I am SICK and TIRED of the "People hate Obama Because he is Black" comments!!!!
By BethTN81
@BethTN81 (564)
United States
March 25, 2010 8:53am CST
I was just reading a post on a thread and the comment was. People don't like Obama because he is black". Really? So apparently, according to this person if you do not like Obama then you are racist. Well, guess what. I'm not racist and I do not support Obama! IT has NOTHING to do with his skin color or where he is from. For people to make such ignorant comments really need to keep their mouth out of politics! I also know many black people that don't like Obama. Does that mean they hate their own race?????
PErsonaly, peopel that make such comments look more racist to me than anyone. I do believe it was Obama himseld that stated once.....IF YOU DO NOT VOTE FOR ME BECAUSE I AM BLACK THEN YOU ARE A RACIST. IF YOU VOTE FOR ME BECAUSE I AM BLACK THEN YOU ARE A RACIST. He is absolutaly correct. I do not HATE our president. I just do not support some of his views, like socialism. That has nothing to do with the color of his skin. It has everything to do with my beliefs and rights. If you asked most people with half a brain cell then they would say it is NOT because he is black. It is because his broken promises and constant disappointments since he has taken office.
Obama is a smart man. I just don't agree with him on some views. That does not make me a racist, or a bad American. It makes me a person that chooses to use my right to express and use the freedoms to give an opinion that our forefathers gave us the ability to do. NOT RACIST!
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19 responses
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
25 Mar 10
I dislike ex-president Clinton far more than I dislike Obama, does that mean I hate white people. No it doesn't, I don't like the policies of either one and I really disliked all the lies that Clinton told and his behavior while in office. Like you, I think Obama is too socialist and that he has broken many, many promises like no earmarks and then he signs a bill with 9,000 of them. Another promise was that once legislation was passed it would be put on the Internet for five days before he signed it. He signed the stimulus bill one day after it was passed and recently he signed the health care bill(which is over 2,000 pages) just two days after it was passed.
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@dimitarivanov (228)
• Netherlands
25 Mar 10
Lol, it is so funny with the racism nowadays. People can't simply dislike a person in different race out of incompetence, rudeness and immorality, because if they do then they are racist. That's plain stupid. I do not hate Obama, I am indifferent towards him. Don't know him, just hope America would come off the recession and people won't suffer there. If he can't handle it at some point, then he should go, and all these racist comments should not be made. To blame others of racism incorrectly is just exploiting racism itself to serve your own illiterate purpose, so you can just degrade other people and make yourself feel good (they are the racist, I am not. I feel good about myself, it's all their fault, gee LOL) and again blame it all on others. Which makes you ultimately a crybaby...
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@Yuusha (111)
• Sweden
25 Mar 10
Obama is not a socialist. Americans need to learn to see things from a global perspective. Obama, by global standards, would be considered pretty right-wing. Most republicans are almost extremely right-wing. Americans don't have a real, viable left-wing alternative to vote for.
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@Yuusha (111)
• Sweden
25 Mar 10
And I find it absolutely amazing how you think your country is the only one in the world :)
Obama does not want all means of production to be owned by the workers, and therefore he is not a socialist. He's very far from it, in fact.
Take a look at this: http://www.politicalcompass.org/uselection2008
See how Obama is on the right side of the chart?
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
25 Mar 10
Is this the comment you are basing this post on?:
"I normally don't get into political discussions on here because i am so tired of all the obama haters running their mouth. I fylly believe the reson they do all that bashing is because he is black. I have ask quite afew of my friends to quit sending me all the ugly e-mails about him. I think it's ridiculous & quite rasicts. No matter whyat he does it's wrong according to so many. I believe if he was to tell everyone they would be getting a million dollors someone would have something to bad to say. I wish they would remember who got the u.s.a. in the damn mess they are in to start with. It sure wasn't obama & he can't undo overnight what happened years before he was elected."
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@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
25 Mar 10
You are the one who wrote it???? I wasn't even talking about your post but since some people want to start drama....
Did I say racism didn't exist in Tennessee? What are you getting at? I never said racism didn't exist. And IF you are the one that made the comment that Annie pasted then I am sure YOU had a valid reason. We have crossed paths before and from what I have gathered from you in the past you are a very good, sweet, and intelligent woman. I am assuming a personal experience led you to this belief. Whatever it is I am so sorry you feel the way you do.
