online friends or real friends?

March 19, 2010 9:39am CST
Hello friends! we all have many MyLot friends here and some of them are really close to us, they help us, communicate with us everyday, someones have even meet each other I guess! So that's why I decide to ask you- which friends do you hold on more, the online friends or your real ones?
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53 responses
@Ramsesxlll (1431)
• Finland
19 Mar 10
Well... Mostly I hold on more to my real friends, because they are real, and not fake. Because people can make fake IDs on the internet, but in real life it's not that easy. Of course I do like (some) of my online friends, but it's not as easy to do stuff together with them. Even now I did come respond to your discussion, even if I don't know you that well at all... Friends are one of the best things in the world :D
19 Mar 10
hell0! yep, i also hold on more on my real friends, because they are closer to me and I know them from a longer time than my online ones. well, you are really right- online people can make fake identities and trying to be our fake friends just to make us suffer later, but I think that some of us, who have experience with it, can't fall in that trap that easy :) totally agree- friends are really the best thing in the world along with the family!
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19 Mar 10
Tacos is something to eat, right? if so Please PM me and give me the recipe for it if you have it, because I really want to taste it!
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• Finland
19 Mar 10
The fact that some people don't give all their information, or that they give some fake information doesn't mean that he/she tries to make someone suffer, but to (maybe) protect himself and his personal information. Some however have nothing else to do than to try to ruin other peoples lives. This has never happened to me, and I hope that it never will (sorry if being selfish). But I do agree that I would be pretty damn scared if someone traced my internet I.P and would come stalk me in a bush or something. It makes me understand some of the "fake" people on the internet. I don't want to tell too much about myself neither. Friends, family and a tacos are the best things in the world xD
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
20 Mar 10
The differences are certainly there, if not they won't be called online friends for nothing..and real means as in really there. But online is virtual and far apart. Some online personalities aren't even real.. like in gaming, we interact not because of our personalities but our game persona and that's part of the difference in it all. But we get upset when we have a fight with an online friend, for instance..the hurt or upset feeling or happiness is just the same that we can get from a real friend outside. That's because as humans we are not far from our own raw emotions. Good topic!
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
23 Mar 10
That's right..I couldn't agree more.. Sometimes fake friends can also be in real life too..
20 Mar 10
hell0! hi! yes, the real friends are really more valuable than the online ones, but I agree with you, that when we have a fight with some of our online friends we feel bad sometimes, because we feel that person also our friend, no matter that it is not that close to us, and no matter that we are not sure is he/she a real one or a fake one!
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@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
19 Mar 10
I always try to maintain a balance between online and real friends. After all, all of them are my FRIENDS, that is a lovely thing. And I always strive to give equal time and attention to both of these. Being a good buddy, I believe, that is my duty... Have fun!
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
19 Mar 10
Your reasoning is perfect! You don't feel much closer to your online friends because there is no real conversation. 'Real' here means there in no meeting, get together in real... And yet, we're still attached to them, aren't we?
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19 Mar 10
hell0! yes, we must value both of them as friends, but I just can't feel them that close as i feel my real friends, maybe because I don't know my online friends that well as I know my real friends. bu I definitely stick to them both too!
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
20 Mar 10
Hey phoenix! I think of my online friends as my "real friends"! I talk to them everyday and in some cases even more than some of my real friends! I have formed some really close bonds with some of the people that I have met here on mylot and do consider them as much of my friends as I do the friends that live closer to me! I have friends that live in other states that I don't get to see for years, but still remain just as close to! I sometimes "speak" to my mylot friends more than I do them! I don't think that just because we are "online" friends it makes any difference! Some of us have really formed some very close bond on here and have become quite important in each others lives!
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20 Mar 10
hell0 Opal, my friend! well, it is really nice that you hold on your online friends like you hold on your real ones, because you feel them close too and maybe youalso know them from a long time, and they have shown you that you can trust them and that they respect you! which i think is very good, that it is really hard to find people online, who can really be your good friends, and with whom you can share you problems and pains every day! I am really happy for you my friend!
@LadyBoss (253)
• United States
20 Mar 10
I like real ones better. But when the relationships go bad or we get into an argument. Then I can depend on my online friends :)
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20 Mar 10
hello you both! well, when real friends act like a foes, then I guess we can really depend on the online ones, but can also depend on the other real ones too!
• United States
20 Mar 10
Hello LadyBoss, Yes I agreed so too. I believe it's because they act as un bias source, someone who isn't really in your orbit and you can scout comfort from them.
