Are you sure love your family?

@mikoiks2 (216)
March 26, 2010 9:12pm CST
We all have a family and we love them , too!, but are you sure love your family? everytime? everywhere?
2 responses
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
Always and forever. They're the only reason I have to live. They inspire, support me in anyway and back me up whether I'm wrong or right. They cheer me when I'm down and laugh with me at my victories. They know me better than anyone. Of course, I love them, more than I love myself.
• India
27 Mar 10
ya i alway's love my family. anytime and everytime. because they gav me birth and they want my happyness so i always love my parents and my entire family. it's my responsible to make them alway's feel happy.