What are the steps you are taking to save the electricity bill?
By Sreekala
@Sreekala (34312)
March 20, 2010 2:31am CST
Dear mylotters,
Do you switch off your fridge/refrigerator for some particular hours to save electricity?
Now the electricity is very costly in our place. The new electronic meter is reading the electricity for indicators and zero Walt bulbs too. So it is the time to think about to save the electricity.
I have heard that switching off fridge in the evening time have some benefits and we can save electricity. It will not disturb the food items in the fridge badly. I also read it somewhere that if you ‘switch off’ the fridge then and ‘switch on’ again after one/two hour then the machine should again work hard to keep the cool in it. It means there is no use of switching off the fridge for saving electricity or we can’t save electricity by this way.
What are the steps you are taken to save the electricity? Do you bother about the current bill or just forget about the bill and use the electric equipments as you wish. Do you have the habit of taking care of electronic equipments to reduce the consumption of electricity?
Please share your knowledge on ‘how to save electricity’ and your views and experiences too.
Have a great weekend to all of you.

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94 responses
@voldrox (7191)
• India
20 Mar 10
Hi Sreekala,
Well since the company pays for most of the electric bills for us we don't really need to spend in a lot of money, anyways we do try to save electricity, we don't leave the fans running, that is what most of people sometimes forget to turn off after leaving the room, well i believe yes the fridge should not be turned off but kept running, and even if turned off should not be left so for such a long time that it gets back to normal temperature hence it is better to keep it running.
In the summers especially our bills are heavier, we tend to use the air conditioner when we sleep, and the ceiling fan it on all day, switching lights off where not required and what else... even though our bills are not very heavy but we still try to keep it as low as we can, saving electricity, we could use it later too, well that was about my home.
You know i am living in a hostel, and in room there is nothing much, just a fan, light, and an outlet for the electrical appliances, we pay a very less amount for electricity which is included in the semester fees but even then we should consider saving electricity, i sometimes leave my computer on even when i leave my room and go somewhere, i guess i should not be doing that coz there is nothing going on important, i just stay online, but anyway i should not be doing that, most of my friends do that too, when we leave for attending some lecture we do leave our computers on, i guess that is a waste of electricity.
You too have a great weekend Sreekala. 

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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
22 Mar 10
Hi voldrox,
So the bill won’t be a headache but still you are taking steps to reduce the usage of electricity and I really appreciate that
. At home you are taking extra care but not that much care in hostel and college. Regarding computers, I heard that it needs more electricity when we starting the computer for initiating and all so if we keep on running then there won’t be much difference, what do you say? I don’t have any thorough knowledge this is just my guessing and may be a blunder
Thank you so much, have a nice week.

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@voldrox (7191)
• India
23 Mar 10
hi Sreekala, no computers don't eat much of electricity just the monitors, i have a laptop, and even they don't require much electricity, so some people switch off their monitors and leave the computer running and when they are back just switch the monitor back on. Have a nice day you too. 

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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
hello sister,
This is very timely topic.
This summer time surely will give us higher electric bills.
Well,i also heard about switching off the fridge at night.
But in my case,i can't do it,since my fridge is a "no frost"...then,there's no enough ice from the freezer to make the fridge cool the whole night.
What i am doing to save some electricity is,i washed clothes at least twice a week,using hands instead of washing machine.
I soak the dresses whole night,so,i can wash them easily in the morning and also drying it naturally(sun's heat)not using the dryer anymore.
One more thing is,i unplug all appliances(excluding the fridge).
I also leave our windows open (with screen locked) to have more ventilation,so no need to put the fan at the maximum level.
I also bought a brush esp designed for cleaning carpet,so,i use my vacuum cleaner once a month instead of once a week.
I asks my kids to sleep at one room...my two sons were using separate rooms...i asked them to share one room so they can use one fan instead of two.
And i also had my daughter sleeps with me in my room,so we can share one fan also.
Oh..gosh this electric bills is really consuming our budget

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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
20 Mar 10
Hi dear,
You are really an efficient lady with excellent plans to cope with the expenditure and problems
. I really appreciate you for making your home well managed and taking necessary steps to avoid the extra expenditure. You have given the simple steps we can do at home to avoid the wastage of electricity. I am also taking as much care to reduce the usage of electricity. In summer I also prefer to wash the cloths by hands and using the washing machine only for heavy cloths.
Thank you so much for the excellent tips.
Have a great weekend. 

