*Existence of GOD*
By blessedboy
@blessedboy (56)
March 28, 2010 1:07am CST
Hey friends,I am putting forward the basics of all questions
or does not?
What do you all believe?Yes or no.
Give your reasons? not in the light of any religious book but by your own understanding of the creation as a whole and what we see in it. Human behaviour, social existence past, present, future. Nature etc.
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22 responses
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
28 Mar 10
Hi blessedboy, Although I use it all the time, I'm not sure if the word God is the best word for describing what I believe, because it immediately conjures up the figure of a man. The old idea and even accepted by many today, is that of an old man who lives in a place called heaven, somewhere above the clouds. It is also someone who keeps a record of all that we do and judges us accordingly. I feel certain that this God doesn't exist and such an idea belongs back in the middle ages. I do think however, that we are all connected in some way, that we are all one. I'm not just referring to humans but to all that is, both here on earth and throughout the vast expanses of space. This "all that is", is the way I think of God and we are all part of the whole while at the same time having a distinct identity. I was raised a Christian but as you can see these ideas don't come from the Bible but from a lifetime of of though and searching. It is also my belief that life does not begin with this body and that subconsciously we all have a "knowing" or a remembrance within us if we would but go within or as I often call it,"into the Silence". There are no doubt, those who have buried that memory so deeply that they may never find it here. I think that there is much that is good in the Bible,especially in the teachings of Christ, as I'm sure there is in the other holy books of the world. While organized religion has done some good, it has also done much harm. It has for example, often put ruthless men, and occasionally women on a pedestal where they have unquestionable power. I would also like to comment on the existence of a higher power in the light of nature. I have found that there are very few atheists among those who live and work with the earth observing the ways of birds, animals, insects etc. Blessings.
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@blessedboy (56)
• India
1 Apr 10
Hi pose!Hi mari! Thanks for ur response.Ur lifetime thoughts and searching in my view had led to some mixing up of various beliefs of east and west. I would like to ask where we came from and if you believe in some high power up in the lights what does it or he or she do. And where on earth Christ came from and from where He where or how He gave what He gave to humans? Thinks about it.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 Apr 10
Hi again blessedboy, Religion is very interesting but no one can prove that the Bible, the Koren, or any other holy book is true, it all has to be accepted on faith. It is not my place to take away the comfort that such belief bring to so many people, even if it were possible. I would be happy however, to see all religions being more accepting of each other because I think that it would make a much better world for everyone. I was raised to accept that the Bible was true and for much of my life I did as the church had done a good job of indoctrination. From a very early age I had a belief in reincarnation, although I'd never heard the word at the time. Upon being told that Christians didn't believe this I tried to put it out of my mind and concentrated on studying the Bible, a book which I still read today. I know that there are many good teachings in the Bible and from what little I know of them, in other Holy Books as well. Eventually, the many myths that are in the Bible made no sense to me and I began to see that the whole idea of a God who is separate from us and who demands a blood sacrifice for sin made no sense, at least for me. You ask where we came from, that to me is like asking where God came from because I think we have always existed as we are all a part of God yet with our own individuality. We are spiritual beings having a human experience and evolving. Heaven as Christians think of it doesn't exist but there is a resting place in between lives, whether its here or on some other plane. Christ I believe is a highly evolved being who, like some others came here to teach us how to live, sort of a 'way shower'. Do I feel certain that I'm right on all counts? Of course not, no one ever is, but I am still learning and evolving. Blessings.
@w1z111 (985)
• United States
29 Mar 10
Wow! Even though this question has been asked for thousands of years, we continue to be confused about its true answer. So many different opinions; different philosophies; different theories, religious and otherwise. I am truly moved to enter into the conversation!
Firstly, I DO believe in God. I use the term "God", mostly because that's the name I learned as a kid. I also know God has many other names; Jehovah, Allah, I Am, Love, Yahweh, Elohim, All-Glorious, Vishnu, Rama, Ek Onkar, Shangdi, Odin, Zeus, Zoroaster; and lots of others. I do not wish to debate God's name; rather, I'll stay on point.
Needless to say, we (humans) have been "allowed to be here"; to live; to be alive; to be able to do; to be able to think; to be able to love; to be able to hate; to be able to learn; to be able to understand; to be able to be so much more than we even are today! We don't understand (yet) WHY we are here; nor do we understand the real forces at work in the deepest stretches of anyone's imagination as to WHAT we are supposed to really be DOING here.
