Do you Intend to skip meals?...

Skip a meal... - some skip a meal for a reason to stay slim..
March 29, 2010 10:39pm CST
Sometimes, we have so many things to do that we have to finish it before the day ends.... sometimes that we thought we could finish it in a certain time, but there hindrances. Some of the many reasons why we intend to skip a meal... Good things there are snacktimes for people who didn't get the chance to get a meal in time... Sometimes, they call it Late Lunch or Late Dinner.... Why do we skip it?... some would just stay to avoid overeating for they reduce weight... Some people skipped meals becuase they don't like what was served on them.. now that's sad.. =( How about you?.. do you skip meals?...let's hear it from you... now, skip this one.. ;)
4 responses
@airakumar (1553)
• India
30 Mar 10
I never skip my meals, but sometimes when busy had meals very late. It's ok with me. besides I always had a complete breakfast so even if I am late with my meal it works with me.. Breakfast is necessary to start your day off right. A healthy breakfast will help you at work. Don't skip breakfast and also meals..Skipping a meal isn't necessarily harmful. .but one think I would like to say that a big mistake that lots of people make is skipping meals. They think they are not eating much so they should be losing weight. Wrong!
• Philippines
30 Mar 10
truly that breakfast is an important start your day, you must have energy. that is why people are used to have a heavy breakfast so that they could have enough energy eventhough they are late for lunch... thank you for sharing... ;)
• Philippines
4 May 10
Actually I tend to skip meals because of my appetite. I only feel like eating whenever I feel so hungry. Same goes with my partner. Probably also because of work tendency is that I also don't have the chance to eat on time that is why it also decreases my appetite.
• Japan
30 Mar 10
I skip my breakfast cause i am a wake at 11a,clock in the morning that is just because i can eat my morning meal when sleeping:)ten some time if i feel bit fat than before i did it as a diet but never again now since i go to GYM is always keeping me hungry :)
• Philippines
30 Mar 10
Sometimes, because i don't have appetite or I don't want the meal.. When I'm in school sometimes I don't eat because I need to finish all my assignments that I forgot to do at home or projects.