Do you believe in the flood during the days of Noah?
By phynx15
@phynx15 (248)
25 responses
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
27 Mar 10
It never happened. The flood and Noah are a story blown out of poportion! Big time! The people who wrote the bible exaggerated that story and others! The great flood never happened! If it did there would be proof and the Ark would of been found! That has never happen and never will happen!
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@mesuaky (397)
• Singapore
27 Mar 10
FIY the ark was found in 1995 in Mount Ararat in Turkey. maybe you need to check your faith in God on how great and powerful He is, cause the last time i checked He was the creator of the heaven and earth if He can create it what is flooding the earth to His capacity.
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
28 Mar 10
Hi blue
do you think it is possible that Noah and his family, upon disembarking (
)from the ark at such an altitude as must have been, may have used it for other things? It is quite some time ago, and many people after the flood could have taken it apart to build homes, fires, etc.
I think it would have been highly useful in the months and years following the devastation?

@Galena (9110)
27 Mar 10
I don't think it happened.
there may have been a big flood wherever they were, that covered all of what they knew of the world. but not the whole world.
this myth exists in many cultures. probably any culture which has ever experienced an abnormally large flood in times when little was known of life beyond their immediate living area.
I think it also exists in Mesopotamian (sp?) mythology, and a quick glance around the net suggests that there is archeological evidence for this.
but the entire planet was not flooded at any time when man has lived on it. and there never was a time when every species currently living occupied a big boat.
if they did only have two of each, imagine how inbred they'd be now.
@phynx15 (248)
• India
27 Mar 10
I believe that there was a flood and every thing written the Bible.
It is some thing like the story of a truly haunted house in movies. The people who has never thought of it just laughs it off but those who always search it and study it, always finds a reason. The people who doesn't give a second thought doesn't believe it but for those people who really think of it and make a research on it will always prove that the Bible is true. For it is the book of God. Jesus, the heaven and earth may pass away but the word of God will remain.
Some major points that makes me believe that the flood really occured.
1. Most of the fossils found indicates that a large group of animals and plants were buried alive. This wont happen without a natural force.
2. The formation of coal and petroleum was cause by trees and petroleum burried together in large amounts and covered before it decayed.
3. Most of the civilizations started around 3000 BC approximately.
4. Why no more fossils are formed these days
5. Presence of marine fossils and marine stones even in the high mountains.
@Galena (9110)
27 Mar 10
you need to talk to a geologist. none of these things prove a flood.
if you're looking at civilisation starting at 3000 bc, well maybe that was around the point at which people started working with materials that have survived until now.
I'm sure fossils are still forming. why would they not be.
and I'm sure that fossils forming at the bottom of the ocean will one day be on mountaintops. the Earth has a covering of plates. they move.
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@phynx15 (248)
• India
29 Mar 10
Have you heard of a fossil that are 200/300 years old. Most of the animals that die are decayed instead of forming a fossil. Do you know how fossils are formed? Can you imagine many animals going together to be buried alive in most parts of the world unless there was a global destruction?
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
27 Mar 10
There are several similar stories in that region from other religions about a merchant barge owner who'd shipping fleet was washed off course by a huge monsoon flood & shipwrecked ( with a large haul of farm animals ) & how they started a new clan/civilization where they landed. I have a feeling that story was taken & embellished by the christian forefathers. One day some farmer working on a mountain farm probably found a rock with some fish fossils in it & asked the village wise men how it got there. Having no idea about plate tectonics & uplift they probably had to come up with a reason & said " There was once a great flood that covered the land.". Result- the merchants story turned into the first apocalypse of god.

@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
29 Mar 10
I heard that too! I believe that! The Big Flood never happen! The men who wrote the bible exaggerated the story! Yes! Thank you uath13 for bringing that story up!
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
28 Mar 10
Hi uath,
is it also possible that the account you mention about the merchant barge owner, and other such accounts that include large water vessels being used in the preservation of human and animal life, may be the results of the original flood account being told, retold, passed down?
The fact that it is such a persistent echo in the memory of so many peoples, from what appears to be such different backgrounds, suggests it certainly had a tremendous impact on the human family, whatever the scope of the flood.

@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
27 Mar 10
Yes I do believe there was a world flood. It has happened several times. As little as 10k years ago most of North America was still covered in water/ice. The sphinx in Egypt shows definite signs of flood and/or water damage and so do most of the surrounding areas. I think the bigger question would be what caused this. Did the earth shift axis? Where is all the water now, is the earth expanding? These are the questions we should be asking instead of ignoring the facts because we don't have the answers, we should find the answers to fit the facts.
