Mylot a dream come true?

March 19, 2010 11:41pm CST
can you believe it they are paying us by just socializing with people isn't it great? like a dream come true? LOL.
6 responses
• India
20 Mar 10
I joined over a year back, its really wonderful, but i had to stop because of studies :3 can't concentrate on both the things :P
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
well, Good luck on your studies :)
• Malaysia
20 Mar 10
yes, paleflare , this is a great site. we participate, make friends, share our views and best of all we get paid. and there are so many interests and subjects we can get involved. its a good way and its a healthy way to spend our time and make friends with so many mylotters around the world. we are all in one big family as the popular song goes ,' we are thw world...."
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
Yeah, mylot is one of my favorite past time :D
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
22 Mar 10
You are certainly right. This is such and awesome site. You get paid as you post. Not only that, you will gain friends as well as learn ideas and gain knowledge. Moreover, you also get to receive advises should you post some concerns. Such a great site indeed.
@jd107nette (1454)
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
i understand what you mean paleflare... that is why i had doubts before and thought of it as a scam.. but then there is nothing to lose... it's merely like creating a discussion in fb or fs or in yahoo or anywhere else, BUT, with a wonderful perk... it's a really nice site... ^_^
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
I didn't doubt it, it looks pretty real to me :)
@humairaku (2038)
• Indonesia
20 Mar 10
yup, you're right! It's just like having fun with facebook but it's paid. it's fantastic! and the more make me happy is I can practice my English and it's also a legit site to earn money. big hope that mylot will last forever.
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
yeah, this is the place to practice english. :)
@starlitn (67)
• New Zealand
20 Mar 10
Yes I think it is so awesome too! Glad to have found this site.
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
it is awesome, be active :)