By TheRealDawn
@dawnald (85139)
Shingle Springs, California
March 22, 2010 4:14pm CST
We were at Home Town Buffet on Saturday and there was this other family sitting near us. Dearra told us later that a girl in the family kept staring at her. She was trying to ignore her, but I guess it really creeped her out. Later she went online (her favorite site, Wizard 101, has a forum) and posted about it. People said things like, "maybe she thought you were pretty" and "maybe you should have stared back at her".
I guess it would bother me too if I was out eating and caught somebody staring at me every time I glanced in their direction. What would you do?
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44 responses
@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
22 Mar 10
Hiya dawn,
The other day I was in a Bar outside of Pamplona with my Husband and all this girl with another crowd could do was stare at me. Everytime I turned to look in that direction she was staring at me again. Maybe well maybe I could not think what she could be staring so much for as I don´t know her and she does not know me I have never seen her in my life. If it´s a man that does that I can take it better well you can think other things you know and I would just ignore that and shrug it off too. But with this girl I don´t know what was the matter with her however I took it in my stride and just ignored her completely. After all said and done she was in good male company she should have been talking to them.
She was not in earshot range and I was not speaking in English either as you will always get heads turn here when you speak English so it could not have been that. Once or twice I have mistaken someone for someone else but I have not stayed there like a dummy staring at them when I realised I´d made a mistake. She did´nt "creep me out" as you call it but even when I was going outside through the Door she was still doing it.
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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
22 Mar 10
Hiya dawn,
Would like to know myself as she is a pretty girl so I thought she was well accompanied too I would have thought she would have had her mind on them instead perhaps I remind her of someone wow I would´nt like to think who though. Like I said if it´s a man I just ignore him there is one in this street is forever staring I just ignore him I don´t find him creepy it´s just the way he is. It´s just when someone stares you out all the time. Even my Husband noticed and asked me do you know her and I shook my head with a definite no.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Mar 10
She must have thought you looked like somebody she knew or perhaps your fly was unzipped? :-)
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
24 Mar 10
Maybe the child thought they knew her from someplace or the child wasn't actually starring was spaced out. I know I can be thinking of something else but appear to be starring straight at something without even realizing it because I was deep in thought.
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@shaggin (74018)
• United States
23 Mar 10
I look at it this way if you are keeping your eyes to your self then you wont notice if someone else is staring at you. I am def. not saying that your daughter was staring at this girl and thats how she noticed the girl was staring at her. Sometimes you can just feel someone looking at you and it gives you the creeps. I know this one girl who no matter where she goes says that people are staring at her. I really think she has a complex about it. It drives me nuts so thats what I tell her I say if you dont look at them you wont notice them looking at you. Imagine how much more creepy it would have been for your daugther to get home and find that the girl who had been staring at her had tracked her down and found her on facebook and requested her as a friend lol.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
23 Mar 10
that would have been creepy - my daughter isn't on Facebook yet though. Maybe next year when she's 14...
@marguicha (225404)
• Chile
22 Mar 10
I find it creepy and would have felt uncomfortable and even scared (specially at her age). The responses Dearra got were not, I´m sure, what the people that responded would have felt and done had it happened to them. It is NOT nice to stare that way. The only reason to accept such a thing is when a mentally handicapped person does it: they dont know better. But I don´t know if I would have been able to see that at Dearra´s age.
Congratulate her for me to have the strenght to be able to talk about that to her site friends and to you.

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Mar 10
Dearra's very vocal with us, just not when she's in the situation...
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
22 Mar 10
Perhaps the girl in the family thought Dearra was staring at HER...just a thought! Sorry to upset the apple-cart but it's a possibility.

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@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
23 Mar 10
May I also toss an apple from the hallowed cart?
Sometimes people are thinking about something. They don't even see you. THey just happen to have their face turned your direction and have their eyes open
My husband got accused of staring at someone once, He was bewildered. He didn't even know she was there!
Absent mindedness! The bane of social situations!

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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
23 Mar 10
I'm usually guilty of staring into space.
I get that off Mum. She's been accused of being "quiet and withdrawn" at work before now. It's not that...she's in a little world of her own just like me - it's great, far better than reality I can assure you!

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@abitcurious (1422)
• Philippines
23 Mar 10
Should you and your family come to my country, I must warn you now that the favorite past time here is staring.
You could get stared at because you have nice clothes, nice shoes, nice accessories or really anything nice. You also merit a stare if you're specially attractive or specially weird. You can also get stared at if you have a liberal taste for clothes or you appreciate the not so standard color palette.
That happens all the time here. Anything out of the ordinary and you get stared at.
As for Deara, being so young just makes her instincts quite strong. So anyone staring at here will probably catch her attention. I sometimes just ignore people who stare except when they get too close for comfort. Either I go out of the way or I make sure they get out of my way. I'm pretty feral about my personal space so that only happens with strangers.

