Why do black people stare at white people as if they where aliens?
@beatrizguiselle (1118)
March 18, 2010 2:19pm CST
I used to be in a African American side of town back in the US. There I noticed that I was not welcomed to that neighborhood. I wonder why black stare at white? Why such racism withing people?
I believe that we are all equal and should be treated as such also. I have my own personal saying "not all Chinese eat rice and know karate".
Why do you think this happens? Why do white men treat black as a minority when they are not? Why cant we just all be the same?
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14 responses
@TheAdvocate (2392)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
I think it is part of being human to be curious about people who are different from us. I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they are not being racist, just curious. Maybe they are curious why you would want to live in their community. Maybe they were just hesitant to come up to you and say hello. I am Asian, and in my country, we tend to be curious when someone who looks different comes to live in our community. But we do not mean to be racist. We are just amazed that somebody from a first world country would want to live in a third world. We are a hospitable race, but we are also shy.
I do agree with you. Racism is still present, although not as intense as before. Maybe in the next century?
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@beatrizguiselle (1118)
• Spain
19 Mar 10
I see what you mean... But curiosity does NOT come with hateful stares.
@benny128 (3615)
18 Mar 10
well its simply racism,
racism whether we like it or not still exists and will always exist unfortunatly.
All colours can be racist its just assumed that it is so called white people that racism happens in.
It also happens in secular communities or different races where I live in my city there are area's where white people simply do not go as they would not be welcome, yet if that happened to a coloured person people would shout racism etc etc
really don't understand why we all just cannot get along, but that is life whether it is right or wrong is irrelevant as it is life people don't like something that is different to their normality.
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@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
19 Mar 10
Of course, we are all the same... And yet, this staring case isn't uncommon. The feelings of some of us never change with time. They live in history and with old beliefs and traditions. We can not do anything for these, even if we want to. So just ignore such guys and Move On!!! have fun! 

@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
20 Mar 10
If we knew the answer to this wouldn't the world be a great place to live. When you think back to the time of slavery you wonder how could a white person treat a black person like that. Then you wonder how hitler did what he did to the jews. Its just a horrible way for people to act towards others. I was thankfully not brought up to treat minorities different. I'm proud that my family has everything from English, Czechoslovakian, Puerto Rican, Black, Italian, Jewish and German. There might be a few I'm missing but that is what I remember. Its like the United Nations and I love it.
@beatrizguiselle (1118)
• Spain
20 Mar 10
Yes agreed... Unforgivably there are still Hitlers and racist among us... The fact that others believe to be better than others because of their skin complexity... It is sad but is what we have to put up with.
@homeshoppers (6166)
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
theres nothing wrong if someone look at you, i mean anyone can look to anyone on earth as long as they want too. unless they never take their out looks from you in your every moves and they are following you then i guess thats the only time you react coz theres something wrong already
. not all black have the same perspective though we still cant avoid those who still bad with white because of what white did to their ancestors before. but then lets just respect their feelings if they feel that way and they still dont moving forward. they are actually the one who reacted so much as they feel so guilty being black thinking white people will still going to treat them bad. though most of the time some black people are just sensitive. we cant blame them coz theres still white people who treat them bad.

@beatrizguiselle (1118)
• Spain
20 Mar 10
Yes! That is very true indeed... But what gets to me is the new generation... The hateful stares and the fact that if you stare back they will come after you... that is my point.
@ringbelle253 (142)
• United States
19 Mar 10
Hey I guess just was the place and time, I mean you obviously made out o.k they didn't harm you, some black people say the same in white areas that they are looked at as if their aliens or might not feel safe, its AMERICA no matter how many years past the race issue just seem to can't be shaken such a lovely smart country, all races fight and die for the country and yet walk down any giving street and feel as if your not wanted go figure.
@beatrizguiselle (1118)
• Spain
19 Mar 10
If a white man stares at a black man in a neighborhood is most likely because of the way he is dressed... This is a racist issue because you see, if the black man is wearing suit he is ok... But if he is dressed like a gangster then he might be there to rob you... Society stinks from my point of view.
@beatrizguiselle (1118)
• Spain
20 Mar 10
Yes, I agree with you, but like I said "most" people see it this way... Would people had voted Obama if he was wearing sneakers and looked all gangster? Nope...
@ringbelle253 (142)
• United States
20 Mar 10
Not true at all in my opinion, everyone has their own opinion on what is a threat. The suit issue is a racist stereo type, I mean why would someone be deemed a gangster just for having sneakers and jeans and black and because of this he will rob you. I don't think one bit that is societies view in a whole, because here in WA State where black and whites live together in every area there's not this issue at all because of so much mixing, that would have to be ones personal view in general that a black guy is a gangster and will just shoot you when hes not in a suit.
Does the white mom with the mix black kid think the same as you probably not because no one would like to think their child would be looked at as a criminal because he isn't wearing a suit and has a darker complexion. That's like saying a white guy walks in a mostly black neighborhood that is bald is a skin head automatically, but every black may not think that but maybe someone with a inner fear may deem him dangerous by hes bald head or clothes etc.. Some of Americas biggest crooks are in suites if we haven't paid attention but I think that is the problem with society we think there is a look of good and bad but yet we forget crimes can be committed by anyone wearing anything and anytime anywhere.

