What's up with these people who would post in facebook everything they are doing
By laydee
@laydee (12798)
March 24, 2010 8:11pm CST
I know it's a fad thing and people are now considering facebook as their way of life, but what's up with these people who can't seem to keep their personal lives private?? I mean, they post every single thing they're doing, from walking down the neighborhood to drinking coffee! Do we need to know all of these??
This actually is the main reason why my appetite for using my facebook account is diminishing, there are a lot of spams from notification that this person or that person is doing something. I mean, please! keep things for yourself too!
I definitely have been using the 'stop notification' or 'stop showing' this person or that person's activities, but soon I'd end up marking them all ignore.
I mean, what's up? Are people these days too attention-deficient that they need to type what they're doing else their lives would end??
Are you that person? Why the need to do so?
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22 responses
@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
25 Mar 10
Everybody has the right to post anything they like for they love doing it we cannot tell them what to do they just like that. SO better to mind your own business and do your part what you like for they don not mind you anyway.
@CooperT (2)
• Australia
13 Nov 10
That's the thing happy...everybody has the right to post anything and everybody has the right to gripe about it. And it's hard to believe you suggest 'minding your own business' when commenting on cr@p people post on a PUBLIC forum. Everybody makes their business known to the world and then expect you to ignore it. Uhm..I don't think so.
@CooperT (2)
• Australia
13 Nov 10
That's the thing happy...everybody has the right to post anything and everybody has the right to gripe about it. And it's hard to believe you suggest 'minding your own business' when commenting on cr@p people post on a PUBLIC forum. Everybody makes their business known to the world and then expect you to ignore it. Uhm..I don't think so.
@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
25 Mar 10
I know someone who posts nothing but about how well she is earning and how well she is doing with her life. I mean, sometimes we only need to say our gratitude in silence. But announcing to the whole community how big her income is and how much blessings she is receiving 24/7 is just like openly bragging. How do you call it? There are a lot of people who are truly blessed and only say their gratefulness in silence. But yes, some people just want to blow their own horns or just want special attention.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
25 Mar 10
Oh tell me about it. Actually, I don't mind the 'bragging' at least she/he has actually achieved something, I'm referring to those who would post negative thoughts early in the morning - I usually turn my pc on while I'm preparing for work, and it does not really do good since it somehow spoils my day.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
25 Mar 10
I know what you mean! I try not to be this person. I normally post a status when I have something really yummy to eat - LOL. I also like to post exciting things to my status, but most of the time I leave people in suspense about my life because if I were to post everything I would either bore people or they'd become very concerned because they'd know too much information about me. I agree with you that certain areas of peoples' lives need to be kept to themselves! I mean, where's the mystery in knowing every little detail about someone? Case and point, my younger sister is unofficially dating a guy several states away. She and he post EVERYTHING under the sun about themselves on Facebook because my parents don't allow her to talk to him too much on the phone (because they feel that that'd be ALL she'd ever do if they allowed her to talk to him whenever she wanted, have her own cell phone, etc.) She's still a little young so I understand their boundaries. Anyway, it makes you want to be ill sometimes reading all she and her guy friend write on there to each other and about themselves. I mean, she'll post a picture or comment or something, and there will be like twenty comments under it of her and him just talking about stupid stuff. Too much information! It does get annoying! It does turn me off to Facebook sometimes. I like when people actually take time to think about it before they post to their status because it's intriguing and amazing all the things you can learn if people would just think before posting! We need to invent some kind of slogan for this new way of posting Facebook statuses. We can call it "TBP" THINK BEFORE POSTING! (LOL) I know that's kind of silly, but case and point is that I completely agree with you and surely hope I'm not guilty of doing so. Take care!
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
25 Mar 10
Oh yeah, It's really good to think about what we're posting before we hit the share button. Whew! I know how you feel, too much information indeed. Why do we need to read how much they love each other, right? Actions speak louder than words!
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@sweetkaren (13)
• Philippines
25 Mar 10
Hi! I understand how you feel. I have friends in facebook who are exactly what you mean. It's all in their personality & temperaments. These people are people-oriented & they easily trust people with their personal lives. They may seem that they want attention, but that's exactly who they are. If they are really your friends, maybe you can give them what they need & that is your attention & understanding. But for me, I warned them on what they do, because they can be an easy prey for maniacs. I hope this helps!
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@divineathena (1746)
• United States
25 Mar 10
I have never been a fan of facebook. But yes, in the beginning people treated it as a private place where they did not let just anyone in. But then suddenly the site went through an upgrade and people began spending all their time on it. What is that upgrade? Linking cellphone with the profile. That is why, you'll see so many people updating status every few seconds which is extremely annoying. What I wonder is whom they show it! What is the intention? Recently, on msn.com I came across this article where it said that more couples are now separating because of facebook. And according to them, the main reason behind this is constant status updating which took away people's thrill and excitement from their partners.