Some of us clearly believe we are here, simply to "BE HERE". We're born, because some man and woman got together, and, through their lust for human pleasures and desires (and, the innate "force" which tells all species they must continue to procreate!), we simply ARE! Others of us believe we are here through natural selection; or evolution. We have learned that everything that has been here BEFORE us has served some kind of purpose toward the eventual evolution and progression of life-forms; which has ultimately resulted in we, ourselves. In that way, we are all "connected and related"; and, in that way, we are likely to be just another step in that ongoing process; who knows what might be next?
Regardless of what any of us really believes within ourselves, I am convinced that the only way any of us can truly have an understanding of who, what, or why we are here, is to go very deeply within our souls, where the "seed of life" is hidden and protected. It is THERE that we begin to see the true meanings and true connections and true answers to these things. It is THERE that we get a sense of "knowing"; of acknowledgment and agreement and harmony and truth and simplicity and oneness, and all those other human sentiments that are there to give us assurance, re-assurance, and proof-positive that we are, indeed, the products of some power, some force, some Supreme, all-powerful, all-loving, all-perfect and "all-everything good and positive", that is behind everything we know!
Go deeply - it is only there we can learn what we must do to sustain and preserve the purpose of our existence. We are the first (known) species on Earth that have been given the power of choice. We are not quite like other animals and life-forms; who, through their 'programming' simply do what it is they have been given to do. We can decide for ourselves. In that light, it could be possible for us to make bad choices and decisions; which might result in bad circumstances and conditions. Or, we could learn how to make good choices and decisions; which will result in good circumstances and conditions.
BTW...for the record; I happen to believe the Christian teachings and philosophy are closest to what I understand about God, and about Love, and about God's desires for how I should choose and decide for myself; if I wish to be a positive contributor to the "greater good".
I also believe that, because humankind just doesn't seem to be able to agree on what God wants, we have become separated in our Religious philosophies. We have allowed our calculating, intellectual minds to guide us; when we should have allowed our simplistic, pure, and truth-connected souls to lead us. Then, we'd be much more likely to understand one another, in my opinion.
May God Bless All!
@matsulori (269)
• United States
29 Mar 10
Excellent response! (even if you ARE a christian :) ) Very eloquently put. Thank you.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
31 Mar 10
I do believe that a supreme existence is there and has created the universe and mankind. Besides reading theology books I do look beside me and reflect on the universe. Someone who is GREAT must have created all the flowers all the animals that is around us. I have passed from certain personal experiences that lead me to believe that there is GOD who is close to us and do take care of us.

@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
1 Apr 10
Hi Blessedboy. I do believe that it is up to us to discover God's plan for us. there are different paths from which we can follow God. Some of us will marry and have a family, from others God want different things. It is up to us to discover God's path for us.

@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
29 Mar 10
No I don't believe in "God" as in any organized religious order. I believe there is a higher power of which we all are a part of. I believe life is like a play that you have only a partial script for. There is a path to follow and and it has many crossroads. It is up to each individual to chose the best paths to follow. This is how we learn and attain a better understanding and become closer to the Highest Power. I believe we are all of energy and thus all connected at the soul level.
I have studied many religions such as catholic, christian, Jehovah's witness, Wicca, Buddhism, etc. It just doesn't work for me. Don't get me wrong...most people need religion and it does definitely benefit some people, it's just not the honest truth in my opinion.
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
30 Mar 10
if you look for the existance of god in the behaviors of most.. youll never find it. do i beleive? yeah.. i beleive in many actually. far as "proof" i have none other than my own meandering experience and what others would call "signs", and those i have a list a mile long.
whether you beleive or dont beleive.. it all falls to faith. and thats a hard one to explain in detail as to why you have it or dont.
@blessedboy (56)
• India
1 Apr 10
hi tessah! have you ever thought about human attributes like humbleness, truthfulness, helpfulness, feeling concern for others, feeling compassion, patience, honesty etc. Where do you think they came from? certainly they can't be evolved.
@ziyadahinc212 (552)
• United States
31 Mar 10
DOES GOD EXIST, in a word; "YES" b/c if he didn't then tell me, where did rainbows come from OR that prayer changes things right after U say AMEN?!