@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
11 Apr 10
Recently scientists found a new galaxy which churn out 250 moon per year, where as our galaxy produce only two moons per year. any body believe, If I say there is another galaxy
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
27 Mar 10
Hi phynx, There are many legends of a flood besides that found in the Bible. It may even be connected with the sinking of the continent of Atlantis.I still doubt that the whole earth was cover in water at the same time but it's interesting that there are such stories from different parts of the world. Should the ice caps melt today, much of the earth that is now above water would than be under water. Could it happen again? Blessings.
@phynx15 (248)
• India
28 Mar 10
I believe that it can happen again today, but i am sure it wont happen because it is a promise of God to Noah that it won't happen again, even showing the sign as a rainbow. For those who doubt or doesn't believe the flood, it won't take more than a century from now, every doubts will be clear.
@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
28 Mar 10
I am a Muslim and God Almighty clearly tells us about the Noah's Flood in the last divine book,the Holy Quran. Those people indulged in polytheism and the Prophet Noah(PBUH)tried to correct them for more than 950 years but very less persons accepted to be polytheists.Here are the verses from the Holy Quran:
(The Holy Quran,Surah Al-Qamar:9 to 13)
We should know the same Allah Almighty is up there.He can punish us for our polytheistic views as polytheism is the biggest and only unforgivable sin as per the Holy Quran..........
@cristobert (332)
• India
5 Apr 10
Noah's Flood was a true event that took place. If anyone does not believe it then they are only fooling themselves and misleading others. Has anyone proved that it never took place?
@rockydam83 (846)
• Italy
29 Mar 10
Yes i firmly believe on this. I am a Muslim and Allah have told the same story in Quran. Another story Quran have told us is about Hazrat Mossa and A devil king of Egypt. Mossa crossed the river Neil and the kind and his army got sinked in the river. Now the king's mummy found and it is placed in Museum in Egypt. Its just an example that God have showed us to strengthen our faith. So we all muslims believe that Quran is 100% true and Quran have told us abut flooding in Noah days.
Peoples above claiming that it does not happened are denying Bible, if they are Christian. How can they claim to be Christian if they dont believe on Bible.
@JudiAnn (10)
• United States
29 Mar 10
Yes, I believe there was a worldwide flood. I believe the earth was once much flatter and there were no deep oceans. I believe a great upheaval occured and the tectonic plates came apart and moved around, a large vapor canopy around the Earth collapsed, springs and geysers erupted etc. When things settled down, the flood waters drained away from the high mountains formed by the plates colliding, and filled the lowest areas, and the oceans were formed. An interesting place to look into this theory is
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
29 Mar 10
The bible states that the flood covered the earth, and only 8 souls were saved I believe the bible.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
30 Mar 10
The flood in Noah's day was an historical event. It happened just as described in the book of Genesis. Jesus even used it as a warning example for us who also live at a time of violence and ruining of the earth.
Matthew 24:37-39 (New International Version)
37As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
@cowboyofhell (3063)
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
I think it went like this: First the flood occurred at the black sea 7500 years ago. As the flood occupied a large area many people learned what happened and began the story of the calamity. The story passed from generation to the next until the time of Noah which must be around 4000 years ago. To further preserve the story it was included in the Bible. Therefore the flood clearly happened. It's just that Noah was chosen as the character of the story.
@harveykumar (51)
• India
31 Mar 10
No i won't believe that since the flood comes due to the sins of humanity. If that is the reason then almost about 1000 flood will be coming till date.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
28 Mar 10
The Flood did happen. Many peoples have traditions of a flood destroying the world and only a few survivors. However, their knowledge is limited as they do not have the Bible. As for evidence, the percentage of people with hereditary diseases has increased, proof that we have a shorter base to choose from. The people after the Flood had no choice but to marry a close relative and even though, in a few generations they were able to marry total strangers genetically speaking, there was a chance that because of the shorter base to choose from there was a chance that they would inherit some disease. Also we do not live to 500 years, the world is no longer a paradise, the Van Allan belt above us is no longer fill of water, but is now radioactive, etc. the dinosaurs suddenly disappeared.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
28 Mar 10
There are many flood stories floating out there. So yes, I believe it happened. A flood happened and the tale was passed down and like a rumor, it changed, the name changed, how the flood happened changed, etc. Therefore, the ship's captain was named Noah and other names. So I believe that all the flood stories are actually describing the same event relative to the ones telling it.
