Now its against the rules here to give your own opinions on anything?

@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
March 26, 2010 10:12pm CST
I feel really angry and frustrated at being sniped at because I gave my opinion on the new census. It seems a lotof mylotters only like you if your opinions are exactly like theirs, and if you give your opinion evidently on any topic even the census you are immediately insulted,bawled out, and made to look like 'an idiot? Where did respect for one another go to? I did not disrespect the poster, I just stated my own opinion and the poster tore into me on all points, letting me know in no uncertain terms how stupid I was to believe the way I did. help your slant 'on this?
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40 responses
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
27 Mar 10
I've run into some of that with political discussions and because of it, I've chosen not to respond to them any longer. Wouldn't it be boring if we all agreed on every issue? We are all adults here and at the end of the day, I don't understand why people react in the fashion that you've described. Can't we just agree to disagree when something is opinion oriented? Insulting and belittling someone because they disagree with your opinion is simply childish. Don't let them get you down. The person who truly looks like an idiot in your scenario is the person who thinks that it is appropriate to insult, bawl out, and belittle someone just because they have a differing opinion. Take care.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Mar 10
thanks laurenin LA I really felt hurt as I thought surely the census discussion would be a safe place to respond and share my own opinion 'but evidently not. so I will steer clear of these as somehow they all seem tied in with the Obama thing, and I definitely will not touch a political discussion here on my lot not ever again. Perhaps I am just out of sorts but to me it seemed so silly to get angry at me because I had a different opinion.
• United States
27 Mar 10
You are absolutely right. It is silly to get angry with you because you have a different opinion. If all you are looking for is for someone to agree with you, why post it as a discussion question?
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@GardenGerty (162222)
• United States
27 Mar 10
Hatley, I went to the discussion I thought it might be in and it is not there. Did you respond to more than one discussion about the census? If it was in this other one, it has been deleted. Once in awhile there is a user that follows me around and tries to pick at me, I just delete the e mails when they come.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
27 Mar 10
I see that a lot if I venture into political, religious discussions or anything to do with abortion or gay people. I am wondering if you are being a little too sensitive on this. You say that "a lot" of mylotters are like this and then you go on to describe one individualI did not see the discussion yet so I am not sure. I do know that sometimes one jerk can make you feel as if they all are against you,
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
27 Mar 10
Hatley, what I am trying to say here is that from what I see of most of most of your posts is that MOST people here love and respect you. Don't let the few disrespectful ones get to you. ((((((HUGS))))))
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
30 Mar 10
Hi hatley, Someone else posted a discussion about the rude behavior of this person. I did not see it but you are entitled to your thoughts and I kind of agree with you. I have been doing the census for years and never felt it was any sort of invasion. Regardless of viewpoint there is no good reason to treat you with disrespect simply because you don't agree.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Mar 10
hi sid I was just going by the other responses to this posters dicussion were all against the census and felt it was taking away our personal freedom, I just merely stated I had a different view point on the census, and that it was useful for a lot of things. I mentioned that a lot of people doing genalogy used the census to track down their 'family trees, andno place in that statement did I infer or suggest that this rude jerk should be interested in my family tree.this poster's insulting comment I did report and mylot adims felt it was wrong as they 'deleted that comment.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
27 Mar 10
It does seem as if you risk getting shot at if you venture into politics or religion. Anybody who states their opinion respectfully shouldn't have to put up with that, and if the person was rude to you, you had every right to report it. Sorry this happened...
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Mar 10
hi dawnald yes indeed but I truly thought that the c ensus would'be neutral ground and was I in for a surprise,most of the other comments agreed completely with the poster, so I guess that poster got really angry at me for not agreeing with the others, I didreport him or her, and mylot agreed with me, that comment has been deleted.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
29 Mar 10
You would think it would be neutral, but some people are really up in arms about the invasion of privacy.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
27 Mar 10
There is such things as being constructive in a person's criticism and not being constructive, seems like that person opted for the "not so constructive" angle. Sorry you got hollered at, it's not right at all!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Mar 10
hi somecowgirl yes there are two kinds and he or she 'seemed bent to try to make a fool out of me for daring to have a different view than his or hers'but mylot did not like the way this person treated me. the comment that I reported was indeed deleted. I now wonder if the whole discussion was deleted, will check.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
29 Mar 10
Mylot has always been good about deleting comments made by rude people. I've had one person be rude to me and the response was deleted with also the help of fellow mylotters who reported the person as well.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
27 Mar 10
Sweetie, stupidity, comes from those who actually are stupid themselves. Ignore people like that. They will only give you a headache. Just do this, that will make you feel better. TATA.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Mar 10
saphrina yes you are right, and along with politics and religion the census will be off limits for me as I did r eport this jerk and mylot admins did agree with me so they deleted it. so guess that shows I was right.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
30 Mar 10
I told you so sweetie, Now, tell me you did remember to stick out your tongue, as well. TATA.
