I made a mistake! Do you preview your response before posting?

March 23, 2010 3:52am CST
I have read one discussion here in mylot about this topic and i learned that there are mylotters who do not preview response. before, it doesn't really matter to me whether i write it wrong because i feel confident with my language skill every time i write. So i don't usually preview and check my response. just a minute ago i posted a response in one of the discussion without checking what i wrote. when it was finally posted i read over it and found and unpleasant line. i could have expressed it better. but it was already posted. Have experience this sudden rush of ideas coming out from your head and gushing through your system to your fingers? I kind of like that every time i write response in the discussion. i usually focus on getting what i wrote posted immediately only to regret later because it was not written so eloquently. Do you have the same feeling and experience fellow mylotters? How do you feel about writing it wrong?
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14 responses
@warvial (1146)
• Singapore
23 Mar 10
Hi, I have the same habit as you until one of my thread, I kinda wrote the situation in the reversed manner and now, I have to spend time explaining to the individual mylotters who replied to my post to clarify on the situation. It's tedious and definitely, I will want to amend the phrasing to bring out the correct meaning of the situation that I am referring to. It does makes me felt very repetitive to my replies and it's does makes me feel very lack of energy to repeat what I said. No doubt the preview function is there, but I definitely would enjoy having an edit option so we can minimize our error.
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• United States
23 Mar 10
I usually don't. Though I probably should for the discussion I posted yesterday. I realized after posting it that I had misspelled a word in a movie title (I put "Carribean" instead of the correct spelling of "Caribbean"). I always feel kind of dumb when that happens to me.
• Philippines
26 Mar 10
i got the same feeling too. you know, i don't like making mistakes specially if i could have avoided it.
• Philippines
24 Mar 10
yes, it happened to me too. I wrote some mistakes. And I accidentally posted my discussion twice. i wrote sentences that aren't good. Now, i realized that it's better to preview your comments and discussions before posting it. And it saves time. But sometimes, I feel lazy to do it.lol
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
23 Mar 10
sometimes I also make mistakes as you say ... sometimes I just know there is an error, after has upload ... unfortunately in mylot not available features for editing, these features should be there so we can fix it
• Philippines
26 Mar 10
after realizing i made a mistake, i tried to find an edit button but found none. So i add another comment instead, correcting my mistake.
• United States
23 Mar 10
i write so much these days that i feel pretty confident that no matter what i type i'll be able to say what i mean. there are always possibilities that we will make mistakes even when we triple check, but usually the intent will be there and people will understand and react accordingly, nothing to get too fussy over.
• United States
23 Mar 10
Yeah, I don't normally preview my responses before posting them either, but you bring up a valid point bensclai - you could make a mistake and it may come off the wrong way or offensive. I may think twice now and actually check my responses.
@jwfarrimond (4473)
23 Mar 10
I never use the preview, but I do usually reread whet I've written to pick up any typos that I might have made, but I still sometimes miss one. A few typos are no big deal though especially considering that a lot of the people on here do not have English as a first language.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
23 Mar 10
i usually do proof it before i start it but there are sometimes that they have a mistake. i always feel sort of embarrased when i make a mistake because i tend to be critical of other peoples mistakes.
• China
23 Mar 10
Hi, friend. Such things happen to me now and again. It usually takes me a long time to type what i want to respond as i need to think carefully not to post nonsense here, but when it's time to post the response, i'm just in such a hurry that i don't check twice before publishing. As you may guess, mistakes are frequently made. I commented on my responses to apologize, but i think that gives others a bad impression. So now i try to check for a second before posting my response to avoid stupid mistakes.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
23 Mar 10
Yeah, i do make a few mistakes before, when i didn't preview my responses before i posting them. It makes me feel sad that i am unable to express the actual things that i wanted to express when i response to any discussion. Now, whenever i response to any discussion, i prefer to preview them first before i decide to post. Although it will takes some time, to post every responses, i prefer that way, so i won't make any mistake anymore.
@rosekiss (30410)
• Eugene, Oregon
23 Mar 10
I will not preview my response before posting, but as I am writing it, I will make sure that I haven't misspelled words as when I do, the words are underlined in red, which lets me know that I didn't spell it correctly. I like that feature, as it helps me, and in a way, it really saves time having to go back and edit my post while previewing it. I can't recall ever posting something that I shouldn't have, as I will change it while I am posting a response, if I feel that it isn't worded properly or may have some derogatory connotation to it. I try to be as hospitable as I can be, as I do enjoy sharing my views with others, and I hope to continue to do so. Good luck to you and happy mylotting.
@akuler (3531)
• Malaysia
23 Mar 10
Hi bensclai, When I started here, I always use the "preview response" button. But not now. I think it is only slow down our posting and if you have a bad internet connection like I had, you will try to send it as soon as you finish your post. I think most of us (if not all) have done typos here. I did it a few times and after I read back my posts, I only can laugh because I can not do anything. The most I can do it post a comment on it and apologize about the mistake. In one case, I totally talk about other team then the teams that are discussed (football/soccer discussion). I only knew it when the discussion starter mention about it.
@kyel_11 (1069)
• Philippines
23 Mar 10
i'm guilty of this too! i usually do not preview my responses because just like you i'm a bit confident in writing responses here. however, i realized that i need to preview or re-read my responses just to be sure that i'm expressing my points in a nice and understandable way. when i saw my mistake after it was posted, i feel like i want to edit it, BUT we all know that we do not have enough privilege to edit and delete our posts ourselves. let's just be careful.
@adaox1 (65)
• Belgium
23 Mar 10
i have the same feeling but not here on mylot, only having that feeling when i write a big article which is pretty important in some forums. sometimes im just too arogant to check before i post so that makes me clumsy :(