@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
28 Mar 10
The unknown author in the biblical Book of Genesis says that human wickedness causes Yahweh (Jehovah) to regret that he created humankind; so, He resolves to destroy all living things. Only Noah being pious finds favor with Yahweh, who instructs him to build an ark to preserve both human posterity; and other creatures as well. In the book of Genesis at chapter 7, verse 15 -17; it is written, "And they went into the ark to Noah, two by two of all flesh, in which is the breath of life. Therefore, those that entered, male and female of all flesh, went in as God had commanded him; and the Lord shut him in. Now the flood was on the earth forty days. The waters increased, and lifted up the ark, and it was raised high above the earth." After forty days, the waters had abated from off the earth. After that, only Noah, his wife, his 3 sons, and their wives made up the world's population. It appears that the author of book of Genesis had taken the main idea from other religious beliefs. The mythological stories of flood in books of other religions as well confirm that in a remote time in the past, fire or flood had cleansed or destroyed the world. God had inflicted the punishment on humankind because of their wrong doings.
In a Mesopotamian mythology too there is an account of sudden flooding from the two Great River Tigris and Euphrates. A similar account is there in the Gilgamesh Epic. It is a Babylonian heroic narrative of Sumerian origin. It says that the high god Enlil sends a deluge to destroy humankind. Only one man, Utnapishtim, survives in a cube-shaped ark he had built to stock the seeds of all living creatures. The description of his preparation and voyage closely anticipate the biblical story of Noah.
The motif of the Flood also occurs in the mythology of India and Greece. In Chinese myth, Emperor Shun had asked a hero named Yu to bring floodwater under control. The punishing toil took 13 years, but Yu at last solves the problem by constructing canals. The Aboriginal Australian myth of the Great Flood, which both destroyed a previously existing world and initiated a new social order, may have a historical basis in the effects of rising sea levels as temperatures rose after the last Ice Age. In several versions, the Flood is the work of the great serpent or rainbow-snake Yulunggul, who sends it in anger at pollution of his waterhole by the two Wawalag sisters, Waimariwi and Boaliri, whose travels play a major role in Aboriginal creation myths. Yulunggul devours the sisters and their two children, but after the Flood has abated, he regurgitates them, creating the first inhabitants of the New World.
Yet surprising but true, while Flood myths show the destructive power of water; the creation myths on the other hand often recount the origins of the world from a watery abyss or primal sea.
Moses perhaps had narrated the story of Noah to the Israelites while they were wandering in the desert. He had done so just to reveal the redemptive features of God in men like Noah. To Israelites, rains and floods were not the known occurrences. Therefore, they did not know that the Ark is a mere curved vessel and not a ship. Only Ships have a hold to carry possessions of the kind that went in with Noah. Besides, to survive forty days in heavy floods the ship must have a bulk, volume, and watertight compartments. Further, such a ship has to be of highly seasoned wood. How was Noah able to build such a ship single-handed? Why not; some would say Since Noah lived in the woods; it was quite natural for him to be a skilled carpenter. Then there had been no rains before the deluge; therefore, long exposure to dry weather had naturally seasoned the wood. Nevertheless, the story of a charming ship builder; a sailing vessel with bowsprit and rigged masts; floating in flood; containing men, animal, etc., had been greatly fascinating to the people wandering in the desert. The story had not only raised their spirits but also had kept their hopes alive in desert at times when they were greatly distressed. The story of Noah had raised in them a hope; that later became real in Jesus. Through this story, Moses had revealed the redemptive plan of God for the humankind. What is that redemptive plan? God's redemptive plan is; whenever men will be overwhelmed with grief, sorrow, and despair he shall then come himself to save them. When Israelite were in captivity, there was Moses to lead them out of Egypt. Thus, when there shall be none to lead God shall then come again to lead the humankind.
@thaddeuspi (27)
• Philippines
28 Mar 10
I believe about the truths of the bible. the "Flood" during Noah's time was God's way to minimize the sins of humanity. even though the flood had not really cover the whole earth, what is important is that a flood had happened during those time and it was God's will. We are simply taking about our faith and the bible serves as our instruction. a famous acronym of the word bible is "Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth" where simply the tell us to believe about the teachings of God. But don't worry the flood will never happen again, God had made a commandment with us and the rainbow serves as proof for that. as Jesus tells us "if only you have a faith as small as a mustard seed, believe me you can move a mountain".