Stage Fright... do you have?...

Stage Fright... - come on... don't get nervous.. you can do it...
March 29, 2010 8:21pm CST
you are on a middle of discussion in your room... and your professor ask anyone from the room to give their own statement on a certain topic... you are the only one who has the idea on that topic...then he noticed you but your hands were shaking and you are feeling cold that you can't speak in front of the class.. do you have that kind behavior?... you are well-prepared to sing a song... then the judges called out your's time for your presentation... but once you are at the stage... you start to get nervous... you were mentally black... and you almost forgot the song you are about to sing... how about speaking on a group of audience wherein they can't even care to smile?... these are some instances of having a stage fright... even i have the guts.. i still get nervous... but the only way to handle it is be confident on what you are about to and be prepared... So, are you ready?... step in to the stage and tell me if have it... ;)
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17 responses
@setsuna26 (2749)
• Philippines
30 Mar 10
Well some people tend to be nervous when its their turn or whatsoever, no matter how prepared they can be. I saw this episode of "the practice" were in theres this newly graduated lawyer who always stop and stare when its her turn to do the talking infront of a jury. Can you just imagine your lawyer stopping and staring for some seconds, its as if shes not ready but the thing is when she gets too nervous or excited she tend to stop and pause without any warning. Good thing something like that is not happening to me but i believe some people do have certain inhibitions that make them pause or stop for a while, but in time and with practice im pretty sure anyboddy will be able to oevercome such situations
• Philippines
30 Mar 10
hahahahah!!!! good thing it is just in the show, but what if you hire that Lawyer?... you lose your case...and your money too.. hahaha... thank you for sharing... ;)
@vandana7 (101607)
• India
30 Mar 10
Hi setsuna, the lawyer is trained - and the first time he goes there - he does fumble! In fact, it possibly takes him quite a few mistakes to begin accepting the situation. Confidence only comes with success, and that is through experience. So I think it is not exactly a "some people" phenomena. :)
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Mar 10
hi brynnereson oh yes as old as I am if I am asked in a group setting to say, give a short bio of myself, I hear my voice qauking and wavering, but I learned that in this particular group nobody is going to laugh at'me or mock me. So the next time it was my turn to say tell what was my favorite room in my childhood home, or some other personal thing I began to enjoy sharing my feelings and thoughts with the other people in my group. This was a program called mental fitness to keep older people from becoming senile or getting alzenheimers disease. we learned to think outside the box, to be creative, to learn to use our brains so at least our minds stay young and healthy and sane. a good class that went the way of so much in the garden grove school district as our Ca. governer Aronold whats his face has again cut back on Ca schools money.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Mar 10
typos oh dear voice quaking, also Arnold not Aronold.darn typos
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
30 Mar 10
I think everyone, regardless how many times you've performed or spoke in front, will always have stage fright. It's something we just can't brush off, but we could learn to control. I for one have stage frights, whenever speaking in front of a crowd, regardless how few or huge the participants are, I will always ask myself if I could make a good performance. But as I step forward and do my thing, slowly the stage fight minimizes until I feel confident in what I say. It's true that in order to counter stage fight, we must learn to be prepared. Prepared in anything that could be thrown at us. Plus, muster up our performance by practicing a lot. I'm pretty sure though, that if I'm told to sing, I would surely collapse in stage fright for I don't know how to sing. hehehe.
• Philippines
30 Mar 10
hahahahahah!!!! especially if you are told to do something that you don't want to do... that's the time you'll get cold... that is one of the many factors of having stage fright... being not prepared...and we must have that... ;)
• Philippines
31 Mar 10
i used to be a shy girl when i was in my grade days, i cant even stand in front of the class to recite nor read a book. then when i transferred to private school during high school, we are required to report in front of the class or else we will not going to have a grade from our professors. i find it hard at first as i really cant help it so i practice myself i front of the mirror and i realize that theres nothing to be ashamed of as compare to my other classmate, i would say that i look better than them, i am taller than them and quite pretty so why would i be shy. so the next day of my report i just go in front like nothing happened and even give a joke to everyone, since then i become active in school already and even won a price for writing contest. and become one of the member in our drama club up to college. i guess its self motivation is a must.
@SaNdRa15 (128)
• United States
30 Mar 10
Hi there. Interesting topic. When I was in high school, I had stage fright when I was in a classroom talking to my classmates. I'd get really nervous, my hands would shake and I'd talk really fast. But I did several plays and was okay--I think not being able to see the audience made me feel better. But now, I can talk in front of people without any problems. I actually train people and give presentations and I love it. I have lectured to hundreds of people and had no symptoms of stage fright. I'm not sure what the difference is, but I think I just don't worry what people think anymore. I know I have something important to tell the audience and they are there to listen to me. It probably a matter of more confidence, as you mentioned.
