do you buy books impulsively even you still have an unread stack on your shelf?
By kukaisiton
@kukaisiton (702)
March 19, 2010 5:51am CST
hi there,.
there are so many used book sellers in malls here. sometimes in one mall, there are 3 sellers of books and even big bookstores put a lot of their brand new books on huge sales. if youre a book lover, youd probably love buying here in my country because they are very cheap. sometimes they sell for less than a dollar and you'd be surprised since the titles are really good. this is the reason why, yesterday, i just bought five books ! even if i still have a lot on my shelves. i just tell myself that im gonna sell them later but im losing a lot of shelf space. im really becoming an impulsive buyer even if i promise that im not gonna buy anything once i head to the store.
dear readers, do you buy impulsively too?
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42 responses
@ayebelle (367)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
yeah im also a book lover. I actually have many books to be read, but it's like i just collect and collect but not reading most of them. It's because of my schedule it's hard to make time. Maybe this vacation i'll start reading them all. I prefer cheap books with good content than expensive ones that is so hard to understand. 

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@Christy23 (94)
• United States
20 Mar 10
Yes, I am book obsessed. I love to read and have tons of books on my shelf that I have not even got a chance to start yet. I also have a hard time getting rid of books that I finish, especially if I really enjoyed them. I do not spend a lot of money on books though. I get some of my books when they go on sale at book stores or at Goodwill. You can find all sorts of interesting books at Goodwill.

@antarcticpostcards (472)
• United States
19 Mar 10
I have that problem to some extent. I have a huge stack of to read in my armoire and I keep adding to it faster than I can read them. Mostly, though, because I go and spend gift cards on books I want and people give me books. I do not buy much with cash except when I want to continue a series or I go to a book signing.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
20 Mar 10
I love going to book signings too. I am a writer, hoping to be published one day, and I go to a lot of author seminars and workshops. There are always authors there with books to sell which they will autograph. That seems to be my newest obsession, autographed books!
@kukaisiton (702)
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
same here i love i always spend my money on books and like other people to give me books as gifts. anyway book sigining is not very popular here since most authors are based in the US. i would love to own an autographed book. i dont have any :(
@AmbiePam (96644)
• United States
20 Mar 10
When it comes to books, I have had to scale back. I love books; I love to read. If I had a chance to get a $1,000 gift certificate to any kind of store, I would choose a book store. Because of my money situation I have learned to hold back. But I really like it when I have a coupon to a book store. Or I go to trade it some of my books to a used book store, and I find some books there that I have not read, but really want to. I love books! 