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• United States
20 Mar 10
Hello phoenix8606, I believed you answered the question for me. I have both online friends and offline friends (IRL). My frist boyfriend was actually someone I met online and we met on later on. The world of wonder. I'd say friends are friends. I don't think of them any less or more. :)
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20 Mar 10
hell0 Protogirl! well, it is really nice to hear that you have met some real friend online, because it is not that often and it doesn't happen to all of us to meet some really good friend online. well, you said it- friends are friends no matter of distances, connection or color. well, I still feel my real friends closer , but maybe because i know them from a longer time!
@delkar (1712)
• Romania
19 Mar 10
Online friends, sometimes can`t meet , but real friends can meet and you can chat with them on the internet too . That`s an important factor that will make me say that i care more about real friends, but i can`t say that online friends aren`t close to me . I love them all , with with their help i`m happy every day, and i have a big smile on my face .
19 Mar 10
hell0! yep, the real friends we meet every single day, we talk to them in private, we walk with them, we have fun with them. well, with the online friends we can also talk but not in private,we can also have fun, but the face-to-face contact is missing, and maybe that's why I feel my real friends much closer to me than the online ones, but I can't also say just like you, that my online friends( well some of them) aren't close to me!
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@jd107nette (1454)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
For me i choose both. Because they are both friends of mine. :) the actual friends are there to Help you physically and emotionally while the Online is for mental and emotional. I have lots of online Friends even around the world and i never met anyone of them IRL but it's been about 5 - 6 years since we get to know each other over the net and still we are friends. he helps me when i need help but Real friends are equal to online friends. and sometimes they would be better to have. _
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19 Mar 10
hell0 there! yeah, my online friends are also friends of mine, but I stick more to my real ones, just because I know them from a longer period. well, i guess that your friendship with some of your online friends is something really true if you know each other from more than 5 years, which is really great, because my "oldest' online friend is from about 6 months which is really not that much to come to know him that good!
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• Estonia
19 Mar 10
Hi! I value both online and real friends, but I think that real ones are more important for me. They are the people that I communicate with every day, we have a lot of common activities and things to do. That's why I value relations with my real friends more, than with online ones.
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20 Mar 10
hi! yep, I also value them both, because they both are my friends, but i also keep more on my real friends, because they are closer to me, can help me in each situation and I also spend more time with them and know them from longer time!
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
hello phoenix, I had online friends whom i never met in real life for more than 4 years now. We been chatting constantly and exchanging views advices and share problems too. I can say that,i can even share even my most personal matters(problems)with my online friends(i had two of them,we've been friends for more than 4 years now)and,they always listen to me,and tried their best to help me though,not even our distance make any barrier about it). Same with real friends(offline)...the only difference i guess is,my internet friends can't extend their help as quick as those offline friends who are near to me. But,it the sense of help and meaning of friendship...i can hold on to both online and offline friends.
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19 Mar 10
hell0 Jaiho! yes, there are many of our online friends that we feel really close to us and we like to share everything with them, even things that we don't share with our real friends, maybe because we feel safer when we share it with someone who actually we will never see(maybe), and it is really good that your online friends have always time to listen to you well, sometimes they are little bit too late with the answers when they are offline, but sooner or later they give us the right one :)
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@trohichko (197)
• Bulgaria
19 Mar 10
On-line friends in most cases are a kind of lie - it's easy for them to tell you that they understand you cause they don't have any direct connection with you - they know what you decide to tell them for you and you in return know only what they want you to know about them. You can't see them in different situations in the real life if they'll act as they've already said they'd act in such situations.
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19 Mar 10
hello! yep, there are really many people like that, who just lie to you in order to know something more about you and then in one happy day you just find out that the 'friend" is actually a foe and you have only wasted your time and feelings. but here on mylot there are many people who are honest and can be good friends. i have already met some and hope I will met many others :)
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@LadyDD (515)
• Romania
19 Mar 10
Both online friends and real friends are important because they are not the same. With real friends one can meet and go out, talk with a loud voice, help with some physical work and so on. With online friends one can chat and give advice and virtual help. I have both real and online friends.
19 Mar 10
hell0! I also have online and real friends but I feel my real ones closer. well you are totally right that they both are important, because they both help us a lot when we need help or feel sad! hope every one have at least on very good real and online friend!
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@cloud31 (5808)
19 Mar 10
I will treasure both,some real friends cannot comprehend into a real friendship and it same as online friends.So when it comes to friends no one is above me,as long as they will do no harm on me, i can hold on both..This make sense when online friends value the friendship like you did.I don't have any friendship limitations as I believe that" Do no harm to others and they will not think of anything to harm you. Happy myLotting!