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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
hello sister,
i really need to think of using electricity wisely,since electric bills here in my country costs a lot.
the highest so far electric bill that i receive this year was my February bill amounting 2thousand pesos(same equivalent to rupees)
whoooo...too much...

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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
20 Mar 10
Hi Sree, we don't switch off our fridge to save electricity. We never want to see our ice cream, yogurt, butter, etc to turn to the undesirable form or have bad odor
You know sometimes we might not come back as what we have planned due to certain matter which can't be expected to. I was told exactly like what you have mentioned above as well, switching off fridge on and off frequently is not the right way to save energy charge. And the fridge might damage easily if keep on doing this way.
As far as I know air con, shower water heater as well as kettle are the heavy power consumption electric appliances. For the sake of saving electricity we try to use table and ceiling fan instead of air con unless we could hardly stand the scorching heat during dry season. We take warm shower only during cold rainy day. We have fixed two sets of water filter and we don't have to take the trouble to boil water anymore
Take care and have a nice day 

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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
20 Mar 10
Hi dear
So I can have ice-cream if I come to your place. I really miss that ice-cream dear.
But somebody responded me like, switching off the fridge is helping them to save electricity. I am doing the same in winter but I am not checking the difference in bills.
Thank you so much for the reply dear and have a great weekend. 

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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
30 Mar 10
You are most welcome dear! Not only ice cream, I will serve you with whatever food you love which is available here
My son did switch off his fridge to save electricity before for there was nothing left in it
Before that we asked for advice and the technician told us not to switch off the fridge for more than three months. This is to avoid the damage of its mechanism and chemical fluid in the tube.
Have a nice day 

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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
31 Mar 10
So sweet of you dear, you made me smile (I was in bad mood). I had one ice-cream day before yesterday and get my throat infected; I like ice-cream but this problem force me to stay away from ice-creams.
Thank you very much for the new information. Now the summer is in peak so no question for switching off fridge.
Have an excellent day. Take care.

@ankitshr (228)
• India
20 Mar 10
hey sreekala, First of all I really appreciate that you started such a topic, We are at a stage, that we need to think about these matters seriously, I personally feel that one should save electricity not only to save the electricity bills, but its a global concern, there are many places in this world where electricity is not readily available. Well I save electricity by switching off any thing which is not in need, i dont use electric bulbs and tube lights in day time, i know its a small contribution but still it is a contribution from my side.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
20 Mar 10
Hi ankit,
In India we are facing much problem with electricity especially in summer. Presently I am in the capital city here also the problem is worse in summer. I think all people should concern about this problem then we don’t face this problem in future. Yes I agree it is a global concern and everybody should show their concern and try to reduce the use of electricity. Using the electronic equipments in an improper/negligent way is leading to wastage of electricity.
Thank you so much for the appreciation and participating this discussion with your own valuable views.
Have a nice day. 

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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
20 Mar 10
Trying to save on my electric billI I keep my appliances unplugged when not in use. All the lightbulbs in my house are the knew longer lasting that is suppose to be good for the environment. I make sure all lights in the house are not on if know one is in the room. My washer and dryer are the new HE type which is suppose to save on energy and water. That is all I can think of now but I'm sure I'm missing something else.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
20 Mar 10
No as for the fridge I don't if I lived alone I would consider it. My daughter would think I had lost my mind if I was to shut off the fridge at night. 

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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
4 Apr 11
Hello axlrate,
I think that is wonderful
, once you find out the techniques for solar panel you can reduce the electricity bill. So hurry up with your studies.
For the tips, if you have time and patience, you can go through this discussion, many have given wonderful tips. Anyway it is upto you and your time.
Thank you so much for participating with this discussion.
Have a great time.

