When is the last time you felt real, genuine fear?
By Amber
@AmbiePam (96740)
United States
March 23, 2010 4:47am CST
Technically, I guess it was the early morning yesterday. It was about half past midnight on Monday morning, the 22nd. I'm not going to dramatize the whole thing. Two guys tried to get into my apartment yesterday, what I think of as night, but if it is after midnight it is officially Monday morning I guess. I was able to scare them away by yelling that I was going to call the cops if they didn't go away. But when they were trying to kick in my door, I felt genuine fear for the first time in quite a while. Of course after I scared them off, I got angry. What gave them the right to make me feel so afraid? Anyway, I know a lot of you have been through pretty dramatic stuff. When is the last time you felt genuine fear? Car accident? News that a loved one was in the hospital?
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21 responses
@sublime03 (2338)
• Philippines
23 Mar 10
The last time I have felt real fear was from December of last year. Though I am in fear, I have faith that God will provide and will never leave us. I have learnt a great deal of financial stress but will soon be out of it and hopefully I get to pay off everything in time to turn around things for myself this year.
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@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
23 Mar 10
I have felt your kind of fear. I had a neighbor who's door was directly across the hall in the four family building I lived in as a teenager-early 20's w/ my mom. The neighbor's boyfriend got very drunk and the neighbor left his tush @ the bar he came home & locked him out and was so wasted he was kicking in both of our doors for hours crying, kicking, banging in the middle of the night.
Then when we lived in the same place I had a neighbor/friend who didn't drive and because I had a 2nd car (mom & I both drove) she let me park in her spot so I wouldn't have to go to the "bad end" of the complex to park. Well that friend got a new neighbors who were severely f'd up. Her teenagers had threatened to smash in my windows cause D gave them her spot. So not taking any chances I moved my car to the "bad end". That household was nothing but trouble! They would come over everyday begging D to use her phone, "borrow" food (never repaid or gave new food back), the mom over there even let a then 14yo have a bf move in who was 20!!!! Mom eventually got evicted as she didn't pay her rent, behavior problems, and of course the 14yo got knocked up and the 20yr old man and mom got hauled in by the authorities for allowing statutory r@pe to occur as the DD was under the age of legal consent. But yeah having to worry everytime you walked past there what was going to be said or threatened.
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@AmbiePam (96740)
• United States
23 Mar 10
That IS pretty bad.
I'm in Section 8 Housing, but I wish there was a screening process that would put some of us in a nice place. That way the wild, mean, and drunk people could live together, and the quiet, law abiding ones could live together.
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@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
23 Mar 10
No it's not a good feeling. I'm always suspicious of people I don't know....
Sadly the neighbor married the guy and they according to others had destroyed the apartment. I'm not surprised by the behavior around that place as it was Section 8 housing. But the playing stupid really urks me. I even saw that lady as a customer at my work and all I could think of is how bad things were. Even stooped low enough to lift her 5yo over the rail onto my half of the porch to steal my flower pots & then left them on her porch and played STUPID
I have no need for such behavior...

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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
23 Mar 10
I couple of days ago, I found out that my step-sister has a brain tumor the size of an egg. The whole family is in major fear of what is going to happen and a lot of things in our lives are going to have to be altered because of what is going on. None of us saw thing coming. We are hoping that it can be operated on and that it is not Cancer, but we are still scared and don't know. My nieces are in more fear of this than anything. Life really does suck sometimes.

