Smoking, how did you quit?

United States
March 22, 2010 4:35am CST
I'm on my fourth day of quitting smoking. Has anyone quit recently? I have smoked for 34 years and I have tried so many things..I found this class I took for free at the hospital.They evaluated me and gave me free patches and gum.I using them but it's beginning to get harder and harder.
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10 responses
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
22 Mar 10
Hi, I do not smoke but my father does.He has been down with lung problems,even nose bleeds at times and has been strictly advised by the doctor to refrain from smoking.I saw he tried really hard for a month or so,chewing betel leaves instead to keep his mind off and also had cups of tea and coffee.However,try as he might he could not quit smoking for ever.At home my mother and I are really concerned about his health and repeatedly keep reminding him of what the doctor has said,but he just cannot control himself and has to smoke twice or thrice a day.He says it is impossible to give it up for ever.We are really at a loss as to what should be done since his health is getting no better and we know the reason why but he will not listen.What a killer this habit is!
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
22 Mar 10
I am terribly sorry to hear that.No,the doctor has not advised these to him.It is possible that such alternatives are not available in my country.However,since you have suggested these,I will definitely ask the doctor and try and convince my father to get used to these.I hope he will listen to us.
• United States
22 Mar 10
yes ask his doctor about them, they may help him especially the inhaler..he can hold it and puff on it while he is doing his daily activities..keep me updated on this ok..
@___SKY___ (541)
• Hong Kong
23 Mar 10
Well, Just think your family, they will suffer if you have a serious sickness from smoking. I have so many friend, already quit from smoking. Just think also, what is the benefits of it? Nothing right? You can do it if you really want. Have a nice day!!!
• Hong Kong
23 Mar 10
You see... Men, you can avoid this believe me..You can do it.. God Bless You.
• United States
23 Mar 10
I have been sick from it, I had a lung collaps in 2007 and I have copd..
@cx258641 (109)
• China
23 Mar 10
if you want to get out the cave after you pursue for the mestery , frankly it is hard , how deep you get in how hard to get out , in fact i reckon why you want to quitting smoking must have some subtle thing do with your friends or families or something you didn't even notice, some how why you didn't sucess have great relate with those subtle thing, if you know anything you know there must be some certain reason for one to do anything sometimes subconciously , what i want to say is make sure why you want to quit this , what brought you this idea , find it and then evaluae how it is function how hard that is . if this thing doesn't take much scope in your inner heart then no doubt you will never succes
@phoenix8606 (4942)
22 Mar 10
hell0! I didn't quit it, because I have never started with it well, I think the most important factor to quit smoking is the will, because if you don't have a strong enough will to do it, then no matter how much gums will you take per day, no matter how much stripes will you paste on your body, you will never quit them. so that's why all you who want to quit smoking must know that the will is the most important thing here. and congrats once again for your success!
• United States
23 Mar 10
Oh yeah we all have to have a stong will, we have to fight and fight.
@Gothicfb1 (141)
23 Mar 10
I'm Smoke also i'm start smoke when i'm in high school until now graduated in college. i'm trying to stop in 1 or 3 days.. but i can't cause my friend's called me and give some smoke and i can't say them in front of my friends that i don't want to smoke. they laugh and say "oh comon" i can't quit arggghhhh ...
• United States
23 Mar 10
Please show your friends you can quit..I have had so many illnesses because of my smoking..please don't let your friends do that, if they do their not your friends..they should want you to stop, if they love you they should help you stop if that is what you want..
• Philippines
23 Mar 10
I've quite before and I started the habit back up again because I had nothing to do. I was bored. And that was the only reason I started smoking. It's pretty stupid I know. But It makes me feel that I have control over myself because anytime I want to quit I know I can. It's like a hobby, or it's like an activity. If I don't quit smoking, then something keeps me occupied. In the same way, it would help if you could focus on something that will keep your fingers busy. Finding just about every discussion that interests you on myLot could be a start! :D Good luck, I totally support your cause and I wish you all the strength you'll need to quit the habit!
• United States
23 Mar 10
It is such a hard habit to break..
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
22 Mar 10
I also smoke. I have been smoking for the past 2-3 years. Man yours is huge period- 34 years... Well.. I am glad that you've been able to quit! Keep it up!!! Recently, I found that it wasn't possible to quit altogther, so I have reduced it a lot. Moreover I believe, exercise will help me with this tough task. The more I exercise, the lesser is my will to have a puff... I am sure it sounds strange, but hey, it is working... I think, you should try it too... Have a nice time!
• United States
22 Mar 10
Thank you lots..I do exercise everyday, I have a dvd helps to stay fit..
• Philippines
22 Mar 10
Hi jesusmyjoy, They are doing this as part of procedure on adjusting your body to eliminate the smoking habits you have. This nicotine gum are use as an alternative way to adjust your body. Its like teaching your body to respond to what your mind is saying (Quitting to smoke). Its really hard to make a 180 degree turn on the things you usually do for the last 34 years. But somehow, I hope that you can overcome it. Just follow your doctors advise because they know the best way to help you :)
@baba2020 (80)
• India
22 Mar 10
Great Jmj good try.... I hope you continue your works well... and enjoy the life...
• United States
22 Mar 10
Smoking always made me feel tired and dragged out..I do take meds for copd lung disease but this will go away without smoking..Thank you for your comment.
@mikoiks2 (216)
• Indonesia
22 Mar 10
Quit smoking is a good decision for you. Because if we are smoking can couse heart problems, cancer causing very harmful to oue health and body. So, you've made something decision for your live.
• United States
22 Mar 10
yes I have to stop..I can't go on it's hurting my health now..I'm four days without one..thank you for commenting.