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19 Mar 10
hell0 Cloud! wow, I really like your point of view, you are so right- because if we behave well to our online friends and never try to harm them, they will also not harm us. and we must really value the friendship because it is something really special and precious! happy lotting to you too!
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• Egypt
20 Mar 10
i dont guess that online friends is friends i consider it as aweak relation its so hard to trust some one through the internet or to act with him as areal friend there are alot of pepol who log in the net consider it as just for fun but to make areal friends its so rare
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20 Mar 10
hell0 and welcome here in the global community of MyLot :) well, sometimes it is really hard to trust people you actually don't know and don't see, because there are realy many people, who use fake identities to affect others on internet. yep, it is really hard to make an online friend your real one, and i may never do that!
• United States
19 Mar 10
I think the number of friends online and off are pretty much equal. Since I have travelled, I have made many friends wherever I have gone. I have many friends online and some that I even communicate with by phone. I never met them face to face but I really feel a oneness wih them.
19 Mar 10
hell0 littleFranciscan! well, it is really good that you feel your online friends as your real ones, because I can't say the same, at least not for the most of them, maybe because I understand the real friendship in some other way, but I am really happy about you, and hope that your online friends also stick to you too
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• United States
20 Mar 10
So far it is a tie. My real life friends are casual friends and we keep in touch. my online friends I have a deep connection , it maybe My beloved Hockey or musis or art but we are connected. And we remain in touch. It is a tie. But I can tell you I would miss my online friends more if we werr to part.It is rare to meet people face to face that have the same interests as you.
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• United States
20 Mar 10
I agree. It just seems impossible at times.
20 Mar 10
hell0! hell0, yes, it is really hard to meet so many people in your real life, face-to-face who have the same interests like you, but it is not impossible!
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@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Mar 10
Hello there! I have many online friends, some I have had for many years. And yes, some are close and have helped me and I feel I have helped them as well. I don't think I will ever meet them however because they live on the other side of the US or some in the UK. I don't think I treat either differently. So both the same.
@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
22 Mar 10
Well, I think the online friends become good ones over time.
21 Mar 10
hell0! well, I haven't met friends online who can be so close to me as the friends you have, but hope that someday I will. and it is right- no matter of the distance we will still be friends, because the friendship has nothing to do with the distance, the most important is the respect and the support of the people we say that are our friends!
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@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
21 Mar 10
hi phonenix, I think that all mylot friends are trusted friend,still in the list some are becomming more close to us,here i find 5 or 6 are more trusted friend,i have talked them over phone also,they very good in communicating and friendly nature,have a nice day
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@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
21 Mar 10
hi phonenix, thanks for the comment,if i do friendship ,i will be honest and realiable friend to be,once the friendship is fixed with me,no body will loose my friendship,i have to increase the direct online friends list,but some day i will meet atleast one online friend directly,have a nice day
21 Mar 10
hell0! wow, still haven't talked with some of my friends here through phone but think it is great and means that you are already good friends and not just communication partner
@chiepao (714)
• Philippines
21 Mar 10
hi phoenix :) It's not that I hold on more on my real friends than my friends online but IRL friends gives a different comfort than online. But I have friends online which I met IRL who became my real friends as well. I guess, relationships could really be built just through the net :)
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21 Mar 10
hi there! yep, i also think it is possible to built a relationship through internet, but it demands more time to come to know the person you have met online, just to be sure that he/she is real and not a fake one! BTW what IRL means???
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@chiepao (714)
• Philippines
23 Mar 10
sorry for the late reply.. I was in the office when I logged on in mylot True it takes time to really know and built friends online but once it's there, it's priceless btw, IRL mean In Real Life.
@hagirl (1295)
• United States
21 Mar 10
It is sort of like the love of your child and spouse ..... They are both strong abiding love but so much different in ways...... The online and real friends are very important and helpful to me.....It is kind of like the same for both but in different ways.....
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@hagirl (1295)
• United States
21 Mar 10
It is not only the help but the honest unbias opinions; They really don't know you; They only know what you tell them.... Sometimes your real friends will tell you what you want to hear to spare your feelings.... Your online friends that do not know you personally do not know what hurts your feelings and what does not .... but will give you their honest opinion..... Some opinions you will like and some not.... but they give them to you according to what you tell them....
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21 Mar 10
yes, I agree with you- the online friends give us correct answers and objective opinions, because they actually don't know us that well as our real friends!
21 Mar 10
well, I'm glad to know that you feel your online friends so close as you feel your real ones, because I still can't say the same thing for my online friends, but guess very soon i could do it, because there are few people who help me every time I ask for help and have always supported me!