Why Friends are so Special in our Life?

March 22, 2010 10:20pm CST
Hello Mylot Friends,Its Been now almost Four months working along with Mylot and you my Friends."Friends" Yes a very Special and Important Person in everyone's life.Friends have made our life Different.They were the one's who are responsible for Filling our Life with uncertainties and Joyful.They were the Person who always Stands with us when Dark Clouds Hauled us!They were the Angels who shows us the way when we get lose in the Darkness.Yaa its also true that they are the Devils whom's mischief suffers us But its an exceptional.Its really True without Friend What our Life Be!Truely Friends are so precious to our Heartly Life without them "What our Life Turn out to Be"? Why...Why these Friends are so Special in our Life?
12 responses
@Baluyadav (3643)
• India
23 Mar 10
hi,sahil,The proverb itself reveals the importance of friendship-Afriend in need is a friend indeed...friend is a person with whom we can share the things which we can't share with parents and near & dear also....
• India
24 Mar 10
Right Baluyadav Bhaiya,"A Friend in need is a friend indeed".Yes they are the Dear ones with whom we can share many Personel things from our life rather than Sharing with Parents or other family Member.Infact they are so Special one in our Life!
• United States
23 Mar 10
Friends are so great to have. As you both have said, they can keep you out of trouble and sometimes get you into trouble. Either way, they are quite essential to our lives. I can't imagine what I'd do without friends. I used to think I didn't have any, but since I've been needing help with money a few of my friends stepped up and are helping me keep my head up through my financial crisis. Just make sure to always keep in touch with them to let them know you still care about them!
• India
24 Mar 10
Yaa it's Right!
• Kottayam, India
24 Mar 10
friends are part of life but we get few of them in our lives.
• Bulgaria
23 Mar 10
Friends-a group of people whose have common interests.You can't live without friends.OK,I made it up,but it's really hard to be socially isolated.With friends is funnier and you can always discuss your problems or happy moments with them.Friends are a need.
• United States
23 Mar 10
Friends are so special in our life because they are gifts from God whom they have a purpose why they become your friends among the people around your life. besides life without friends is boring..No man is an island...but be careful in having friends sometimes they leave good memories to cherish and some they leave a scars for you to learn..
@cwd_93 (2)
• United States
23 Mar 10
Friends are special becouse when you are down and need help they will always be there and they are a good person to go to if you need a person to talk to and ya friends sometimes fight becouse every one has thier own opinion on things but in the end yall will pull together and still be better friends than before.
• Philippines
23 Mar 10
i consider my friends as company. you re right. they re always on my side whenever i m in a mess. they help me clean it up and scold me if i manage myself to get into another one.
• Australia
23 Mar 10
Friends are there with you during ups and downs. They share your sorrow and double your joy and they catch you when you fall (both symbolical and literal). :)
@ghieptc (2522)
• Philippines
23 Mar 10
Friends are special if it is true friend.I think they are our companion in time of sorrow & happiness. They did not give up on us.
@kyleuy (270)
23 Mar 10
My friends are one of the most important people in my life. I love my friends so much! They never fail to make my day even if I am not in a good mood they can still turn my mood around. I love hanging out with my friends because when I am with them I tend to forget my problem and I am always happy around them. They are always there to comfort me when I have my problem and will always stick with you through your ups and downs. My friends means so much to me and without them I wouldn't be who I am right now. I am proud of my friends and I have the courage and all pride to say that I have the best set of friends in the world! :)
@prinkish (104)
• Philippines
23 Mar 10
They are the one's I can ran to when I'm in need.
23 Mar 10
Friends are so special in our life because they are always there when we needed them most. A friend loves at all times. They accepted us for who we are and they can be trusted. When we fail, they never turn their back from us instead they extend their hands for us. We can cry on their shoulders and we can share all our burdens with them. Our friends can easily understand and forgive us. They knew our strengths and weaknesses. We should treasure our friends while we are still alive. Love them...take good care of them..and pray for them!