What are you doing if Facebook finished!!

@mikoiks2 (216)
March 22, 2010 12:32pm CST
Maybe next time Facebook out of chat online, what should I do about this?
3 responses
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
24 Mar 10
I think all you have to do is just wait until the site updates itself and chat can resume. This happened to me at times that were not exactly convenient, but I just waited. That's all you really can do.
@mikoiks2 (216)
• Indonesia
24 Mar 10
I think so, but we are different person. Are you sure your respond can be followed?
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
22 Mar 10
If Facebook finished it would not make any difference to me directly because I don't use it However I would then expect a heck of a lot more people would be actively posting here and I would be waiting for them to arrive and start their discussions. Any idea when it is going to happen?
@mikoiks2 (216)
• Indonesia
23 Mar 10
my Idea, we must promote myLot. if facebook out of scial networking is good and myLot can be popular in the world. You like my idea?
@nangisha (3496)
• Indonesia
22 Mar 10
I will find another social network that offers the same quality like twitter.
@mikoiks2 (216)
• Indonesia
23 Mar 10
you like twitter? o just way if facebook leave from social networking?