@blessedboy (56)
• India
1 Apr 10
Prayer is such an amazing means that God has allowed us human as His believers to communicate with Him. We usually prays when we need something or when we are in trouble but do you think there is a more important reason to pray to God.
@ziyadahinc212 (552)
• United States
1 Apr 10
Yes, prayer to thank HIM Father GOD for ALL HIS Blessing that has been laid upon ME!! Glory & Praise to the Father! Amend
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
28 Mar 10
Well before I could answer your question I would need to know what deity you want addressed. Also I would need a definition of what you would consider a deity. If I consider my truck a god, then yes because my truck does exist. Now if we are talking about invisible beings that are unverifiable and only exist because someone claims they exist, no I do not believe so. My reason for no faith in the existence of these beings is where did they come from, how did they come to exist, and why did they come to exist? These question cannot be answered by either science or even religion. Until I get something better than they have always existed I will just continue to pass.
@blessedboy (56)
• India
1 Apr 10
hi gewcew! I never asked you to explain God in the light of or teachings of any religion. I am definately talking about a supernatural power beyond our own realm and understanding, a Lord which controls everything. And yes we are talking about an invisible power which is unvarifiable because He is beyond our own realm but still influences and interfares with us. Now my question is if you reason for non existence of such power how and from where you got this attribute of reasoning.
@Galena (9110)
28 Mar 10
through a feeling. a gut instinct to what the truth is. and later through my own spiritual experiences, through first hand experience of my Gods.
I do not expect my experiences to be proof for anyone else, just for me. and I'm satisfied with that.
we are all on our own spiritual journies, and for some Gods are words on a page, for others they are beings you can personally experience.
@pratheep87 (1227)
• India
28 Mar 10
Yes i believe God exist in this world. By pray to God i can get strength and confidence in mind. Sure God exists in this universe i dont have any doubt in this fact.
@blessedboy (56)
• India
1 Apr 10
Dear pratheep87 u r so truley right. Praying to God is so wonderful and so assuring to mind and soul that there is someone who responds to us as a supernatural power. DO you know why God allow us to pray to Him?
@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
28 Mar 10
i belike in a 'external divine force' who can be addressed as god .. human body itself is a wonder, animals, plants, water, earth, gravity, sun, universe .. there must be a very powerful force that have created this complicated universe ~ everything in the universe are so interlinked that it cant come or create itself
@blessedboy (56)
• India
1 Apr 10
Hi sajana_aslam! Thanks for sharing your views. I would like to ask you does this powerful force have any purpose and plan for us humans? What do you think?
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
30 Mar 10
I believe in God because to do otherwise doesn't make sense. Just look around you. There has to be intelligence behind all of creation. That intelligence has to be God.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
29 Mar 10
Yes, God exists!
Because man and woman exists. That's the proof. If both man and woman did not exist at the same time, we would not exist, no human race. Man and woman are designed for each other. One without the other is useless. We would not exist.
A few other proofs:
The brain
We are too wonderful to come from something less than us. We can only come from something greater than us.
The universe is too large and too varied and too powerful to come from something less than it is. It can only come from something greater.
God is the intelligent cause of it all. I cannot doubt the existence of God. I will continue to try to understand him.

@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
29 Mar 10
If diamonds come from "worthless carbon" then how can it be worthless carbon?
I want to add to my list of proofs: Geometric patterns (circles, stars, squares, ect. ! They definitely prove intelligence and not randomness.
@matsulori (269)
• United States
29 Mar 10
Then how do you explain how diamonds are formed from worthless carbon? That's definitely something of great value coming from something less.

@venkatachary (1165)
• India
30 Mar 10
God exists.How many elements are there in the world?.The answer is whatever has been found so far plus one which remains unknown to Scientist.When we say we have sixth sense and so there must be some one who is above sixth sense.So, He will have extra power to control the human being (as we control the animals), the world /universe.So, we got to believe the existence of Superior power.
Think of Solar System, actually we are hanging but we do not feel that. We walk, we fly, we run and all that we do. There is mystery surrounds us.
The mystery is God.
@jinjer168 (1596)
• Philippines
28 Mar 10
Of course God truly existed. I believe in this thing and no one can ever say to me that God didn't exist. As you can see the earth we are living now are tremendously awesome, in order and perfect for all His human creation. No man can do it exactly the way God had created them all. The order and harmony in the universe is just another thing and most importantly just listen to the voice within us all, its our conscience that testifies that God truly exist.
