A real eye opener
By lilwonders
@lilwonders456 (8214)
United States
5 responses
@LaDeBoheme (2004)
• United States
26 Mar 10
Frankly, I really don't understand the paranoia. After all, how many millions of people already post their personal lives and details on the internet (via Facebook or other social networking sites) and post updates to their daily lives (Twitter)? And they do it voluntarily! Now they're going to freak out over the census?! Puh-leeze!
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
26 Mar 10
They do it voluntarily. Not by force when to what it comes to they put on their social websites. Some are more careful than others. And just because some people decide they want to broadcast their whole lives and information online does not mean everyone has to. Some don't because they want their privacy.
Same with the census...we have a right to privacy. From the world around us and our government. Wether people decide to use that right is up to them.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Mar 10
What did you do the last time they took the census, in 2000? This is nothing new, it's been done every ten years for over 200 years! What happened in the forties following World War II was horrible and indefensible, one of our country's most shameful moments, but that's over, nothing like that has ever happened since.
There IS a reason for the questions and if people don't fill them out properly and send them back it will hurt them, not the government. For one, it will cost that much more for them to go door-to-door if people don't fill them out and mail them back like they're supposed to. They need to know how many children and of what ages live in a community as well as how many elderly people. The question about race has to do with programs they have aimed at particular groups. I don't consider it an invasion of privacy, they already know what they need to know about me because of my Social security Number of tax returns.
This article sounds like Michele Bachmann did several months ago until she realized it could actually cost her her job if her district got eliminated due to the census results!
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
29 Mar 10
What did you think of the fact that Bush was able to get a hold of all that information about Arab Americans from the census after 9/11. We could have had another round up on our hands. He had all the information needed at his finger tips to do it thanks to the census.
I think a law needs to be passed saying the census CAN NOT supply that kind of information to the president or even congress.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
5 Apr 10
I don't like that idea at all but from everything I've heard and read there's already a law saying the information obtained on the census is not to be shared with any other agency or person. After 9/11 everyone was so paranoid and panicked the apparently got away with a lot they shouldn't have. However, it really isn't difficult for the President or any other high ranking government official to find out someone's race or how many people of any given race live in a particular area.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
25 Mar 10
This is why I do not trust government. There has to be a reason why the government wants this kind of information, and history says it is not for a good reason. They can tell me all day that the information will be kept private, but how private was the information that those 100,000 Japanese-American and all Arab-American?
What can be done about this, do away with the census. As we have already discussed the Commerce department could create a software program that keeps up with population grow and decrease.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
26 Mar 10
I agree. NONE of us can exspect the information we will out on the census to stay private. WW2 proved it..and for anyone who wants to use the arguement of that was a long time ago...well look what Bush did. He was able to get the info from them too. Just like they did in WW2.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
25 Mar 10
Definately makes you think twice about completely filling out your form and sending it back. It is NOT as private as they are telling you. Not just during WW2 but in modern history too.
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@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
25 Mar 10
So I got the census and I filled it out and sent it in. I did not find it intrusive at all. Name addy and if they where male or female. Nothing personal. Nothing they can not collect from the post office or the town hall. I really do not understand what the big deal was about all of this. without the names dont you think that people can claim to live somewhere they do not and recieve services for that community that they do not deserve? It doesnt ask for social security or anything else. Where is the invasion of privacy that people are feeling? The census has been going on forever and a day and never have I heard such a big uproar as it has been in this election. The information that is given can be verified through taxes. It means alot to every community. So if you put down that ten people live in your household your word should be gospel? Prove it for crying out out loud. Now if they asked for your social or personal info that might be different.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
25 Mar 10
Why should we put down what race we are? I am a member of the HUMAN race. Thank you very much. The color of my skin does not matter. I am a human and so are the rest of you. Want to stop racism? Stop separating people out by the color of their skin.
During WW2 they used the census information to round up Japanese Americans. It is now coming out that Bush used the Census information to find out how many Muslims were in the country and where they lived. That could have lead up to another round up. The president should not be able to get that kind of information.
We have been told the information would be private...even from the rest of the government...but that is not true.
I don't know about you but it makes me real uncomfortable that Bush was able to get specific information like that from the census department. But then Bush scared the you know what out of me.