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@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
20 Mar 10
Yes I do, my girlfriend and I go shopping for books pretty frequently because we are both pretty avid readers. There are a bunch of books on my bookshelf that I haven't been able to read yet but I would definitely like too. There are just so many good books out there it's hard for me to not buy a bunch of them.
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@goldiegold (285)
19 Mar 10
I do this! There is a used bookshop down the street from where I live and I just can't help but by books even though I haven't finished the ones I already have. I also can't help but buy books online especially when they are really cheap. I seldomly buy books from actual bookstores because they are much more expensive then buying them online. I stopped going on certain websitess to stop myself buying a load of books.
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@arystine (1273)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
Yes, I buy new books even though I still have unread books on my shelves or haven't finished the one that I am currently reading. I buy books impulsively especially if it is a hard-to-find book. I also can't help but buy books that are on sale or on hardcover edition.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
7 Jun 10
Guilty as charged! My husband always gets nervous when we go into the book store because he knows I can't buy just one book. I've been at the grocery store and saw a book at the checkout that looks really good and I'll buy it even though I have a few at home to read. I just love to read books and hate when I don't have one around. Even though I have boxes of books in the garage that my father gave me years ago!
@kukaisiton (702)
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
wow i have a bookshelf full of unread books but you have boxes! LOL :)) .. Anyway, there's nothing we can do. We cant help it :))
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
20 Mar 10
I have three shelves of books that I have yet to read. One shelf is over three feet high so books are really piled on it. I'd say I have about 200 books yet to read.
But, yes, I keep getting more. I try and stay away from the book stores but when I see a sale table it is very hard to resist. What's worse is garage sales and other places where you can buy used books. I can buy them faster than I can read them, that's for sure.
And then there is Amazon. People will recommend books to me and I will search Amazon for them because it's cheaper than buying in a store. Usually these books will be non-fiction/self-help/inspirational books which is why I make such an effort to find them. Someone recommended a book to me called Living, Loving and Learning by Leo E. Buscaglia. The woman who had the book had bought her's at a garage sale and it was very old and worn. She reads it over and over again. I just had to get this book. When I order on Amazon (which I did for this book) I want to get my shipping free, which means ordering a minimum dollar amount (usually 4 books). So I buy even more books! Some of these books I ordered over a year ago and have yet to open them.
I must say, however, that Living, Loving and Learning is a fantastic book. The ONLY book where I have underlined passages, folded down page corners and put stick-its to mark the pages. This could well be a book I write a review on. I've only done it twice before. A book has to be really good and memorable for me to write a reveiw. This one will be harder because of all the places I have marked. LOL!
We are really, REALLY tight on money these days. My solution to that is to just stay home that way I won't be tempted by stuff in the stores. I don't usually buy online so I'm not tempted here.

@kukaisiton (702)
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
wow, going on bargain sales and on amazon has cost you more! just like you i really cant help but buy books even if i havent read them all yet. and thanks for this book recommendation from Leo Buscaglia. I would try to find it here :)
@EnslinPorter (1718)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
There were some instances when I bought books because they are on sale. There is also this author whose book I usually buy. After buying one of his latest books, he released another one some weeks later. I bought it. Then, there's another release after. I didn't buy the most recent book because I haven't even read the first one
Also, my shelf is full and I don't know where to place it. 

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@jd107nette (1454)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
wowww.. i wish i could do that here too!! books cost pretty much in here... i have a sister in singapore and the books there are really affordable.. If i was in your situation, i think i would also buy those books!!! haha... it would be my treasures...

@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
20 Mar 10
I had hoped to open a used book store one day, and even began planning it with a friend. But we found that in the small town we live in, there is no need for another one. We have Coles (bookstore chain), a local book store, a new and used book store, and then the second hand stores which sell everything including books like the Salvation Army, etc.
@kukaisiton (702)
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
hi there! we're in the same country :) you'd be surprised that used book sales are in good business here.
@kukaisiton (702)
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
@ patgalca: i have the same dream too! having my own used book store. that's sad that there are many book sellers in your area
@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
yeah, I'm an impulsive buyer most of the time that's why sometimes I prefer staying at home than going outside because if I see something, anything that I like, even if I don't need it, and it so happens that I bought some extra money, I'll surely be buying it. I'm a book lover and have impulsively buy books (even the expensive ones), but I always always finish reading them. I don't start reading them right away after buying , it still depends on my free time and whether or not I have other things to do.
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@verabear (796)
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
I feel that this discussion was started with me in mind :) Yes, I have been known to buy books even with a high pile of unread ones wait for me. Sadly, I lost a lot of those books in the floods (ondoy). So that really taught me not to buy too much too soon. I still have maybe about ten books waiting for me right now, and I stay away from used bookshops. In fact, I haven't visited my favorite used bookstore in two months!
@kukaisiton (702)
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
aww, that's really sad that you lost your precious books to ondoy. for me, after keeping my personal documents intact, i saved my books second. that was really what i worried about when the floods came at our house too.
anyway, youve been away from you fave bookstore in two months? that mustve been so difficult! have a nice day
@edorms36 (275)
• United Arab Emirates
19 Mar 10
If it comes to books where the topic is of interest to me, I also do buy impulsively even when I still got some unread ones on my shelf, I guess if you are really a book lover and a wide reader it can't be helped, it's somewhat like an automatic reaction when you to malls to look for or head towards the bookstore to find some stuff. come to think about it, maybe it maybe better to be impulsive on something that will open our minds to new ideas and enhance the way we see life than to indulge on a spending spree of something that is irrelevant.

