Why do you do mylotting ?

@arunvenu (273)
March 28, 2010 6:45am CST
My lot is a place to make friends, chat, share ideas and also to make a few bucks,What is your primary aim of being a my lotter?. Earnings or social networking?
6 responses
@atv818 (1980)
• United Arab Emirates
2 May 10
Money is the primary reason why I MyLot. Next is I get to meet a lot of people from different walks of life and nations. Lastly, I get to update myself with what goes on in the real world and in earning online.
• United States
4 Apr 10
I want to solve problems and make friends (I made a lot already) and make money. I find it different that you can add discussion interests, etc. and do tasks and writing contests. MyLot Forever
@mz_Ira (1090)
• Philippines
29 Mar 10
Actually its both--earn and say my thoughts. I just love to respond to few discussions and hear the perceptions and ideas of other people..
• India
28 Mar 10
initially i am here to earn some money .., but later i came to know that i can learn lot of things from mylotters.. i build my blog very beautifully with the help of some mylotters.if you want have a look at it. thank you
@di44ito (494)
• Bulgaria
28 Mar 10
I came here to earn some extra money and to meet new people and to see treir opinions in some different themes.
• India
31 Mar 10
My first aim was to make money when i joined first but now i really enjoy mylotting...........I can make new friends,help others,ask for help,share my happiness as well as others' joy and sorrow.........Its goooooooooooood to be here..........