• Philippines
30 Mar 10
at least you got over it... as we exposed in to many people, we gain confidence that getting in front of them is just easy... and it looks like you gained friends too... ;)
@werty009 (404)
• Philippines
3 Apr 10
well stage frigh,me i don't well nervous for me is just always first to the things you do me as a band vocalist i only got nervous when walking up to the stage but when i start singing im becoming more comfortable don't freeze i think that's only the thing try to move or do something to be able to be comfortable in a scenario
30 Mar 10
I think everyone has a degree of stage fright, it's how you handle it that matters. I get very nervous when I am going to sing but a few deep breaths and I can go ahead with confidence.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
30 Mar 10
i really hate being in front of people (talking etc) and would much rather be in the background doing things than in front of people. i get very nervous.
@jhesse03 (35)
• Philippines
30 Mar 10
i think there will be stage fright in each of us all the time.. No matter how much you try to ignore that feeling, it will surely come back because it is a Normal thing.. even those who are very used to performing on stage, they still have that feeling which is called, "stage fright".. if you didn't feel that.. well, i think, there's something wrong with you.. haha lol actually, stage fright is just coming from our brain.. thinking.. it is a result of a certain process in our brain.. just like fear.. anyway, "fear" and "stage fright" is something similar.. right? back to what i am saying, it is just a kind of fear.. if you accepted it and acted overly/exaggeratedly about it, you won't really be able to focus on what you are supposed to do. it is in the control of our minds.. you cannot remove or ignore completely... but you can lessen it however.. yes, i know, it's like very easy for me to say but in reality, it's very difficult to lessen the stage fright.. but there's something that can help those who are very prone to this circumstances.. "If you want it, then get it.. Cos with God, Nothing is impossible." that's all my opinion regarding stage fright.. Hope i was able to help.. :)
@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
30 Mar 10
It's weird, but after years of singing in front of people, I still get nervous sometimes. When I don't know the people watching me, I feel calm and confident. But when I see familiar faces I get nervous and shaky. I guess I'm afraid of losing face because people who know me will remember well if I do a bad performance.
@voldrox (7191)
• India
30 Mar 10
Hi there, i have that stage fear, many of us have it, experience can help drive it away slowly, still some of it still remains when we know our turn is coming, i have lot of problems speaking in the public, i am bad at it, especially if i have something to say on the stage or in front of the class, i am just not able to express myself openly, i could not smile and say, what ever i have to say i do it like i have to get done with it soon! but anyways, the first time i got on stage to play drums in my band i was quite nervous, but it went good! .. and now after giving quite many performances and after all the practice put up for it i think i am not that nervous to play drums on the stage with my friends. but anyways some part of it remains always and that is very normal... public speaking! please don't put me in for one!
@mareca11 (212)
• Philippines
31 Mar 10
When I was young I used to have stage fright but when I got into college, it disappeared a bit. Well for one, almost all people in college like talking and they have this confidence that would make you think 'why am I the only one nervous?' and you would reevaluate yourself and try not to have stage fright. It embarrasses you, really. If you have stage fright especially in college
@pandaeyes (2065)
30 Mar 10
Haha I have just that kind of feeling. I rarely talk in front of more than 2 people, it just becomes a wall of silence if there are more .I have heard it called selective mutism but really I think it is just the same as stage fright. If there is a good reason such as anger to embolden me, it is much easier.
• India
30 Mar 10
Initially i used to be afraid of the stage. But soon, after many elocution competitions, it reduced. I think with experience stage fear does reduce.
@ankitshr (228)
• India
30 Mar 10
This is a very common and i would very normal thing, and believe me it happens with everyone. Doesn't matter if its your first time or in hundreds there is certain amount of nervousness, yea the first time nervousness is incomparable, some people are confident but they do have this feeling its just that they are good enough to hide it and go for the shot, even professionals feel some nervousness but they know how to counter it, and that capability comes with time,
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
30 Mar 10
I have had stage fright since I was a kid, and I still have, but now it's a little different. At first, when I was a kid and I had to speak in front of the class, my hands were shaky enough for me not to be able to hold a paper. Through my life I have had to confront that kind of situation thousands of times, so little by little I got more used to that. I still feel nervous, but I can react
@yanna08 (28)
30 Mar 10
i had that experience as well. But on my end i was reciting mg declamation piece in front of the school on stage. i was so scared. I sweat a lot when i was waiting for my turn to say it my piece. When it was my turn to say my piece. I speak so fast and after the performance i forgot if i said all that was on the storyline or if i missed out on something. My costume was full of sweat that day. I did not win though i was just i think on the top 5.