How do you cope as a student with young child?

@asja1388 (131)
March 22, 2010 8:20am CST
Hi everyone, last year I interrupted my studies to be able to look after my daughter. I have to say that she has eczema which made matters worse and my husband was working, while finishing his PhD. It was a very hard, stressed and tiring time... but the worst part was my constant worries about my daughter's health and whether the nursery would look well after her. It is a good nursery but I am a very skeptical person and always have the thought "what if...? " And at this time many horrible stories went around the newspaper about children being abused. I love my studies and need it to be happy and fulfilled but I didn't see another option as to interrupt for a year. We have no family here to help so its quite tough... I am wondering are there are any students studying with children here? And how do they cope?
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