitude' but are actually very amenable if you know how to deal with them). If you are here to teach Christianity, you will, inevitably, come up against some resistance (much of which will be due to a false idea of the 'place of women in society'); if you are here to teach and to lead people to a real understanding and love of God, then your calling is not in vain!
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
17 Mar 10
I made loads of mistakes in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Sorry. I hope you understand what I mean.
• United States
18 Mar 10
No problem, even with the problems your message came across loud and clear, thank you.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
20 Mar 10
okay that was just too long ofr me to read this morning and quite frankly I have no interest in what the BIBLE says about it BUT i have an opinion none the less..and it is this.. I think that if a woman is passionate about teach "the word" then let her have at it!! I know 2 female ministers (one of which btw is gay) and they IMO are actually better at what they do then many male ministers I've met over the yrs...I personally think that women are far better at getting across to ppl (NOT all women minsiters of course but many) because they have a knack and way aobu thtem that men just cant pull off..We women, generally have a stronger voice becuase of how we feel and dont shy away from our passion and emotions, when we are passionate about something and follow our emotions we tend to really get into ppl deeply I think....
• United States
21 Mar 10
Well I am happy you took the time in the morning to write the post it was pretty good. Thanks
@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
18 Mar 10
I'm a recovering fundamentalist, and yes, that is the tradition, and it didn't matter what the evidence was, what Paul said trumped everything else. I don't follow such things anymore, though I like some of the examples of Jesus (give to them who ask, return good for evil, etc.) I'm happy there are more groups opening up, but I imagine it will be quite a while before the traditionalists will stop hogging all the media attention and just let everyone be.
• United States
18 Mar 10
Yeah I understand what you are saying but many fail to see that Paul was a man, and even in the bible he says that this is simply his opinion. He says he does not let women have leadership positions but it does not say God said, or that Jesus said and it is taken out of context to keep women in a submission role, even in the Church. As my daughter would say, How rude.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Mar 10
Hmmm??? You don't sound too submissive to me.You are making it mighty hard for us men to control our women.Pretty soon the women are going to want to run everything. Hey,wait a minute they might be doing that already.
• United States
18 Mar 10
I can be submissive, to My God (always) and My husband (most of the time)
• Philippines
1 Apr 10
Hi, I will call you in name Kayte. I dont agree that a woman ca n be a leader in a church or preach or do the the teaching the words of God.
• United States
14 Apr 10
Well in that case my name is Maam to you. Pastor Kayte is my name and whether you or anyone else agrees, I am serving my God. I have learned quite recently that men use the one passage in the bible in order to try to keep a woman down. I have done some studying and have also found that this is not at all what God or Jesus meant of women, so as far as I am concerned I am not going to worry about what you think. Keep it to your self. I am Mrs or Maam to those who can't bring themselves to show me respect.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
18 Mar 10
As long as we nit pick legalities, we will never hear the call of the Spirit of God. What I mean is that whether a woman "should" do this or that, is trying to decide things by the spirit of the law. Why not allow God to pick and choose who He wants to minister and where? We are afraid of that... we are somehow afraid that mankind (ok, womankind) can override His anointing. Who are we? Let God lead each of us to do whatever He wants us to do. And ignore the naysayers. Their opinion is worthless in comparison to God's.
• United States
18 Mar 10
Thank you for your words they were really inspirational thank you
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
18 Mar 10
I am totally for women in Ministry. I completely disagree that they need to be silent and submissive. In fact, I believe that Churches that preach this kind of backward view of women, are loosing members. Lets face it, a Church that cuts out total participation by 50% of its members, is not going to be effective in preaching. Im glad you gave examples from the Bible in your discussion, as I am not familiar enough to know where to find these things. The greatest religions are those that include everyone equally.
• United States
18 Mar 10
Thanks Jenny your opinion is always wanted, I appreciate you taking the time to comment.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
18 Mar 10
Hi pastorkayte, I have felt for a long time that women had as much right as men to speak in the churches, and you're right Jesus did not speak against it. I know that we think quite differently, but I've found some of the teachings of Paul to be different from that of Jesus. Of course many say that Jesus chose twelve men as his Apostles but I think that we only have to consider the times and the way much of society viewed women to see why. Blessings.
• United States
18 Mar 10
Yes some people fail to see that culture plays a big part in why some things were said but even Jesus pointed out specific ones. Like with the divorce thing. In Moses day a man could give his wife a writ of divorce, in Jesus day he said that men were now doing that willy nilly and thus told him how the law should be. However (some Christian Male Leaders) tend to overlook the cultural differences or even looking them up before taking what is said out of context.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
17 Mar 10
Women should be able to have the freedom to anything they want in the church.Women should have all the right men do in the church. I grew up in christian (Lutheran) and the synod the church was in doesn't,to this day let women vote on church elections and other things. They can't become leaders in the church or become pastors. Nothing. They have no say in the church. It is very old school and I don't see it changing ever. I am no longer Luteran but still call myself a christian. I don't like the way the Catholic churchs treats women either. I wish the Pope would allow women to be priests. This is the 21st century and women are still being treated like second hand citizens.Some Christian religions needs to open their eyes ans change things! Not just for women but other things! That is another discussion right there!
• United States
17 Mar 10
Absolutely, the funniest thing is the reason men give for us not being ministers is because woman was entised by the devil to disobey God and eat the fruit, however man did not even have to be entised, she simply handed the fruit to him and he ate it, even though he was told first by God not to eat whereas the woman was told by her husband. So if he was listening how come he didnt even have to be talked into it. I am not saying that males are not great ministers because they are, many of them are simply outstanding and their teaching is sound, however there are also some women who have a gift of understanding, and women usually in their fear of being discredited will delve deeper into what it means, will give more proof of what she is trying to say, give more credible examples, so in that the learning is more complete with women pastors in many instances.
@reploid (1371)
• France
17 Mar 10
I think the woman should be free to do what man do, and be not only a helper but a leader in some areas where I think a woman will excel better. Concerning the part that says that a women should cover her head, I disagree with that. I don't see the reason why she have to do so.
• United States
17 Mar 10
Again another opinion of a writer of the bible, I have not found where Jesus said or God commanded this be so, until I do I have to politely disagree with that concept as well. Thank you tons for your opinion.