What was your daily routine as a hardworking student?

@avigar (134)
March 19, 2010 6:57am CST
I am a student at present and would like to know about your daily routine.Can any one guide me to have a better routine(time table). I presently have issues about allotting time for my studies.
2 responses
@lowloy (316)
• United States
22 Mar 10
it is best to keep a planner with you, and to look at the schedule you have set up for yourself. Commit to a study group. Commitment is the key to success. By the way who is paying for tuition? If it is you do you want to throw it away?
@avigar (134)
• India
23 Mar 10
Yes, I agree with you! Commitment is the key to success.
• United States
22 Mar 10
I don't really consider myself a hard working student but I can tell you my trying-the-best-not-to-be-lazy schedule. I have classes as twelve but I wake up every morning at eight, eat breakfast and then spend 4 hours in the computer researching and reading online before going to class. After classes, I'll eat lunch and give myself half an hour to 45 minutes of free time before I start reading textbooks for a 3 hours. Then it's dinner and another 30 minutes of leisure time and then back to the books. I schedule my studying time around my classes and it's a little hectic. I think something good to remember is always give yourself breaks while studying. Good luck.
@avigar (134)
• India
23 Mar 10
That's quite a schedule! What are your other hobbies other than reading?