I Would Rather Be A Christian Than A Muslim

@gewcew23 (8007)
United States
March 30, 2010 1:30pm CST
If someone debunked without a shadow of a doubt my agnostic-atheist views, and proved to me that there was some kind of deity, Islam would not be my first, second, I might even chose Scientology over Islam. With Christianity you have at lest flexibility. See in Deuteronomy Mose's justifies killing false prophets and the whole town that the false prophet spoke in, but give Christian credit they do not practice this any more. It is called adapting with the time, please do not tell my about the new convent old convent, does the Spanish Inquisition ring a bell? With Islam on the other hand there is no such thing as adapting to time. Take for instance separation of church and state, Europe and the people who left Europe realized that allowing the church to create law was not going to work any more. As with any country that is dominated by Islam, excluding Turkey, the law is Islam. Take for instance art, this is going to be good. If I was to paint a picture of Jesus in a less than faltering manner, Christians would be upset but life goes on, if some body draws a picture of Mohammed they have to fear that they will be killed. Then there are movies, Dan Brown made his Di Vince Code which paint Jesus as less than divine, yet Dan Brown did not have to fear for his life. Geert Wilders makes Fitna and Jordan prepared a criminal case against him. From the song Tom Sawyer by Rush, No his mind is not for rent To any God or government But I guess if I had to chose my choice would not be Islam. P.S I wonder if I could post a picture of Mohammed here on MyLot?
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12 responses
@Rollo1 (16677)
• Boston, Massachusetts
30 Mar 10
I would add also that although some Christians believe the Bible teaches a limited role for women in the church and there's one denomination where they think it's a sin for women to cut their hair or wear slacks, women are still treated better by Christianity than by Islam. Modesty is encouraged by the Bible, but head-to-toe disguises are not mandated and Christians do let women drive, go to school and hold jobs and they are rarely flogged or killed for talking to men.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
31 Mar 10
Good ole Pentecostals, but I have yet to see a Pentecostal woman in a Burka.
@Rollo1 (16677)
• Boston, Massachusetts
31 Mar 10
As far as I know, only the UPC (United Pentecostal Church) is strict on women's hair and dress. I have attended several churches that were pentecostal by doctrine but none that were pentecostal by name. The AOG may have some old-fashioned ideas on dress in church (they tend to put on Sunday best) but I don't think they object to pants or shorter hairstyles. I like to be clean and presentable for church, just as I would for any other time I go out of the house, but God's not impressed by my wardrobe. These are things we do for other people. You can come to God only one way - as you are.
• Australia
31 Mar 10
Huh? Good ole Pentecostals??? I'm familiar with the pentecostal movement since I used to be a pentecostal christian... until I was ostracized for saying three forbidden words... 'I AM GAY!' But I'm not sure which part of Rollo's post you refer to by that statement... was it the reference to it being sinful for women to cut their hair or wear slacks? If I remember correctly, some Assembly of God churches believe that but I have to say that the church I attended certainly didn't believe that... nor did they believe that women had no place in the ministry. However, because Pentecostal churches are predominantly independent there is certainly a degree of individualism there. Oh, just to clarify... when I say I used to be a pentecostal christian... I am still a christian, just that I had my eyes opened and I no longer attend a pentecostal church.
• Mexico
31 Mar 10
It's only a matter of timing. 500 years ago Christianity was the worst thing that could have happened to humanity, thousands of years earlier the Mesopotamian Baal religion was burning people alive. A thousand years ago Aztec religion was tearing hearts off people chests. Let say that indeed for the time being Islam is the worst. But don't worry like any other religion before, it will loose power over people and eventually disapear. All religions have disapeared before and been replaced; and some had lasted much much longer than those in fashion. The thing is that ALL religions are against humanism. I am not involving any kind of deism, that's irrelevant wether there is or not a god or gods. Religions are mass murdering weapons used by those in power to keep other under their control. All religions are bad. It's only a matter of timing.
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• United States
31 Mar 10
People use beliefs and systems to do human things, including the belief of atheistic evolution. People like to say Hitler was a christian but his actions were all based on his belief in evolution and the survival of the fittest. The bible prophecies a greatest genocide to come done in its name.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
31 Mar 10
I do not mind putting all religions into a big bag and hitting them with a big stick.
• United States
30 Mar 10
I have studied both and you are a wise person in that your choice is not Islam for it ia a religion of hate even back to the koran wich in itself tells them to kill nonebelievers
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
30 Mar 10
I am sure it is only a matter of time before I get a wave of people telling my I have a misconception of Islam.