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@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
24 Mar 10
Dear sree,
I hope if one uses the current well may one could give the amount in bill as per effective usage. May other alternative for electricity too could give a better result. Like those solar panels, solar cookers, solar lights etc. May these kinds of alternative might give a best result in reducing current bill. Moreover be alert to switch off those unwanted services of electricity. Mostly at my home I avoid unnecessary usage of electricity and that is well projected in my bill too.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Nov 12
oh Sreekala no thats not saving electricity but taking a chance of food getting warmed up.also switching computers off and on does n t save electricy and is
actually hard on our computers. I turn all off at bedtime bu t when I had my own apartment we switched off lights and tvs when not in use and also changed our
bulbs to the swiggley bulbs that last for years and do not use much electricity.
also replace an old ailing fridge with an energy saving modern one and it will pay for itself in lower bills. also shut down air conditioners except for very hot days as they use a lot of electricity and do up your thermostat to a higher reading.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
13 Mar 13
Dear Hatley,
Most of us (Indians) do not have the habit of keeping food items in fridge for more than one day. My habit is, I prepare food in morning and keep the left over food in fridge then consume the same in evening. But in winter season, I do prefer to make food freshly, means I prepare food in morning, breakfast and lunch then dinner I prepare only in evening. Main use of fridge is to keep vegetables, milk and drinking water (in summer only). So I think switching off the fridge for 2-3 hours won’t make any difference.
Thanks for sharing. Take care of your health.

@gunagohan (3413)
• India
20 Mar 10
Well, saving electricity is not about switching off and on the fridge, there are many ways to save the electricity, first thing turning off the lights when natural lights comes in the morning, i have seen many people glowing their bulbs till 10 or 11 am..
Switching off the fans when u are moving away even for 5 minutes ..Many will not do this, they never care ..
The other important thing, that air conditioner and fans should not be running parallel, this takes much electric power and more dust would be formed in the air conditioner, u could use either a fan or an ac...
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
20 Mar 10
Hi guna,
First of all Congratulations for touching 1000 marks.
Yes I agree with you, but I just wanted to know the real thing with this issue. I am confused with two kind of information about the fridge. You have suggested simple steps and anybody can follow it but we hardly take care on these. I know many people are using the fan and ac simultaneously. I know the best rest will get when the a/c is working and fan turned off
Thank you very much for your views and have a nice day.

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@gunagohan (3413)
• India
20 Mar 10
Thanks ...
Don't get confused with the fridge ...
As an electronics engineer i dont have adequate knowledge related to fridge as they belong to mechanical and electrical domain, but with my tested knowledge u can save some power when u are turning off the fridge and the fridge which are available in market now don't take more than 5-8 mins to get cooled up , so it is also a matter of concern, but turning off the fridge for 1 hour will not damage the food items when u are not opening the fridge at frequent intervals..
U can never turn off the fridge , if u are opening the fridge for more than 10 times in 1 hour, so u need to keep the power on..
There is another way, people here using this way, turn off the fridge during night hours when u go to sleep, and switch it on when u wake up..
This is a best way..
i assure this saves some energy..
But fridges are very mandatory ...
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Oct 10
There are a lot of things that my husband I are trying to do to save electricity in our house. That said, the main thing that we've done to save electricity is that we mostly use CFL lightbulbs in our house. In addition to that, since we've moved in we've also added a lot of new insulation to the attic because the house had a tendency to get pretty cold during the winter and stay pretty warm in the upstairs in the extreme temperatures. I think that has made a lot of difference on our electric bills as well.
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@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
20 Mar 10
saving electricity? it's nice if i could get all the light-bulbs changed to those with energy-saving features. i switch off the lights or other appliances when they are not in use. my sister normally off the switches and take them off the powerpoints if they are not used for a day or two. when the aircon is on, the fans would be off. the aircon is normally programmed to switch off automatically after sometime.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
22 Mar 10
Hi tomi,
Energy saving lamp is helping to save electricity in a great way. Now the summer is in progress here, we may forget about the electricity bill and switch on the air con and fan simultaneously. But is true there is no necessity to allow work both at the same time. It is good to know that you are always careful to save electricity.
Thank you so much for the reply.
Have a nice week. 