@cloud31 (5808)
27 Mar 10
Hello Hatley, I guess they just can't understand the meaning of opinion they were trying to point out that you disagree in their opinions.I think its normal to people,they don't think your opinion is useless when you try to give another idea,its an immature act indeed,I hope everyone should understand we don't have similar idea and opinion at all times..People have different views and not created with the same capacity to understand the situation and things around. Happy myLotting! Have a happy weekend!
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@cloud31 (5808)
27 Mar 10
They were trying to point out that you disagree with them so they will not value or opinion ,I think everyone has the right to give and share opinion no matter its not goes with what they think its right,,
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Mar 10
hi cloud I really was very careful not to mock this person or insult their opinions and just simply stated mine which were different but' were myown feelings, I also said I really did not think that the census interfered with our civil rights either. but again this'was just me giving my own view on the subject.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
29 Mar 10
There is no way that I would do that. I may not respond back, if I don't agree on something that could cause controversy, but never would I jump someone for posting their opinion.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Mar 10
hi thoroughrob most of us would not as we are adults and know that we cannot always agree with everything other people think but we can agree to disagree with kindness, and respect.Yes 'if one feels that it could cause controversy its always'wise to not respond.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
4 Apr 10
Sweetie did you not know that the rules are you have to agree or get torn into? Ignore People like that Sweetie They do not like the truth, they just want to earn money, but will not accept the truth There are a few People on here that are like that and well I just ignore them because they obviously do not want your Opinion, they want you to agree with theirs, if you don't then that is it they tear into you and the best way to deal with that is do not respond ignore them I am sorry this is happening to you Sweet but it is not you it is the People who do not want to admit that they are in the wrong or what ever Hugs to you -----Love you
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Apr 10
hi gabs thanks you are so right some just do not want to be'helped so its best to let them do whatever they wish, and most will likely give up and then claim because they did not make any money that mylot'is a scam. thanks again. hugs to you and mypal gissi and tell him not to be so naughty with the whiskey dog.he he. love.
@GardenGerty (162222)
• United States
27 Mar 10
Hatley, when I give my opinion on something and someone decides to pick at me about it, I just ignore them as if they were not there. I posted in that discussion as well, I think, or anyway, in one with you, and I have not seen a comment on my response yet. Do not let them give you grief, lady. You are entitled to your opinion, and to speak it. This is still America. If I remember correctly, my opinion was pretty much the same as yours. I just saw a neat TV show where Matthew Broderick was helped by experts using old census rolls to learn about his grandparents and great grandparents. It was a neat show.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Mar 10
hi gardengerty yes this poster said why did you think we cared about your genealogy search, now I never said anything to imply that I thought he or anyone else would be interested in genealogy so why throw that at me, thats not kosher. This is America and I do think right now with so manyout of wor k that if the Census will hire them, what a godsend. I just do not know anymore how to respond without being insulted just for being me.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Mar 10
hi badpenny it was interesting that this person got that steamed up because I dared say a lot of people used the censuses to track down their family trees, and he or she claimed I wanted him or her to be interested in myfamily tree,I never in any way shape or form send any such thing to this poster. well mylot admins did not like it either and deleted the comment.
@rajaiv0810 (1012)
• Philippines
27 Mar 10
I was so intrigued to know the discussion you were referring to, tried to search but can't find it anymore. Anyway, I think these people should have their own MyLot. But before you become a member you will oath that you will never disagree and not to use "in my opinion" in the discussions or else you cannot be a member. I just find it stupid when people cannot simply take the opinion of other people. These kind of people should live alone.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Mar 10
hi rajaiv0810 I will have to check as I am not sure if the 'whole discussion got deleted or not, I know the rude comment to me was deleted but the discussion and my 'response were still there the last time I checked. this' person seemed to feel that if you did not agree with him or her you were really stupid.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
27 Mar 10
we are in the same boat. sometimes i will avoid posting in topics that i don't agree on cause i feel that the member who started will some how expect me to agree with whatever he said. and so just to avoid conflict i will just respond on something i agree with.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Mar 10
hi hotsummer this is too bad as disc ussions are all about having different points of view and we can agree to disagree and like'adults have an interesting discussion from our various points of view.
@anklesmash (1412)
30 Mar 10
You have as much right as them to voice your opinion and you should keep on doing it.In the words of voltaire i may not agree with what you say but ill diefor your right to say it.Freedom of speech is the cornerstone of democracy.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Apr 10
anklesmash yes you are right I had not thought of it that way, just that I should not offer advice if its not wanted.Freedom of speech is really our right.
