does he still like me???? a guys opinion would be good on this
By OConnell87
@OConnell87 (1042)
March 30, 2010 5:43am CST
I was with my boyfriend for 6 months when he dumped me few weeks ago saying he didnt have feelings for me anymore.
But he txts me at least once a weeks asking how i am and last night he txt me questioning about the fact that i added an ex of mine on facebook and because i didnt txt back because i was asleep he txt me another message asking if i was ignoring him ??????????? i would expect this behaviour if i had been the one to dump him but he dumped me so its like hes expecting me to wait till he decides he wants me back
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27 responses
@therealyez (45)
• Denmark
30 Mar 10
I would be very careful about this. My opinion is that you should not go and wait for him. He has dumped you and you have to go further with your life now. If he can dump you ones, he can dump you twice. Maybe he got cold feet when he saw you added an ex and he still wanna get a hold on you, but probably not as a girlfriend.
My advice will be to forget him. If he really wants you back and can't tell you that straight out or make sure he is sorry he dumped and it was a mistake, then I wouldn't trust him.

@fianne (1057)
• United States
30 Mar 10
hi there!
oconnell87, i am sorry if i am a girl to respond... but i probably agree with therealyez. i would say the same.
if he dumped you, you should have known the reasons why for it. if he wants you back, he can tell you that right in the face and be so sorry for dumping you. if he cannot do that, no way for me to run and talk to him if i was in your shoes. you see, if he dumped you, and asks you like that on the text like as if he is still your boyfriend, that's carzy. i mean, he didn't even respect you for some sort of giving the explanation why dumping you, then just act like as if he owns you? if you are my friend in real life, i'd really tell you in the face you're dumb if you back to him. adding an ex to facebook is ok epecially if you are friends and are ok. so why the act of a jealous boyfriend? if he loves you still, then he will text you can we meet? we need to talk or i am sorry, can you give me a chance?
one thing i don't agree with you realyez is asking him one last time if he wants you or not, i think it's stupid. just go on with your life without him, he's not worth your love. you will find somebody there who will not even think of dumping you.
if you return to him, can you tell if he won't dump you anymore? that's ridiculous. i think for a guy like him that just dumps, he's not worth another chance. he should have tried to talk to you about the problem. but he didn't.
@OConnell87 (1042)
30 Mar 10
yeah i thought about that if he asked me back i couldn't coz i would be waiting for him to dump me again
@therealyez (45)
• Denmark
30 Mar 10
If he honestly love you, he can tell you that straight away. You don't have to wait forever and if he is fair he will give you an straight answer. Actually; the best you can do is ask him ones and for all and very directly: Do you want me or not.. last chance!