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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
19 May 11
Hi mantis,
I agree, if you can type fast then you can finish your work quickly then switch off the system fast too. However, computer is not the only device we are using on daily basis. Computer can be avoided from daily use.
Thank you so much for your views.
Have a nice day. 

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@viji_v2 (727)
• India
30 Apr 12
Hello Sree sis *hugs,
I am back again and I am back in the long queque to answer you lol. After coming here I find how heaven our place is. It is high rating for everything. Okay for saving electricity, I used to switch off fans when it is not needed even I am under it. Then using CFL bulbs in few rooms. Let me think what will be other ways lol.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
30 Apr 12
Dear Vijikutty,
Welcome back dear
I am so happy to see you back. Yes, I agree, the cost of living in this place is too high. In case of electricity, we need it much in summer time as we have to depend on air conditioner/cooler, fridge and fans etc. In winter it can be reduced.
Have you got the computer or from the mobile.
Take care dear

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@viji_v2 (727)
• India
30 Apr 12
Hello sis, yes I am back and now through mobile only.
You know well some of the tactics to overcome the use of air conditioner, refrigerator. Try that and reduce using those appliances. You will get saved from huge electricity bill.
I will try to be active as like before *w00t.

@airportviju (32)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
2 Jul 12
Hi sreekala...
I would like to answer for your post that this is my first postings..
Definitely your post having interest in having to cut off and save electricity for the future itself.Now mainly having recession period and also have to generate most of the times i do and care about the readings of the meter in my home.
I often cut some time may be half an hour or may be extended to 1 hour means enough for reduce the consumption of electricity.I also replaced 100 watts and 60 watts of bulbs and brought out energy saving bulbs like compact fluorescent lamps to all my rooms.I reduce consumption of iron box,fridge and heaters too.
I think this habit will make lots of changes in the future can also took a decision to make good habits for save the bill too.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
4 Jul 12
Hello Viju,
I am happy to see you back and starting with my discussion. I felt it is a great honour for me. Thank you so much.
There is one big fact, in south the electricity is not available for long hours if there is rain and wind together, I think we can save much electricity in this way even we are disturbed with the power cuts. Last time I was in Kerala, one strong wind collapsed all the electric supply for two days. It took much time to cut all the trees falls in the main lines.
Thank you once again. Hope we can interact more.

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@airportviju (32)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
11 Jul 12
Hi sree...
Thanks for adding me and also came back to connect with you and my old friends too.
Yes you are right and here in kerala ,now the time having lots of rain,showering and disturbed with wind too.Yesterday itself,a big coconut tree fall down in front of my home also hitting the electricity line and went off the supply for long hours.It took lot of time to cut smaller pieces of wood of the fallen big long coconut tree.
More discussions...more interactions...well,thanks again...:-)
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
20 Mar 10
Very Pertinent post. We all face this problem and we pay
hefty bills for using electricity. I used to switch of my
refrigerator in the mornings of winter, for 2-3 hours,
when it was winter here in Delhi. At that point of time,
my Gyser used to run for 2 hours in the morning, so I thought
I can safely switch off my refrigerator and I have noticed
that I was able to reduce my electricity bills upto an extent.
However, during summer months it is difficult to save
electricity because we can not make do without fans, coolers
or ACs.
We do not have any incandescent bulb in our home, we have replaced all
the bulbs with CFL. Though, initially buying a CFL is an
expensive affair, yet, regular use of Compact flurecent Lamps (CFLs)
do help in saving electricity. Also, we switch on the lights and fan, when
we are not using them in any room.
Also, you know that my (real) name is such and I keep glowing
in accordance with my (real) name, even at nights, that also
helps us reduced electricity.
Have a great day!

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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Mar 10
We do have CFLs in our home, but if it is a sudden
darkness, I use my own light and I sparkle to give
light to others........

