Why do guys think they look better than everyone else?

March 18, 2010 11:15am CST
I know i people are probably going to get angry about this one.. But let me tell u i have nothing against men. I like them a lot but sometimes i wonder... Can you do anything without criticizing your friends. It's ok to tell others when they really have done something wrong but what i have noticed only a few guys can ever compliment others. When i change my profile pics on my social networking site all they have to say even to the best of my pic is.. "Mmmm.. There is something wrong with this pic!!" And sometimes the imperfection is so futile i feel irritated like "i cant see your teeth yet. Smile a little more." I just feel why do I need to look flawless!!! I don't put them on so you can tell me you are not perfect 'yet'. I m never going to be and i don't want to be. And i feel more irritated about the fact that their pic isn't perfect either. But I don't tell them to keep changing it till they look 'flawless' because i know its ok to have some flaws. I don't see girls doing that to people unless their pic is really not good!! Why do guys do this?
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