Lovable Watermelon

Lovable watermelon - watermelon shaped for love gift. you can use this watermelon to express your feeling.
@luluqu (44)
March 29, 2010 4:57am CST
Many ways people use to declare their feelings. But have you use the fruit to express your love to your partner? This watermelon cost ¥ 15,750 or $ 160, planted and shaped by Hiroichi Kimura, and takes 3 years to shape it. Would you like to give it to express your love?
4 responses
@krisnel (498)
• Philippines
3 Apr 10
yes i will give it because it takes 3 years to shape it. it means that the fruit is exerted by effort just to become heart shape.
@luluqu (44)
• Indonesia
5 Apr 10
Thats would be great to receive a great thing from your lover Krisnel, and became your lover is a great thing too, :)
@dangahol (71)
• Philippines
29 Mar 10
Wow that's really an amazing watermelon! And my girlfriend likes eating watermelons! :) Imagine what wonders it can do if i give it to her as a gift :)
@luluqu (44)
• Indonesia
29 Mar 10
yes, and you only have to pay as much as $ 160. It would be nice if my husband wanted to buy something unique like this, lol.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
29 Mar 10
There are many ways to express love. way of expressing love does not need to spend money. by not using the money to buy something, will look sincere.
@luluqu (44)
• Indonesia
29 Mar 10
yes, actually when we can choose a creative way to express the love, that is what will be meaningful.
• Philippines
29 Mar 10
i would definitely love to give that instead of a bouquet of flowers. lol. that really says so much.
@luluqu (44)
• Indonesia
29 Mar 10
agree... imagine what a romantic moment when you both eat it. lol.