Obama is totally disillusioned,

United States
March 22, 2010 12:40am CST
it's not about the people's needs, it's all about what Obama's needs are. After 55% of the American people disapproved the healthcare bill, he still shoved it down our throats. Your going to get this, weather you like it, or not. Regardless, to what this bill will cost the tax payers. This is a sad for America, this is day for us all, that well cut Medicare to seniors by 50%, Doctors, quality of care to the patient well decline. Our children, Our children's children will suffer for decades to come. Paying back this massive outrages spending feast. Let us all say a prayer before we go to bed tonight. In hoping that we can somehow repeal this Bill to hell. Also, come November, we can take back the house. And finally put a Chasity belt around Nancy Polsi and Barock Obama's Big mouth.
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8 responses
@hofferp (4734)
• United States
22 Mar 10
My Dem Congressman, while they tried to "bribe" him with a new hospital in his home town, voted with his constituents; he voted "no". While I applaud him for his vote, I will still be voting against him this Fall; partly, because of his "yes" votes on cap and trade and other bills, and partly, because I want to clear the House and Senate of the "garbage" now collected in Washington.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
23 Mar 10
Where exactly in the bill is this particular strain of bs your promoting located, dbusichio? If you're spouting off about it you must know what page it's on, right?
• United States
22 Mar 10
Seniors will be hit the hardest. Less money will be paid into medicare, if you have a heart condition in need of a 40,000 dollar bypass and are no longer a productive part of our society. You will probably not get that bypass unless you have a AARP underwritten insurance co. to cover the procedure. If you are over weight and are told to lose 50 pounds or else we will not be able to service your medical needs, because it will be to costly. Your screwed!!!! Their will be major restrictings of what and what not Medicare will cover. Good luck with that. That is how Obama got the endorsement form AARP. AARP is nothing more than a middle man, peddling Services at a premium cost to the senior. Thinking that you are getting a big savings. Which is a ripoff. There has been to much buying and selling on this Bill to Hell. This is got to be the worst Federal Administration in my life time, and to think at one time, Jimmy Carters Administration was a travesty. The rest of the world is setting back laughing. A circus class act. I also have Doctor friends that told me that universal health care will diminish health care as we know it. Which would do more harm than good.
@hofferp (4734)
• United States
22 Mar 10
You got it and I've been paying in for 30+ years and still have 5 years to go. By the time I get there, I can kiss Medicare good-bye.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
22 Mar 10
Let the fear mongering continue! The results of OPINION POLLS do not reflect the will of the American people...only an election does that. That along with your other fear mongering statements are wrong. It is not a case of those who scream the loudest and make the most threats wins.
• United States
22 Mar 10
So Mr. Dino, why can't the people vote on this bill to hell? Ya! Why not let the people vote. I would guarantee that this Healthcare bill to hell, would go up in a massive fire ball. I would have to beg the differ with you Sir. You want real Change? Do you want real change? Since you voted for this socialist Marxist Pig. Stick around for November 2010 Dino. Then you will see real change, My friend.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
23 Mar 10
First of all, dude, I'm not a Mr...I'm a Mrs. Maybe you should spend some time learning about how the legislative branch of our government works and then you will find the answers to your question. I'm glad you're so confident that the bill would go up in a massive fireball if put to a vote by the people. I believe otherwise. There are many Republicans, of which I am one, who were in favor of healthcare reform. We just didn't scream and carry on in the streets...promote a bunch of bs lies and try to scare people. I do agree with you that we will see real change in November, my friend. I intend to attempt to vote every Republican incumbent out of office at that time. It's time we sent new blood to Washington...people with backbones. The Democrats might lose some seats but I assure you that the Republicans will as well.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
23 Mar 10
I didnt catch a question but I can say that I agree. Now Congress will hopefully be tied up with fixing this mess. That way they cant pass out amnesty like dum dum suckers.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
22 Mar 10