@apoljuice1 (730)
• Philippines
25 Mar 10
Capital IKR. I know right? Actually I used to be like this. I'd post on Facebook almost every single thought that would come to mind, or every thing that I did. Until I posted something that apparently offended my boss. He began looking at me in a different light, a worser light I might say. Ever since then, I learned to keep things for myself. I reverted to my blog and made sure I could still vent out without having to be judged. I don't use Facebook that much anymore, and sometimes I do just for the games, but other than that, i have my blog, and now I have myLot! :D
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@recycledgoth (9894)
25 Mar 10
You can change your settings to block all the notifications hun, it's easy, although the point of social networking on Facebook seems to be to let the whole world know what's happening LOL
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@tundeemma (894)
• South Africa
25 Mar 10
i don't really think its ideal to write everything you are doing on a social networking website, i do believe those people do such just to let their friends what they presently doing and in what condition they are at that moment, there is no big deal about it afterall its all about friendship
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
25 Mar 10
the facebook admin is the one posting in our walls some people post it but i dont know what their intention as we all know facebook is a social nextwork we cant control of it.you can set your profile and application in private setting if your or remove notification if that is your concern.hopefully facebook admin will fix of it because there are many children playing games in facebook some post video or pictures that not suit for children to see i think that is very annoying.
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@sheen13 (567)
• India
25 Mar 10
I think that maybe the people may have lost their brains that they are doing such kind of things. They know that facebook is slowly turning out to be scam but still instead of posting limited information they are posting everything. They are not leaving a single thing. I really don't understand what makes the people to type everything of their personal lives man! Ofcourse, I am not such a type of person to do silly things. I imagine how can the people be so silly to type their personal things when they already know it is dangerous to do. Yea, if a person doesn't know that it is dangerous to give all their information, then yea we can say that, it is not his/her fault. But when they know it is dangerous, so why are they simply ruining their own lives. They should understand and stop posting everything in facebook which is unnecessary.
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@machivado (528)
• Indonesia
25 Mar 10
I don't know the reason either..but if I guess it..then it will be because they are bored and want to let other people how they are feeling right now...or it is an important thing but he/she doesn't want to waste too much time to post it to everyone.
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@engrdng06 (248)
• Japan
25 Mar 10
Proud to tell that I´m not that person who tries to make my life public. At times, I even fight with my boyfriend for doing that so. I hate publicity and I´m loving my private life. That´s it!
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@prenuer (277)
• United States
26 Mar 10
Perhaps you should only follow your real friends or people who share your common philosophy on what to not post.
At the very least, you could sort the people you follow into groups. I have a whole group that is just for Mafia Wars. Lol. Worked wonders to clean up my timeline.
@happymommy3 (2012)
• United States
26 Mar 10
Lol, I know what you mean. I think some people are either just really addicted to it and some other people just don't have anything to do all day but live on facebook. It's crazy because I only update my post maybe 1 time a week and that's because all the other times I feel stupid putting what I'm doing or don't even know what to put.
@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
26 Mar 10
I understand Facebook as a application to bring people closer even though they are not, especially if you are not seeing them everyday. It is suppose to bridge gaps, hide the illusion of time, expand ways of sharing and talk about everyday lives.
For me, i only update by status once in awhile via twitter. I update when i have something interesting to share or i have something bottled up in me. Like i just updated my status this morning saying "wondering why am i still tried even though it's Friday".. while i post this message, i am also wondering who else is having the same feeling as I do, maybe we can discuss further on how to get rid of this tiredness, etc...
at least that is how i deem the application as.
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
29 Mar 10
Hi, Laydee!
I have come to dislike Facebook for exactly the reasons you point out. Our lives are well shared with our friends and loved ones. Sharing with the world seems rather desperate to me!
I heard there are sites that aggregate information people post to sell to those who want to rob their homes while they're out, after they've told the world of their plans!
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
27 Mar 10
i think they are just sharing with people about their life. most people on facebook chat with friends and family who live far away. i chatted with some people who i was raised with in the east coast. now i live on the west coast.
plus, mylot is the same. it is just blogging and sharing with others for fun.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
25 Mar 10
Well it is their choice to post every little detail about their lives, no matter if anyone could care or not. Just like its my choice to not care about what they post. Thus I will pretty much ignore what they post. It does amuse me however, that people have to post every little thing that they do on Facebook. Guess they have a fair amount of free time. Wish I would have some of that, but I guess some people just have all of the luck.
To be fair, its not as bad on Facebook as it is on Twitter. I think there are some people mindlessly sitting in front of their computer and just "tweeting" all day. I tend to avoid both websites for a multitude of reasons these days. This could be one of these reasons the more that I think about it. Just too much excessive stuff and enough value. I can handle Facebook in small doses, but that is about all my tolerance amounts to these days.
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