The problem I have is it doesn't matter WHO is in office. People are going to gripe. We all know this. Now we have a black man in the big seat the racial card is thrown out. I know that some people hate him b/c he is black but not everyone. Just like it says in the paste above that you have told people to stop sending you ugly emails about Obama bashing...well I really don't like people saying to ME personally that I do not support Obama because I am white and he is black. It has nothing to do with the fact that I am not a registered democrat or that I have NEVER voted for a Democrat in office. They don't look at that. They don't ask what are MY views? It suddenly goes to people dont like him b/c he is black! Do you REALLY think the majority of people that do not support Obama is strictly b/c of his skin color??? I know you are smarter than that. Besides, if people let racism run their lives they aren't worth the trouble. Don't even get in a political debate with them. They are obviously not intelligent enough have one if they can't look past a physical appearance.
Also, don't be so quick to jump on Annie. She doesn't like my views to well and she is not afraid to express that. So before you jump on her for just pasting what you apparently typed give her a chance to respond to my post. All she wanted to know is if I was referring to your post and actually I was not. I was referring to someone elses that actually was posted a while back. Had no idea you posted that til just now. And, if Annie is still in a mood with my like she has been in the past couple of days she was more than likely going to attack ME and not YOU. Don't be so quick to defend yourself til you have reason to defend. Not trying to be rude, just speaking from experience with her lol. Then again she could surprise me.
@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
25 Mar 10
Annie, thanks for posting that but NO. that is not the comment. I was referring to another post, but WOW I could crawl all over that one but I wont lol. Unfortunately, I do not have enough posts to paste the one I was referring to. Yet again, you will have to take my word for it.
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• United States
25 Mar 10
Start crawling lady, i'm the one that wrote it & i stand by what i said 100%. U know racism is alive & well in Tennessee as i'm sure it is other places aw well.
Annie, i take it u didn't like my response either. I'm so sorry. If u are trying to start trouble w/me, bring it own.
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@Ynodhady (95)
• Indonesia
25 Mar 10
I entireLy agree with ur Opinion To Obama. although i am not American's people but i always Follow The deveLopment Of Obama because I am The One Of Obama's admirer. i Like to have never been making different between person and The Other else. i consider ALL peopLe in entire the world are the Same.it mean that Nothink Different either ethnic, skin Of Color and Ect. it is because if we commit as it can cause The quarrel, riot and Civil War.
@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
25 Mar 10
Last year a good friend of mine had an Italian foreign exchange student in their home. When I met her she was a very sweet young lady and quite intelligent. We actually got on the topic of AMerican politics and she stated to me that people in Italy cannot understand why Americans think so bad about the President that is black. She stated that Americans are looked down upon because of our racial views. Now keep in mind this came from a teenagers point of view but is that really what people in other countries think about us Americans? She also proceeded to tell me that she understood that the south is mainly racist. I was absolutely appalled by the information she has obtained. Whether they teach that in Italy or she thought that up herself, maybe Americans as a whole need to think about how we make our country look in general. Racist comments happen all over the world but do people really think that we are THAT racist? That it rules our lives?
26 Mar 10
it's a weak low defense that the usurpers in our government that are trying to eslave us use when they know that there is no other defensive position to take because everything they're doing is wrong. and for the lemmings who are so easily influenced by the deceptive manipulation, falling for such a stupid trick shows that you are incapable of critical thinking and cannot be depended on to make any intelligent judgmets
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@nzinky (822)
• United States
25 Mar 10
I don't hate him but I don't like him.......I don't like him because he's stupid and doesn't have a clue how to run the country.........He want's the country run he want's us to be like the people in Russia......
He thinks he is so smart but if he doesn't get what he wants he throws a tantrum and tell every one that we are stupid for not wanting it.......as for Racism I think Obama is the biggest Raceist of all cause he hates all people who don't think like people who work for a living they can't make the money they want.....
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
25 Mar 10
I agree with you. I really do not care what color a candidate is. As a matter of fact, I bet Obama makes a great friend - look at his czars! I disagree with the path he wants to take this country down.
Regarding race, I would support Condi Rice. At one time I supported Colin Powell. My main concern is if the candidate is going to further our freedoms.

@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
25 Mar 10
I have often wondered what would happen if people used this same tactic when people critisized Condoleza Rice, or Michael Steele, or Clarence Thomas.