• Philippines
27 Mar 10
we really cant avoid those people who took our response personally than take it as a joke instead for them to laugh with as we are not here to look for enemy nor to have a heart attack nor to have a bad mood. in fact we are here to change our view in every thing though its really so bad to think that theres people like them. i just ignore them and go ahead with other discussion, sometimes i report it to admin for them to stop since this is a free post site and we just give comment to what we read.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Mar 10
homeshoppers hi my response was respectful to the p osters, it 'was just that he or she felt I had no right to my own opinion and began a thorough insult insinuating I thought he should be interestered in my family tree, while I never said he should be all I said was that a lot of people used the census to track down their family trees.I made no reference at all to the poster. mylot admins did deleted his insulting comment.I finally had reported it, something i rarely do.
@umit_umit (1984)
• India
27 Mar 10
yeah its true we should be respecting each other what the use of showing the superiority complex!its not good!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Mar 10
umit__umit hi true we must respect each other's opinion as we all have a right to our own ideas, and we should not try to change others ideas at all. they have a right to them the same as we have a right to ours. peace.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
27 Mar 10
Hi Hately, Once I felt like insulted on my response then get a rude reply and simultaneously my rating also went down. Now what I am doing is, I will skip that kind of topics if the starter is not in my friends list. If the person is familiar to me then only I give the difference of opinion. Means I am taking much care to give the difference of opinion, yes sometimes the starter is very important to give a liberal reply. Don't worry much, sometimes our time is bad consequently facing these type of insults.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Mar 10
hi sreekala this person really let me have it both barrels insinuating that I thought he should be interested in my family tree. I had said nothing like that, what I said was that lots of people interested in genalogy used the census to track down their family trees. I reported the comment 'an my lot admins did delete it and leave my response and the discussion intact.
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
27 Mar 10
Hi, Hatley :) Doesn't sound like the poster really wanted a discussion. Sounds like what they really wanted was a bunch of people to come and kiss their backside and say "yes, you are absolutely right!" Don't let them get to you. Some people hate when others have an idea of their own
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Mar 10
hi fwidman yes I think you are completely right, it was as if he or she was looking for company to agree with him or her., So I learned something today, census taking is a hot, angry issue and I will not mess with it again.who would have thought?
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
27 Mar 10
oh my. i feel so bad for you Hatley. i know the times this has happened to me, ive been so embarrass and it hurt my feelings so bad, i just had to stay away for a while to calm down. even though no one is face to face here its like a community and so i started not going at all to politics and often am afraid to go to religious discussions to boot. btw, we got our census in the mail. i just filled it out and sent it back. arent they doing that elsewhere? just AZ? hhhmmm.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Mar 10
hi bunnybon7 yes I think its being done here in ca and maybe other stated too. this poster seemed to think its all an evil way to steal our indentities and take away person right. I respected his or'her feeling but I did disagree tactfully saying these are just my own opinions.the poster accused me of saying I thought he or she should be interested in my family tree, I said no such thing, I just said that a lot of people who were into genealogy used the censuses as a way to track'down their family trees.
@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
27 Mar 10
I too did just like you did, giving my own opinion and trying to b as polite as i can, but some people sometimes just want to have some agreement not an opinion. i just let it go, but still i am standing in my opinion. everyone have their own right to disagree and agree.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Mar 10
hi ifa Thats just what I did too,and used an example of people who used old censuses to track down their family trees., this poster claimed I said he should be interested in my family tree which was absolutely untrue as I never even mentioned him in any war. I simply said that I felt 'that the census was not a bad thing, and did not abuse our civil rights, that was my own opinion. anyway the insulting comment was deleted.
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
27 Mar 10
Gosh, Hatley, that is really infuriating! But a friend once told me that many people are borderline nuts. Many still have crossed the line and yet mingle with us as if the world is in their hands. So, I was given a good advice which I hold preciously to this day. It goes like this... in any situation wherein people choose to be despicable , be sure that your are greater than that situation. I hope that helps. Don't worry, many of us are on your side.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Mar 10
hi eileenleyva yes indeed but I did report this poster, and thought oh never hear from them, but went back and the comment was indeed deleted so admins does indeed listen to us when we are right. he or she even declared that I said he or she should be interested in my family tree, I never said any such thing. I said,and this is true, a lot of people doing genealogy used the censuses to track down their family trees now how did he or she get a personal slight out of that statement.+
@vandana7 (101257)
• India
27 Mar 10
Dear Hatley, if the poster was only looking for yes men/women, he/she is in wrong place, not you. May be you should ask us to join you in such a discussion. That way we can all try to make the poster realize that others are entitled to voice their opinion here, and that he/she has to be courteous like a host. Cheer up dear lady. We are with you. :)
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Mar 10
hi vandana yes that was my sentiment too. we should be able to discuss without cussing so to speak he he.thanks . I do feel better now.