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
23 Mar 10
We are hoping that it is benign as well. She is going in for another scan this week. The doctors are running several test on her to see how bad it really is. My step-siblings and I have already lost one sibling, my younger brother, and nearly lost my step-brother because he wanted to kill himself, so we have been having our run of fears right now.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
23 Mar 10
Lakota I am here with you on that. When my husband told me of his diagnosis, all the while still appearing healthy, I went through months and months of fear. It is about your whole life.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
9 Apr 10
I was really scared a couple days ago. I was at work, and my husband was out on the road because he makes deliveries for his job. Normally, I love thunderstorms. I like the lightening and thunder because it makes me feel cozy (as long as I'm inside and not outside in the nasty weather). However, I think it was two days ago that we had a severe weather warning. I like thunderstorm warnings, but not these kinds of warnings because that can lead to tornadoes and so on. No thanks! I'll stick to the thunder and lightening. (LOL) I was really scared because all of a sudden the sky got completely black like it turned from sunny daytime to dark of night all within a couple minutes. It was creepy! Then all of a sudden there was this rumbling that wasn't thunder. It was hail! Big hail that would definitely do some damage. To tell you how large the hailstones were, I work on the fourth floor, and I could see the stones hitting the ground and staying there...they must've been slightly smaller than ping pong balls. The hailstorm only lasted for about two minutes, but I was worried for my husband being out in that weather. I was also concerned for our three vehicles that they would all have hail damage. One of them we're in the process of selling, so that would not be good. It ended up being fine, and my husband didn't even have hail where he was. It all ended up working out ok like in your situation, but I was still freaked out!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
10 Apr 10
I believe this hail storm took place either this past Monday or Tuesday of this week - April 5 or 6. Perhaps it all happened the same day. It was bad, but I'm glad everything worked out ok. There were no dents/hail damage on the cars that I noticed. I also don't think it hailed everywhere, probably just in the city where I was working. I sure hope it didn't hail everywhere. Thanks for your comment. Great discussion!
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
23 Mar 10
are you alone at your apartment? if you are then that would be really scary. good job upon yelling at them that you will call the cops. for me the time i felt real genuine fear was last september 26 were we experienced flash flood. it flooded our house up to my neck and we were lucky that our house has a second floor. the scary part was my brother text me he was asking for help for their house they lived at my mother's house was flooded up to the roof. they are all at the roof already waiting to be saved. i can not do anything for i can not go out of the house for the flood outside is really very high already. whats worst the electricity was off and rain was hard and soon all signals of cell phone was down. so i dont know what happened to my brother, his family and my mother. additional to this my mother is half bodied paralyzed. we spend the night with no electricity and worried on what happened to them. lucky neighbors who has up to third floor house saved them and they are all fine. it was hard to think a night like that. we only knew they were safe around 10 in the morning when the flood subside and the signal of cells are back.
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
23 Mar 10
we all need to be strong at times, lucky me i had a wife that always pray and see her praying made me feel okay. though i was still afraid the prayers made me strong and believe that everything will be alright and it was alraight indeed. plus i havea four year old son that was very behave during those ours.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
4 Apr 10
Hi Ambie
I hope you are ok and this will not happen again
The last time I was full of fear was a couple of Months ago when Gissi very first fell sick
Because the way he was I thought I would loose him and that certainly scared me a lot
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
23 Mar 10
I do not remember the last time I felt fear. I do worry about stuff from time to time, but, nothing that really can be called true fear. Sometimes when you have been through enough stuff, you get a bit numb. I think you should have called the cops first,then yelled at them, about those guys. Why would they be trying to get in your apartment, unless they were so stoned they did not know where they were. How are you going to make yourself feel safer?
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
25 Mar 10
I had someone trying to kick my door in while I was home alone and I recall calling my husband who was working nights at the time as the door was being banged. He told me to call the Police and by the time they arrived whoever was hitting my door was gone but left footprints outside. I felt very afraid in the ten minute window before someone came to my aid but you know what? As scary as that incident was, it was nothing compared to the day that I was shopping at the mall with my then three year old.
I stopped to look at something and when I turned around thirty seconds later she was gone. I could not find her anywhere; I could feel my heart beating really fast and tears welling in my eyes as I was pleading with passers by to please look for her. I was convinced someone had taken her and I ran to the doors, I so wanted to yell for all exits to be locked! It was the worst fifteen minutes of my life, me desperately searching for my daughter until a gentleman approached me and asked me if I was looking for my child because there was a little girl at the service desk in Kmart! I wanted to hug him and the lady at the counter! That was real fear for me.

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@jilshi (271)
• Malaysia
24 Mar 10
wow, you are so brave. i am happy to hear that you are safe and not injured. if i were in your situation, i think i will be panic, dizzy and do not know what to do. Or worst fainted. I am going to learn from your experience to scare people away with the idea calling cops
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@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
23 Mar 10
the time was not near but i have got scared by ghosts once. lol. but it is true.
lets come in the real world.
there was a time in a festival here of holi. and we were traveling with friends. and boys against one of my friend just came around us to have a fight with us. we were only four and drunken and they were more than 15 so obviously they were strong that time. i got scared but managed with them. and convinced them to go from there.