@firstcontact1990 (1784)
18 Mar 10
Well I suppose it was a black community and, you looked out of place.
@beatrizguiselle (1118)
• Spain
19 Mar 10
I think is more of a racist issue, not a looking out of place problem.
@tess_quinain (1149)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
Some people can't help to be a racist. I don't like that too. And i hate that. But, it will never disappear.
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
19 Mar 10
I really think it is in the eyes of the beholder. Some people assume the worst and some do not. Thing people think comes from the mind, which can fool you (the mind that is). I am not a judgemental person. I may look at someone in observance, or in admiration, or just in admiring something specific about that person.
An idle mind leaves room for Satan to take over, Think positive and leave the negative alone.
Matthew 12:37 By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be comdemned.
Ask Yourself..How am I presenting myself to these people? If they accept me cool, if not so be it, I am living the life that pleases God.
@TheAdvocate (2392)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
I think it is part of being human to be curious about people who are different from us. I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they are not being racist, just curious. Maybe they are curious why you would want to live in their community. Maybe they were just hesitant to come up to you and say hello. I am Asian, and in my country, we tend to be curious when someone who looks different comes to live in our community. But we do not mean to be racist. We are just amazed that somebody from a first world country would want to live in a third world. We are a hospitable race, but we are also shy.
I do agree with you. Racism is still present, although not as intense as before. Maybe in the next century?
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
19 Mar 10
When we as humans in general see anyone who is remotely different from us, we just stop and stare at them. They are a curiosity to us in many ways. Is it wrong to stare? Yes, absolutely it is wrong to stare at people who are different than us. However, the simple fact is that we just cannot help ourselves no matter what race we are.
Granted, a lot of it is racism. It can exist in many forms. Some more obvious than others. In fact, there was a teacher one time that told us that to some degree we are all racist, but some are more racist than others and many are just racist by a very slim degree. At first, I did not agree with that, but I am wondering if that is true. There might be something to that statement. Not all racism is blatant. A lot of it is extremely subtle and we might not even know we are being racist when we are.
@beatrizguiselle (1118)
• Spain
19 Mar 10
That is very true what you say. I also do agree with staring at anyone who is incredibly obese or just purple... what I mean is that, yes we do stare... But there are different types of stares, those that wonder and aren´t painful, and the ones that imply get outta here....
The last I felt... Being white in a black side of town made me feel so... Helpless.
@pumeza (56)
• South Africa
19 Mar 10
I know just the RIGHT answer...You are racist thats why you saw all that. Only a person thats racist knows the racist look n feel, u saw hate bcoz u r hate yoself or u jst felt so out of place u needeed to blame somebody ...There's lots of reason people stare...you could have worn something so nice or they were admiring your eyes or something. You saw racism bcoz you put it out there yoself...
Here's a challenge for you...go back to that place and just imagine that you are in your own hood and see if the racism is there...
@beatrizguiselle (1118)
• Spain
19 Mar 10
lol, I don't think you read the whole post. I am sorry you are stating wrong facts. This happened when I was in elementary school... So you see there is not "hate" at that age. But it keeps me wondering, every time I would drive by there all the people would stare insisting aggravation.
This does not imply that I am racist-I have seen black people on my neighborhood and I don´t stare so rudely at them, or just don't stare at them at all since to me we are all the same-I don´t pull color to discriminate or diminish anyone.
@phoenix8606 (4942)
18 Mar 10
maybe because we( white people) stare at black people when we see some :)
am I right? I think I am!

@beatrizguiselle (1118)
• Spain
19 Mar 10
Most likely, but the stares Im talking about are hateful...