@shibham (16977)
• India
30 Mar 10
Are you sure that he was serious when he said that he dislikes you. If not then i think he was joking. If yes, then he didnot think that someone will come to your heart very quickly. So it has made him envy and now trying to flatter you. It may be so that he still loves u and that was his method of evaluation of your love. Great day.
@therealyez (45)
• Denmark
30 Mar 10
Sorry but I think that is a very crappy way to do that. Playing eith a girls feelings like that is no good. Honesty is important when it comes to love and he only put her in a doubt. I really just hope that she can get it straighten' out fast as possible.
@fianne (1057)
• United States
30 Mar 10
yep, dumping your girl just like that is no good. he's bad. maybe, let's say he's jealous, so? that's just right. he needs it, for him to know how precious is the girl he dumped and he should deal with that himself. it's not easy, but it wasn't easy for connell too when he dumped her.
think wise, smart and not just twice but many times, connell!
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
31 Mar 10
This man has a pride issue and is unstable. He is prideful. He wants you to come and say "oh please come back! Let's be a couple again", so he can feel all warm and fuzzy about being wanted.
If it's over, then it's over. Stop talking to him. If he is mature enough to want to marry you, then stop playing around, and let's get the show going.
Honestly, I think he's unstable. Find someone who has *character*, and won't play games with you. You don't toy with people you love. You don't leave them, and then expect them to be single until the end of time, just in case you want to come back.
Good luck.
@carloadriancanon (206)
• Philippines
30 Mar 10
He still likes you. He still has a feeling for you however there might a reason of dumping you. He was just lying when he told you that he didn't like you anymore. Talk to him.
@OConnell87 (1042)
30 Mar 10
thanks your not the first to say that just wanted to see if people other than my friends though that
@Aviroyalavi (205)
• India
2 Apr 10
hi oconnell,
in my view boyfrnd is who alway's forgiv his grlfrnd evn she dd anythin worst lyk ignore him, stayin wid another boy lyk dis.........
if he really lyk her, he alway's wants her smile and her happyness den he defntly giv's wht ever she wants even she'z happy in stayin wid another man. if he iddnt make her happy den he is not ur real mate he jst tryin to use her........
it's just a silly think dat u add ur ex, ur boyfrnd just tryin to leave u frm d time he knw's u n ur ex again frnds in ur profile.............
so u dnt hav to worry about dis issue, u hav to feel happy to knw abt him quickly.
so start a new lyk and choose any betterone who set's u free....................
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
31 Mar 10
Hi OConnell87, it seems that your ex boyfriend still have feelings for you and is jealous of you. If he has decided to dump you than he must let you free to chat and go out with who ever you like. I would not accept such controlling behaviour. It his loss after all. He should have thought about his decisions better. If he still likes you and still wants you he has to humble himself and ask you again if you are still interested in him. I would not accept his behaviour at all. I would challenge him to make up his mind.
@gridle (44)
• China
31 Mar 10
In the first,I suggest that you should leave that guys.someone says that if one dumps another once,he will dumps the second time!
but when I see the comments follow.I doubt with my idea!
Maybe he has some unknow reasons for dumping you!
so my last idea is that give him a chance to explain why he dumps you!but notice.not a chance to be his GF again!
@amandakringle (109)
• United States
31 Mar 10
A word of caution would be to be very careful and think about taking him back very seriously. I have had the same situation almost exactly. Taking the guy back was one of the worst mistakes that I have ever made. The relationship was horrible and controlling. I ended up losing several guy friends because of him, not to mention he developed a habit of mental and physical abuse. So please think carefully if you really want to open your heart up to that guy again.
@___SKY___ (541)
• Hong Kong
31 Mar 10
If you still love him, Let him first to make first move and prove that he still love you. If he did not make any moves, let him find his life and go for your life too! Do not push ourselves to anybody. That is all can say.. God Bless You.. Happy mylotting...
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
31 Mar 10
Some people just cannot stand the fact there maybe another person interested in you or you be interested in another. The jealousy factor kicks in. The idea of someone else being the focus instead of him. I think just as everyone else has most stated he is interested in you but can you really afford another heartbreak? I mean he ended for a reason. Depending his mentality or hormones he may of wanted to be with another person and felt guilty and chose to end it so he did make it look like he cheated on you. He only really knows the reason. But this is real popular for those that are wanting to go out with another person for awhile. He also may want to remain friends only and is having a hard time distinguishing the two. Whatever the case may be always be careful in what you decide to do. Safety first since he sounds a bit unpredictable and unstable when he is accusing you of something you know you did not do on purpose. You are a person and not an object that he can control your moves and actions. He does have something going on with him. He may like the hard to get routine too. The harder the catch the better the reward. You hear it all the time how the one that is hard to get the harder the challenge, the more they try to get the one they want. Who knows what he wants just be cautious and keep your eyes open and watch his actions. You will know his intentions. Listen to body language, listen to what he is saying. You been with him long enough to know him. Good luck!
@setsuna26 (2749)
• Philippines
31 Mar 10
Us guys sometimes feel the connection is still there even though we said its over already. Now its up to that guy if he will still entertain this said connection or not anymore. If he still entertain the feeling then theres this chance of him still liking you. But then again theres this chance that hes just being possessive and he dont want any of his ex to fall to some other guys .I know he dont own you but some guys just feel so possessive most of the time. I should know because i can be most of the time as well
@aravindraaz (24)
• India
31 Mar 10
Don't worry he's always with you as well as you're also with him. As he is texting that means he is trying to remember you as many times as he. my word is wait for the time until he think that he wants you
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
31 Mar 10
Hi! What you should do is prove to him that dumping you was the biggest mistake he have ever done in his life. Now he is starting to get jealous and regretting the moment that he dumped you. Yes, he still has a feelings for you. If I were you, just keep yourself beautiful and start entertaining suitors and other guys. I'm sure he will get jealous and he will plead to you to accept him again. He will tell you that he cannot live without you. Well this is my opinion. Have a nice day! Happy myLotting!

@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
31 Mar 10
He dumped you so he made his feeling clear. He is probably hanging around in case he needs a booty call. Move on with your life, there are plenty of fish in the sea. He cannot hang around anymore controlling your life without any commitment unless you let him.
It does not sound like much of a relationship, in fact sound very disfunctional. I would find out if he wants to be with you or not. If not time to cut the ties and move on.
@sir_rodner (124)
• Philippines
31 Mar 10
You can think of this reasons why he still wants to communicate with you. 1. Because he made a mistake when he dumped you, and just waiting for the time to say he is sorry. 2. He like to befriend you, if you did not work as steady you can be friends. Well, if I am you I will just consider him as a friend and look for another guy to have a relationship with.
@harveykumar (51)
• India
31 Mar 10
I think he really loves u a lot thats why he expecting you to express the love u got on him. That is the reason why he doing like this and he wants you to know about what he is doing. If u really loves him try to express ur feelings on him.
@marvz023 (189)
• Philippines
31 Mar 10
i really dont think he is serious about you now. he dumped you, them make him suffer... its not that you should forget about him. if he is really sincere of having you back, make him suffer for 6 months. play hard to get. if he is not into it, then time to get yourself another guy
@jmservese (43)
• Philippines
31 Mar 10
Well in my opinion I suggest you do same thing with your boyfriend. In the first place he dumb you, and it was not your decision to have an ex.