@kukaisiton (702)
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
just like you, the first thing i look for in a mall is a bookstore.and i agree with you too. id rather spend on something that would contribute on my knowledge

@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
21 Mar 10
hi kukaisiton,
some years back,when ever i go to Chennai,Banglore and Hyderabad,i am when on the roads,if i find some secondhand road side shop,i stay look and purchasing some mazines,but now i am not doing like that,there is no time to me to read book,but i have lot of spiritual books,what ever i am having,i have read all book,still i have some books in my mind to read,but when the time comes then i will read them,have a nice day

@kukaisiton (702)
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
it's great that you have read all your books and like you before, i always try to find a second hand shop so i can buy. i hope you will have time to read more :) have a nice day !
@kukaisiton (702)
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
wow you belong to a book club. i wonder what that must be like.. we dont have book clubs here. anyway, happy reading lady boss
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
20 Mar 10
About seventy percent of the books on my shelf are unread. I have my own huge personal library. I am sort of a book collector and most of my books are either in storage or here in my apartment. So, if I had the money I would impulsively buy more books because there are some books I want. Some of these books are by writer friends. Others are science, math, fiction, genealogy, history, and astronomy books that, if I saw at Borders, I might buy. And there are some old books I've been wanting since childhood. I love books.

@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
20 Mar 10
I collect books too. Space and the need for money had me purge my bookshelf a couple of years ago to sell in a garage sale. I kept the books of my favourite authors though (and I have too many of those!). My mother in-law visited recently and asked me why I keep the books. She said why over and over again and really I couldn't give her a good answer. I just love books. 

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@mackiejp (374)
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
If the books are worth buying for then I will buy all the books on sale that are all worth to read.I love books and I love to read...But If I only have little money on my pocket well, I have to control myself of not spending them on buying books at the moment,it depends also on ones resources and capability to buy things.If one thinks he/she can afford buying things even if it is not necessary at the moment then why not buying them, but if you are running out of budget then save the money and buy the books you love to read the next time when you have sufficient fund at hand.
I am not an impulsive buyer,I buy things that are necessary. But if I have extra money to spend then I would buy those other things not on the list of my priorities.
@kukaisiton (702)
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
i think that you have a very good attitude when it comes to money and buying on impulse. thanks for responding!
• United States
19 Mar 10
Yes, and this is a matter of GREAT contemplation for me...that is, whether or not buying the book was a good idea (I STILL cannot decide!).
Here are some reasons I struggle:
PROS for buying new books:
1) It's cleaner. When you buy a used book or get one from the Library, the person who had it before you could have picked their nose, or sneezed on it, or had it in the bathroom while they were pooping! Who knows, so buying a brand new book is always a safer bet, hygienically-speaking.
2) It helps guarantee their existence. If society ever went through a crazy "book burning" phase again, it would be harder to destroy all copies of certain books if there are tons of copies out there because so many people bought the book.
3) You can give them away as gifts or donations if you feel like it.
CONS for buying new books:
1) It's costs your hard-earned money.
2) They take up space in your home.
3) They will collect dust (I mean seriously, how many times are you gonna read that book? At some point in time, you will be done reading it, and it will just sit on the shelf forever.)
@writecheck (40)
• United States
20 Mar 10
I do buy books on impulse. Fortunately, I usually buy them at Goodwill, so I don't spend too much money. I can't go to the library right now. I let my dues go up to $65.00, and my husband said I have to stay away for a while. It's cheaper for me to buy, than to forget to take back to the library. If I get a good book, I'll keep reading it all night. I have insomnia so it gives me something to do while I'm awake.