There is a lot of this going on..pay no attention to it. It is the default defense when people can no longer support their arguements based on the merrits of the issue. It's meant to be a conversation stopper, don't fall for it.
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@DarthJustice (2014)
• United States
25 Mar 10
I think the fictional character Hank Hill said it best when he said, "What kind of country is this where I can only hate a man if he's white?"
Though admittedly some people probably do hate him for that, not everyone is like that. Some people just want to always place the race card unfortunately. They can't seem to grasp that often times what color someone is has absolutely nothing to do with not liking or supporting someone.
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@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
25 Mar 10
My theory is people that play the race card lack the ability to form a decent debate and need to learn how to form their own mature opinion. I guess people didn't vote for McCain b/c he is white too. Had nothing to do with what he stands for. It's all about race! UGHHHHHHH
@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
25 Mar 10
i think you are person i can say follow being a civilized.
in my view discrimination of any kind just shows the level of our mind. i think then we are just animals in the skin of humans. but there are number of things which really make us human.
i support obama not due to his skin color. but the position he has obtained, he speaks well. and if he could ever do well then all Americans will get the benefit and not only the black. so i think there is a time to be more human not only white or black.
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@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
27 Mar 10
You made a great point. Obamas color does not affect AMerica. His views and his decisions do. Why can't people aregue over his views and not his color? I could care less if the man is orange with red polka dots. Does that affect his ability to do his job? I don't think so.
People that disagree with Obama are hopefully arguing with him because it affects things about them. I don't believe that even a racist will logically admit that our black president affects their life to the point where they cannot eat sleep or breathe.
@myzire72 (1154)
• Singapore
25 Mar 10
Hi Beth, you know yourself better than anyone else out there. So, don't give a hoot what people say about you. I know you have nothing personal against Obama. It's merely a difference in opinion and points of view. In a country like yours, you are free to express your own views, and it's perfectly legitimate, isn't it? Don't sweat over it, dear.
@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
27 Mar 10
People in America aren't as free to express their opinions as you think. Yes, people disagree with others all the time but in some instances people try to make it a racial issue or something else. Like many have said in previous responses it is because they cannot form a decent arguement.
@setsuna26 (2749)
• Philippines
25 Mar 10
Me too! i think we should not look at someones personality just because of his or her color. We should give everybody a chance to prove themselves! We wont be able to appreciate everything that he will be doing if we keep on rejecting his ideas just because hes black . Its time for the general public to view him as a president whose willing to take actions for his people to be satisfied.
If after we gave him the chance and still failed then thats the time for us to prosecute him for now i believe he deserves the chance before we take negative actions against him ;)
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
25 Mar 10
If the comment was true, it would signal a huge swing in the attitudes of the American public. When Obama took office, he had 70% approval rating, now it's well below 50%. If not agreeing with or approving of Obama is a sign of racism, this means that millions of Americans who were not previously racist have suddenly become racists.
Or, it could mean that now that Obama has been president for more than a year, people are judging him on his job performance.
People who play the race card are people who don't have an argument. Disapproving of Obama's policies has nothing to do with race, it has to do with political ideology.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
25 Mar 10
Blow it off. You know your not a racist...so why let it bother you?
I guess I have become immune to it. I have been hearing it sence the primary. I just ignore them. They use it when they can't agrue points of policy with you.
Disagreeing with someone's policies does not make you a racist. Heck I disagreed with Bush's and Obama's policies so what does that make me?
@benny128 (3615)
26 Mar 10
well yeah in this world people do lay the race card a little bit too often, what they don't understand is that the more people play the race card the more racism will exist as the divides will be greater.
I am not a fan of Obama to be honest though he only really indirectly affects me as the USA is no longer the massive super power it once was.
I am not a fan from 2 points of view
A) People used the race card to elect him would he of been elected if he was not white ??
B) I really do not see much difference between him and some of the older presidents, I hope he sorts out the USA just the same as I hope Brown sorts out the UK etc etc.
But I cannot see it happenning from what I have seen so far.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
27 Mar 10
Wow...I'm not sure I even want to comment on this.
*hides from drama*
I'll comment anyway, though. I agree...People don't disagree with Obama because he's black (technically, he's mixed race, but you get the point). They disagree with his policies, because what he's doing is taking America down on a very, very bad road. His actions are what people can't stand, not his skin color.