emotions overruling our brains ...

March 22, 2010 11:24am CST
it happens to us many times, when our emotion overpowers everything and makes our thoughts very cloudy .. there will be urges for us to chhose something which is not right at all, which may ar can hurt us .. even though i know that i should not rush in .. but i want too .. i want to just slam the phone, shout at the person or even hand in my resignations letter ... lucky me, i always call my hubby during those moments to express my cloudy and angered thoughts .. and he can actually calm me dow for the moment .. what should we do ... to avoid making those decisions ??
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8 responses
• Philippines
23 Mar 10
letting our emotions overrule our brains is not a good thing, It may result to bad decisions, we think differently when angry or sad, we think things that may harm us. We should calm our selves and don't let our emotions overrule us. :)
• Malaysia
23 Mar 10
@SQD444 (677)
• India
23 Mar 10
hi there... i would say there is pretty much nothig we could dp in that case.. it depends and changes from person to person on how emotional the person is .. so the decisione like that depends on these too..
• Malaysia
23 Mar 10
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Mar 10
Well Sweet it happens to us all I used to get that way at times in my Job, I used to breathe deeply count to ten and tell myself to just calm down You have a lot on your Mind so of course the emotions are flying high
• Malaysia
23 Mar 10
the breathing part helps but the counting part does not ...
@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
22 Mar 10
yes i agree with you. most of the time emotions rule our brains. but it is good to be a human. i think what make different a human from an animal are the emotions only. but some time we find those people who are emotionless so we just dont care about the relation with him or her. as they have just mind and they will only have the relation if there is a benefit of them
• Malaysia
23 Mar 10
@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
23 Mar 10
the rule is never to allow our hearts go over our heads. if we allow our emotions cloud our decisions, there is a greater chance that the decision is not well-thought of and the outcome unpredictable. the best thing to do, when anger sets in... take your leave... sit still, close your eyes... do some deep breathing... it helps... then go back to where you were before the meltdown...
• Malaysia
23 Mar 10
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
22 Mar 10
Life - has to be spent in a very pleasing manner, but the creator has given different temperaments to different people. So,living with total understanding of the opposite person makes our emotions eliminated. This is the trick of enjoying life. We cannot expect everyone to co-operate with our emotions hence -only understanding the situations makes us experience as to how we should tackle the situation.
• Malaysia
23 Mar 10
yes we gain lots of experience hen we come across such situations
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
22 Mar 10
Very often life seems dull and meaningless, or when we wonder what we are pursuing or living for. Emotions will set in when we are in an unhappy mood. The solution is to focus on whatever tasks we have at hand. It is important not to hurt ourselves or anyone but act in the best interest of all. Worry and anxiety can make a situation worse because our energy is drained and our decision making power is reduced. Be happy and live life to the full.
• Malaysia
22 Mar 10
yes dear ,, decisions during this hazy moments can hurt us badly and leave scars
@myzire72 (1154)
• Singapore
23 Mar 10
Have you thought about the temper you got yourself into after the incident? If you can turn back the clock, how will you choose to behave? Remember your choice and try to rehearse it in your mind. So when it happens again in future, you know how to deal with it. For me, I am aware and mindful of my emotions. If at any one time, I feel that I'm near boiling point, I will excuse myself or get myself out of the situation. Then I will do my breathing exercise or whatever that will lower the temperature. In this way, I avoid making myself regret later for losing control of my temper.