Wher are you getting this stuff from? We voted for him and put him into office knowing full well that he ran on healthcare reform. He is keeping a major campaign promise that got him elected and that is far from shoving it down our throats. Medicare is NOT being cut by 50% - go to the AARP website. Do you really think that the strongest lobby in the country for people over 65 would support a bill that cut their benefits in half? what kind of lobby lobbies against itself? Doctors don't feel that the bill will reduce the quality of care they give. In fact the AMA is supporting the bill because most of their members feel it will increase the quality of their care. The AMA sent a congratulatory letter to speaker Pelosi this morning telling her they stand ready to work with the congress and senate on this.) Also, I doubt very much the Barack Obama is disillusioned today. In fact I think he is probably a pretty happy president. He worked hard to keep a campaign promise and now he gets to sign the bill that will make that happen. How would that disillusion him. (I think you probably meant to say delusional)
@bdugas (3577)
• United States
22 Mar 10
AARP is know to go and vote against the people when they said they are on their side. I have nothing to do with AARP I think it is the biggest ripoff to the American people that you can find, they are not concerned about what is going to happen to the elderly. Look up how they have voted when it comes to many issues that effect the elderly people. Oh I am sure that Obama is a happy president this morning, the problem is all these congressmen that passed something the American people was against, should start looking for a new job come November. A big shake up is coming in congress and I can't wait. This country has went down hill since the dems have taken over about 4 years ago. I know that already some of my benifits have been cut, over the past month, such as my diabetes supplies now can only test once aday even though it runs high all the time. You will see more cuts to the eldrly, they have already cut into medicare, we now have a suppellment policy that my husband has to carry, which now has a co pay, that he now don't go to the doctor, because he doesnt' have the 20%. We draw $757. a month disability, sure hard to pay rent, phone, auto insurance, renters, insurance, electric, cable, and have anything left for the month, then have to come up with 20%, I think this will put a lot of elderly out of getting the medical help they need. Or is it we are all going on medicaid, is that what this country is coming to, everyone on medicaid, I hear that you can earn $75,000 and get medicaid, anyone making that kind of money should be able to pay for their own insurance. But lets attack the elderly and take from them and that is just what is happening.
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@hofferp (4734)
• United States
22 Mar 10
Irisheyes, you may have voted for Obama, I did not. Health-care reform and other social programs, while certainly important, were not at the top of my priority list of things to do. (Part of the reason I didn't vote for Obama; he has our priorities wrong.) The economy, jobs, our national debt, etc. are my priorities. As for the AARP, I dropped it, when it supported the bill. AARP didn't support the bill because it was good for older people, it got something in return as a business. The AMA supported the bill but forgot to poll its membership. ALL the doctors I know are opposed to the bill.
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• India
22 Mar 10
Obama has not messed in this one alone.. he has also messed up with the outsourcing plans of his.. the article in the below address tells it why.. currentworldstatus.blogspot.com/ the last article in the page.. the ideas of him are terrible mate..
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
22 Mar 10
Maybe one day people will realize that Obama is not a democrat, he is a dictator. Dictator's don't care what anyone thinks, they're all out for themselves. I remember reading about Hitler's last days, and how he replied that he hoped Berlin burned. That was stunning to me, and told me everything I needed to know. Megalomanics don't care, period. Only about themselves. It's laughable that some people think he cares about them and their healthcare. He doesn't give a crap. He wants his monuments built, statues, whatever. Instead of focusing on the evil in this world, he is battling us. Why? Because he wants it all. Even if he destroys this country.
• Portugal
23 Mar 10
Sometimes leaders need to do things that are against people's wishes (and I don't that is the case as many people wanted healthcare reform) not because they're are dictators but because it is the right thing to do. More, I fail to understand how is healthcare reform a monument to Obama. And how are you including Hitler on this discussion?? Someone once told me when you mention Hitler discussing something that has nothing to do with ww2 you automatically lose.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
22 Mar 10
i would expect the opposition to their agenda will grow just because of the American sense of fair play. There were things in the Bill that people liked but it was the total bill that they were opposed to. To many people it is like needing a tune up for your car to correct some problems but the mechanic goes and changes the engine and transmission and power train so what was to be a $200 - $300 job now cost more than the price of a newer car. he could have gotten more support if he had taken one issue at a time. Well we have four years to pay before we see what the benefits are.
@merita (54)
• Spain
22 Mar 10
Hi,i think that a law of this type is necessary,although of course the one of Obama have to be reformed to adapt to the opinion positive of many number of people.