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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
23 Mar 10
She says to tell everybody that she wasn't THAT creeped out, just that it was annoying! Also that the girl stared at her every time she talked or moved and would stop when she got up to get more food. OK, that's the real story, mom messed it up.
@abitcurious (1422)
• Philippines
23 Mar 10
Maybe the other person really thought she was cute. I think it could have been scarier if it was a man staring at her.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
22 Mar 10
I think I would stare back. Or else ignore them and keep doing my business. Why should I let other people change my mood? People can stare at you for multiple reasons. They might look at you because you remind them of someone you know, or they like your dress, or they are just plain dumb and have nothing to do. I would not be preoccupied if I were you. I have lots of other things to do than worrying about such peculiar incident.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
22 Mar 10
Teenagers are very conscious of their appearance at that age.
I am sure that this woman's staring really got on her nerves
and I don't blame your daughter. AS you grow up one learns
how to ignore such people.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Mar 10
It doesn't bother me. I would ignore her. But this was my 13 year old daughter...
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Mar 10
Yep, she'll figure out how to deal with such things as she gets older...
@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
22 Mar 10
Well being the kind of person I am...I would have said "Take a picture it last longer"
But I can be quite a little BEEP 

@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
23 Mar 10
You know what.. in Singapore, sometimes these staring games, they call it here have involved people in fights and etc. I tend to read the papers before and I see news like that. But nowadays, staring games are mostly for boys and girls wanting to know one another, LOL. I find that creepy, if someone wants to get to know somebody and they keep staring. Staring is a bit rude, if you ask me. It's something like glaring.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
23 Mar 10
Yep, pretty rude. Didn't know there was a culture around it though.

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
23 Mar 10
It was my daughter, and maybe they did think that!
@much2say (57337)
• Los Angeles, California
22 Mar 10
Um . . . ok, I did this to someone. I kept staring at this man at this pizza place (when I was with my boyfriend (now hubby)) - only because I thought he looked like my old college professor (the "god" of drawing). I just found it odd that he would be at a pizza place of all places . . . I was just looking and looking (so maybe that girl thought Dearra looked familiar???). Well, finally, to my surprise, the man had the guts after his meal to ask if I knew him or something . . . I told him, and it turned out to be him afterall (then we had a nice convo because he actually went to college with my boyfriend's mom!)
Anyway, if it were me "now", I think I would go up to the person staring and just ask - just like my college professor did - you never know who that could be. But if I were very young, I guess I would have brushed it off and creeped out as well. At Dearra's age, I thought everyone was staring at me because I had self esteem issues . . . but that's another story.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
23 Mar 10
Now that's a new one. It actually was the person you thought it was! :-)
Dearra is far too shy to go up to the person, of course. Maybe it's somebody who remembers her from 4th grade or something...
@much2say (57337)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Mar 10
Maybe the girl thought Dearra was a celebrity too (afterall, there are many young, beautiful celebs out there these days)! Heck, my hubby has gotten the weirdest stares . . . a guy with this starry eyed gaze asked if he was Steven Spielberg (???????) and another time was asked if he was Tom Hulce (the dude who played Mozart in "Amadeus"). And I think I've told you that many folks young and old have thought I was Kristi Yamaguchi. Just goes to show you how many people are out there with bad eye sight - ha ha!!!
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@RachelleNH (1396)
• United States
23 Mar 10
Wierd! I had this happen this weekend at the mall. Me and my kids sat down next to a couple with kids to eat...and Shelley kicks me and whispers that the lady keeps staring at I started casually looking around and sure enough she's looking me up and down!? I don't know what was up with it and that's the first time I've ever noticed anyone actually doing that. All I could come up with was either she's a lesbian or jealous. I didn't know her-never seen her in my life.
@roughneckjon (175)
• United States
23 Mar 10
I've had this happen a few times and so what I usually do is ignore them, stare at them until THEY feel uncomfortable, or go up to them and ask if I know them. I unfortunately had this situation come up a few days ago, but I've yet to confront the person because my fiancee and I live with her b/f so I'd rather it not affect things here at home. I just wish the woman would stop staring at us!! Lol :P
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
23 Mar 10
I can see a great comedy sketch with you going up to the person and acting like you know them and then they act like they know you too.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Apr 10
Didn't stop her from eating, but she was uncomfortable.
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
3 Apr 10
if they kept it up i'd probably tell them "why don't you take a picture?"
i hate people who stare like that.even if it's well meaning,it's rude.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
31 Aug 10
Hi, dawnald. I don't like it when someone is looking all up in my face while I am eating.
If they kept on looking, I would just finish my food as fast as I can. I would then get up and leave my table. I wonder what they will be looking at now once I am gone??

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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
7 Oct 10
I really don't know what I would do. I have encountered situations in my life where I've seen people staring at me and maybe a big part of it is because of the fact that I'm a bigger girl, but I'm not really sure about it. There have been times though, that I've seen people staring at my children and it bothers me to the point that we have to leave right then. I know it might be irrational, but I am scared of child predators.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
26 Mar 10
While the situation you describe is creepy, I would do all I could to ignore the person. For me, simple focusing on the food would be enough to keep my attention away from any glaring starer.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Mar 10
Me too, but my daughter is a lot more sensitive than I am!
@TigerSpirit (320)
• Australia
22 Mar 10
People do that to me all the time because I'm fat. Now also they do it because of my legs. It used to bother me, but I've trained myself to ignore their looks. And even convince myself that I have celebrity status, and that's why they feel the need to stare. lol
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