How often do you read a Bible?

@carrine (2743)
March 20, 2010 8:28pm CST
i can say that i read a Bible everyday but i do read a Bible at least once to two times a week. reading a Bible helps me a lot to realize things and weight things out. especially when i feel so down and happy also. because in the Bible are there so many verses that can really helps to make our lives more easier and at ease to stay with. i have this fave verse the Isiah 41:10 and Psalm chapter 4 and also Jeremiah 29:11. guys im telling you, reading a Bible is a good practice and can help us to become a better person. im just basing on my personal experience.
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25 responses
• India
21 Mar 10
I read daily because bible is a gods word is it not true?
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@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
21 Mar 10
its very true. Bible is the word of God, thats why we really have to read it!
• India
25 May 10
Hi i am hindu by religion, we have so many epics and religion based boobks, that i read while doing pooja, but a christian friend had given me a copy of Bible that i had read just once.. Sorry for late response.. Thanks for sharing. Welcome always. Cheers. Prof Thanks.
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• Philippines
25 Mar 10
I try to read the Bible daily, as well. There are days when I fail, but I treat the Bible as food, and I love the wisdom I get from it. The times when I understand some symbolisms, etc, I really get enthusiastic about my "discoveries," and that increases my wonder for the Word even more. :D
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• Malaysia
24 Mar 10
i wish i read the Bible more often. since this topic is discussed, i resolve to read the Bible early in the morning when i get up and at night before i sleep. in other words, i need to get up slightly early to have quite time to read and pray and listen to God. the sama appiles at night, going to my room to spend time with God to develope a close intimate relationship with Him. i realised i need to pray and then i need to listen to Him. it has to be a 2 way communication. what do you think?
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@prinkish (104)
• Philippines
23 Mar 10
I read everyday..... At the time that I woke up, I pray and thanked God that I'm still alive... Also, I read The Daily Bread
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• China
23 Mar 10
when i was a freshman,i have bought a bible.i planned to read it in four years,but now,i just have read a few pages. i think i should leain from you.maybe i can get help from the bible.
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@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 10
Hi carrine, You are only reading the good parts, try Deut. 22: 28-29
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• Philippines
22 Mar 10
Well, I read the Bible almost everyday. A few months ago, I decided I'll read the Bible every night before I sleep. Well, on the first weeks, I've really read the Bible every night before I sleep, but on the next months, I sometimes forgot it. So now, I really try hard to read the Bible every night.
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
22 Mar 10
I dun read the bible at all, because i'm not in that religion.. lol =D PLus, i dunno what makes the bible so important that everybody in that religion must make it a point to read?? hehe ^_^ And so far, i have not met any christians, whom dun read the bible at all!! lol =D So i must say, those into christianity, are truly faithful to the religion?? hehe
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@shello (964)
• United Arab Emirates
21 Mar 10
I am supposed to read the Bible everyday before going to sleep and everytime that I feel that I'm in need to read it. However, there are times when I get so busy and that would lead to failure in reading the Bible.
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• India
21 Mar 10
What you told that is absolutely right keep it up and try to understand what says the scriptures then you can more benefit example 2 timothy3:1-5 what tells read that scriptures and take a time for meditation, and what tells Isa25:8 and Rev21:4 about future, think on that, and after reading you just think that what should i have to do for that beter future
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• United States
22 Mar 10
about three to four times a week i get into a study on subjects that are going on in my life..
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@kharlav (1669)
• Philippines
21 Mar 10
I read the Bible as much as I can. if you could read the Bible more than 5 times then good, for there are no limits in reading the word of God, the more, the better. But doesnt mean that reading just once a day is bad, no, still God delights in that, even reading a single verse is okay, at least you tried to read the word compared to not reading at all. but lately, I haven't been reading the Bible, and know I'm reminded by your discussion that I should go back reading and how important the Bible is. And i thank you for putting this discussion. Reading the Bible is very important for it is the word of God. It is God's way to communicate with us, for us to know Him, to know His desires and everything else. There are a lot of voices in this world and we could never distinguish God's voice without knowing the Word. In fact, Satan too used the word/the bible in tempting Jesus. If Jesus didn't know the word, He could have been tempted by Satan. Continuous knowing of God's word (which is the Bible) would enable us to know His voice because through it, we would know His will, His desires and His character. So, for us, It is so important to know God's word. So let us read! don't let your bibles sleep and be dusty.
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• United States
22 Mar 10
i'd like to say i read every day...and my wife and i are trying to go through the bible this year...but we end up listening to a lot of it on blueletterbible audio when we fall behind on our reading
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
21 Mar 10
As a christian/catholic we should read the bible regularly but I have failed in my duties as a catholic as I have not read the bible as I should but hopefully I will start to read few passage a day. Thank you for this post as it has waken me up from my deep sleep.
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• Philippines
21 Mar 10
I used to read the Bible everyday, but I guess I have been managing my time not as well as I used to. However I try to read the Bible often. I love to know more about God and his plans for my life. I also try to memorize verses and to meditate on those.
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@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
21 Mar 10
For me Yap by reading about 3-5 chapter every day then you finished the bible about one year it is better habit you make co that you close to Jehovah God.
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@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
21 Mar 10
I try and read it every morning before I turn on tv. After I wake up and take my dog for a walk I come back in and read a few passages a day. Then I turn on tv. I know if I go to tv first I won't read because it is a distraction. I enjoy starting my day with God. There are times when I get lazy and don't read. I do notice a difference in the way I feel when I don't read and when I do read The Bible. It is awesome when you are going through something and in the reading a passage will speak to you and fits right with what is going on in your life. It was hard for me to read it when I was younger because I didn't understand it. Now that I am older and have a better understanding I enjoy it more. God Bless
@Ladyslipper (1327)
• Philippines
21 Mar 10
Hi Carinne! It's good that you still get to read the bible no matter how busy life gets. Honestly, the last time I ever read a bible was almost two years ago. I guess it's because it never became a part of my everyday routine. I love reading a lot and the very first time I ever read the whole bible was when I was 11 years old. I've read it like I was reading a novel. I just saw it in our bookshelves and because I'm already done reading all the novels and pocketbooks in the house I got interested in reading it. I was able to finish reading the whole bible in one week as I can still remember. However, it never became my habit to read it or make it a part of my daily activity.
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@cloud31 (5809)
21 Mar 10
I read the bible every morning once I get up from bed,I used to have at least once verse to meditate for by busy day ahead.I use to hold on that verse till the end of the day..I feel my day is full of life when I'm doing that. Happy myLotting!
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