@blessedboy (56)
• India
1 Apr 10
Hi jinjer, Thanks 4 a great reply. I completely agree with ur understanding of God's existence and what He had done around us in heavens and earth. Now my ques. to you specially is how God influences us in our daily life and is there a way to know what he has in store for each of us?
@jinjer168 (1596)
• Philippines
1 Apr 10
God influences us to do nothing but to do good deeds every single day, He was a perfect example of greatness and perfection, so we must at least try to strive achieving good characters like Him.
With your question of knowing what he has in store for us, I believe it is thru prayers that we can communicate with Him, and He answered us back thru every situation that happens in our life,and from there we could at least assess what He has in store for us.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
29 Mar 10
I believe that an intelligent designer must exist because of DNA. DNA is a code. All life has DNA, and would not function without it.
Since DNA is a code, that automatically means it MUST have been designed.
You are from India, and I assume you did not learn English from childhood. Before you knew English, when you saw English written, did you know what it meant? No. It was just random characters all over the place.
How did you decode it? Well, someone told you what each word meant. They knew the code, and how to decode the words to their meaning.
What if no one knew? If no one anywhere knew English, how would anyone decode it? They would not.
Each cell, of every living thing on the Earth, understands how to decode DNA. But that implies the cell learned how to decode DNA from something else. We can say each living cell, learned how to read DNA from prior cells. But wait... in the beginning, the first living cell, how did it learn?
It's impossible. The first living cell could not learn DNA on it's own. So the question remains, who created the DNA code, and who told cells how to decode it?
The answer must be an intelligent designer. There simply must be a God, or there would have been no one to create the DNA code, nor tell the first living cells how to use that code.
@matsulori (269)
• United States
29 Mar 10
I believe god as such exists largely in the minds of men. He is important because we give him importance. People cite the order of the universe as proof of his existence, but this is merely nature behaving according to the laws of physics. I don't have a problem with people who believe in god or god/s goddess/es: if it gives you peace within and makes you be a good person, then that's what's right for you. What god or goddess you worship makes no difference. The problem arises when certain religious people -- ALL RELIGIOUS PEOPLE -- try to force their religion upon others against others' will. THAT'S evil. I happen to be quite religious myself: I'm Wiccan. I CHOOSE to believe what I believe about the Goddess. I believe that the Earth is our mother and is alive, and we are killing her. What will end up happening is we will eventually make Earth uninhabitable for humans, we will go the way of the Dodo, and the Earth will heal herself and go on without us happily. I don't have a problem with that. As far as the christian god, I don't think he cares, or he would at least succor those most in need: the children. As far as the christian god goes, I'll believe it when I see it.
@LadyDD (515)
• Romania
29 Mar 10
I believe there is an entity beyond our full understanding, whether He is called God by us or He has another name. How could this marvelous world including humans and animals and the whole universe could have been made? God is only one for all and everything. Religions are only an expression of how each nation or people understands God and His creation. And prayer is a mysterious way of keeping us in connection with God and His work. God bless you all!
@Draeke (322)
• United States
29 Mar 10
I've always there is some higher, creative power. For me they've been the dualistic forms of nature, the male and the female. Both equal in power and having a balanced uniqeness unto each other.
So in light of no particular book or faith...yes I believe there is.
@kharlav (1667)
• Philippines
29 Mar 10
Yes, i so much believe that God exists and im not just basing me belief in what i read in the bible but by how i see the world. The whole world is a mystery itself that many scientists try to discover, but as scientist try to explain the consistency and how things (human, animals, plants, stars etc.) are made up, the more i ask how was it formed, where did it come from? For example, an atom is said to be the basic unit of matter, that is everything is made up of atom; i could just wonder, who made the atom, where did it come from? if you have the answer to that, then i ask you the same question, where did (your answer) come from and who made it?.. and so on...
Everything created, seen and unseen is just dynamic that made me realize that there must be a God who created these things. I know I might not be as convincing to you but here's a challenge. If you so much want to know if there is a God, why don't you try to pray with all your heart and try to ask God that if He is real then ask Him to let you know Him and ask Him to be real to you as He (God)claims to be.
@tomyfebrianto (1)
• Indonesia
29 Mar 10
ofcourse the god was exited, becausee you can imagine this is a perfect and complex setting on this world, it is imposible something like this have not someone to control, thst is absolutely imposible.
that is god