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@hompage (76)
• India
23 Mar 10
It is such a horrible experience for me.Last night when i drive through bypass i hear a loud noise.I stop my car and look outside.I saw a car in the side of the road.It hit the near by electric post and a man in it asking for help.I ran there and take him into my car and drive to the hospital.I fear about the life of that man because he is in icu.After some time doctor says that he recover critical stage.It is such a horrible feeling for me
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
24 Mar 10
Well, mine just happened last last week, I continuously vomiting and lbm as well. I thought at first I can handle the situation and it will just pass by. But then, it has been almost 2 hrs. past and I still not stop going to the restroom to vomit and stuff. After almost 3 hrs. I felt something in my stomach that's cannot released, this is really hurts. That's I felt genuine fear, I don't know what to do I was in the office that time. My officemates decide to rush me to the hospital. My first time to be dextrosed and stay in the hospital. I cannot take the idea of me lying in the bed with dextrose on and stay there for few hours. I really wanted to go home that time. I chose to release after few hours, I didn't buy the idea of confinement.
@AmandaGeorge (14)
23 Mar 10
The last time I felt real fear was last year when Steven got taken to hospital... we were both in deep doo-doo money-wise and we were at risk of being homeless because we were struggling to pay the mortgage but we got the phone number of a debt management company and everything is fine now! We've both learnt our lesson and handle money a lot better now!!
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
23 Mar 10
I hope you did call the police! I am glad they left. I would say, my real fear came when I had to let my son go under a 12 hour surgery, wondering what the outcome would be.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
23 Mar 10
The last time I felt genuine fear...ermmm let me think!
The last time I experienced fear when I was on plane from Dubai to Cyprus last December and we encountered some air pockets.
I was more preoccupied since I was travelling with my nine year old son and
he kept asking continuously if that rapid movement was an air pocket or not.
I was preoccupied for my son's safety more than that of mine
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
23 Mar 10
Wow, I am glad they took off and that you are ok Ambie, that is scary. I guess the last time I felt fear, it was more imagined than real and that was in Jan 2009 when my daughter decided to move out with this guy because she didn't like our rules. As a cutter, I felt fear that she would cut herself and this guy would be clueless to her problem. Though they have their fights, so far she has not cut, at least that is what she tells me..
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
23 Mar 10
That's scarey Ambie! I hope you reported it, even though they left. Once when I was driving in an unfamiliar city a man tried to get into my car while I was stopped at a red light. Fortunately, my doors were locked and the light turned green. He tried holding on, but ultimately he either had to let go or get dragged. It was only afterward that I realized how lucky I was because he could have had a weapon.
Incidences that happen, where you think you are in control, but with the possibilities of weapons being involved are never forgotten. It's like nightmares come to life.
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@Mike4me (567)
• Philippines
23 Mar 10
hello there.
I'm sorry you felt that way, but its actually very normal for us. we have feelings and emotions. Anyway, the last time I felt a genuine fear was I guess last Valentines Day, when my fiance jokingly told me that he has fallen out of love for me and doesn't want to marry me anymore. My whole world crashed and I was in tears, like tears immediately started falling down my eyes. He didn't think I would cry that bad tho, and then he said he was just joking and laughed as hard as he can, he didn't see me cry at first then when he started talking to me, lovey dovey stuff he noticed I wasn't talking anymore and I just couldn't stop crying. He felt sorry for what he did and apologized. He spent the whole week making it up to me :)
I was so afraid to lose him, well i still am so I felt fear when he jokingly said it to me. :)
@tylerscotthess (129)
• United States
23 Mar 10
on saturday night my wife and I went to a friend's place for dinner. We had both been on a diet, not eating very much, but decided to splurge when we were with friends. I ended up eating probably more than a day's worth of calories in one meal (after already having a couple meals that day). By the end of the evening my gut felt like it was going to explode. I was up until about 530 in the morning in serious pain, not knowing what was happening for sure and unsure if something was going to explode inside of me. my gut is still a wreck, but its getting better. it was scary for awhile while i was up all night sweating it out.
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