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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
22 Mar 10
Hi deepak,
Does it mean that you don't need bulb/tubes at home.
I think you are taking wise steps to reduce the electricity bill
. So you felt that the switching off fridge is working favourably. Actually I got different opinion on that. In summer we don't have any alternatives but use all those, fan, AC etc.
Thank you very much for the reply and have a nice week.

@rajaiv0810 (1012)
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
I turn off the fridge in the evening for like 7-12 hrs. From the time we have been doing this we've managed to save electricity. We do this 3-4x a week and it helped a lot. During the day the fridge will form ice already and that coldness can stay for the whole night. But if there are lots of food inside then we don't turn it off. We also use electric iron once a week only. We use low wattage light bulbs too and thank God we don't have electric pump anymore. Electricity really eats a lot on the monthly budget.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
20 Mar 10
Hi raja,
That means turning off the fridge is giving benefits to you. Actually I am little confused with those different information. Using the electric iron once in a week is an excellent method to reduce the electricity bill. But it is really time consuming and tedious work when we do it in bulk quantity.
Thank you so much for your views.
Have a nice day.

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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
24 Mar 10
Hello sree good morning this is a very nice question and topic you posted.
Speaking of electricity savings you have to consider a lot of things especially the usage and particularly the facility you are using.
From traditional lighting to green lighting which is a part of world campaign on friendly environment program.
Traditional Lighting falls on our incandescent lamps, bulbs mercury lamp, high pressure sodium lights etc...it refer to all lamps that produce yellowish color lights..
Well, in my little ways of savings, I pulled out those cable plugs being plugged always on its outlet, turning off those lights after usage, pulling off or turning off our fridge the whole night, minimize usage of computer and some other thing that I could save my electricity bill...
Nice topic...keep it up...
Mobhomeir here...

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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
31 Mar 10
Hi mobhomeir,
Thanks for the appreciation
. Yes the yellow bulbs are consuming much power, now most of the people changed into CLF. You are also following the right methods to reduce the electric bill. Thanks for sharing the same.
Have a nice day. 

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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
1 Apr 10

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@msfrancisco9369 (10002)
• Boston, Massachusetts
20 Mar 10
Hi Sree,
WE follow the advise of our electric company on how to save electricity. we switch off all appliances when not in use and only switch on the light during night time. avoid switching on and off the lights and even the appliances ift will speed up the meter and will increase the bill. we iron our clothes once a week to save energy. we organize our clothes for work and the kids school uniform. so every sunday is an iron day for the family.
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@msfrancisco9369 (10002)
• Boston, Massachusetts
21 Mar 10
i have a helper at home who help me do some house chores at the same time she takes care of the kids when i am in the office. we help each other i doing the laundry (washing machine 2x a week) and of course with the ironing of clothes. we always support and help each other. it makes the chore easier and fun.
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@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
23 Mar 10
to me saving the electricity bill at home is very much related to conserving energy. but the fridge is still on, i read and take warm showers if i need to, as usual. conserving energy is simply about energy-efficiency. and that is about doing the same things with just a part of the energy used. if my pc is not going to be used for more than 30 minutes because i need to get my groceries i would switch it off. lights and electrical appliances are switched off at the power socket when they are not in use. the lights have also been replaced by compact fluorescent lamps or cfl. the washing machine at home normally washes with a full load. we use the fan more than the aircon now, instead. above all we have educated each other at home on energy conservation and eventually to save our electricity bill as well as doing a part to save the earth in our very own small ways.
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@Kalyni2011 (3496)
• India
3 Nov 12
Sree beti
We use CFL bulbs and compact thin tube lights.
We replaced all old fans; they were heavy, we now use light weight less power consuming types.
We switch off fans and lights when not in use.
In stead of electric heater, we use induction type heaters.

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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
13 Mar 13
Dear Maa
Now electricity cost really up and we are paying 7 rupees per unit as we are not paying directly to the board according to their tariff. There is sub-meter for us and we are paying to house owner. Winter is just getting over and there was less consumption of electricity and less power cuts. Now in summer everything will be just opposite.
Thanks for sharing and take care of your health.