• United States
31 Mar 10
not from Me my friend I have studied Islam myself and want no part of it I repeat you are a wise person to have made the choices you have made
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
31 Mar 10
Hello gewcew Its becoming a hobby for me to correct all of the cr@p you like to talk. Yes you have a misconception of islam, not all are like that. Within islam there are diverse, lets say sects. The ones that do that are the radicals muslims, but of course you dont think before writing. " might even chose Scientology over Islam" that is a very disrespectful(i want to say another word, but i will not) line as well as your last question... actually the whole post is meant to provoke both christians and muslims. I wonder why religion is listed as one of your interest if you dont believe in it. Roman Catholic Church is more than the Inquisition, not justifying it by the Catholic Church has already said sorry about it. Even though the Inquisition has been taken out of context so many times which im sure you havent read about.
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@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
31 Mar 10
MOST, that is the key word, so not everyone is like that, yeah there are many that are like that i wont deny it, but you should not put every muslim in the same bag. About the inquisition, gone mad? haha where did you read it? No they were not mad.
• United States
30 Mar 10
You need to get out more and talk to a wider circle of Muslims.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
30 Mar 10
Well they can come on here and defend their religion.
@Gordano (795)
• United States
31 Mar 10
Surely, I will do with pleasure, check out my reply.
@dragoo (7)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
30 Mar 10
Well I am a Catholic but I have great respect for the muslim religion...I mean are we sure that we are better then muslims? You write about Spanish Inquisition and that this disappeared trough the time...so what? There is no more this awful things in our religion but our pritchers like today young boys etc...one evil they replaced with other. In my country are about 70% catholics and about 15% muslims and I don't see any diference between normal people.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
31 Mar 10
Oh you are right Catholic have done some horrible thing, I will not disagree with you on that.
• United States
1 Apr 10
starchaser If and when they study the Koran those who follow Islam are required to believe the Koran in which one can find the following when the forbidden months have passed ,slay the isolators (unbelievers) wherever you find them,and take them captive,and besiege them,and prepare them each for ambush (Koran 9:5) I am with you give firmness to the believers ,I will terrorize the unbelievers (in Islam)therefor e smite them on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them.Strike off their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes (Koran8:12) now tell me that folks who follow this are in any way normal!and if you are Muslim then you are required to believe this !there is no separation of normal Muslim and radical Muslim if you are one you must follow the Koran
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
1 Apr 10
Hi gewcew23, I think its a mistake to judge facts and history with today's mentality. When you are talking about the Spanish Inquisition you are talking about an era where the Church and the State were part and parcel of each other. The Church was the law and therefore the Inquisition was a special ecclesiastical institution for combating or suppressing heresy. Its characteristic mark seems to be the bestowal on special judges of judicial powers in matters of faith, and this by supreme ecclesiastical authority, not temporal or for individual cases, but as a universal and permanent office http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08026a.htm I am not justifying the Inquistion's actions but its not right to judge history with today's knowledge and mentality. In most Christian countries there is a division of Religion and Politics. I believe that this is liable to happen in Muslim countries sooner or later. This would help Muslim countries to grow and prosper and be open to more cultures, traditions and religions.
• United States
1 Apr 10
If Islam is your path then I am happy for you. There are so many different paths . The key is to find your path and be faithful.
• United States
1 Apr 10
Oops. Is Christianity your path? Whichever religion you find fulfills your needs is the right path.
@hvedra (1619)
31 Mar 10
Why chose either of those? There are some Christian groups who are easily as extreme as the most radical Muslims out there. If you change from being agnostic there are plenty of religions out there to choose from - or make up your own and get rich.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
31 Mar 10
I have no plans on becoming religious.
• Philippines
31 Mar 10
No offense meant, but i will surely die a Christian, although i have not against any teachings of Islam and i'm sure there are still good muslims around who wants peace in the world just as there are christians who wants peace too. The hostility between the two has been for many ages now and of course we can trace the root back in Moses' days. But that doesnt mean that there are true and good creeds and there are bad ones. The most important thing is we all believe in one Almight God and we should respect other people's beliefs. That way we can have peace.
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• Australia
31 Mar 10
Actually it goes back even further than Moses, to Abraham. God promised Abraham a son but when Abraham and his wife Sarah felt that God was taking too long Sarah gave Abraham her maidservant to bear a child on her behalf... the resulting child was Ishmael who became the father of the Arab nations. Of course, after that Sarah became pregnant herself and Isaac was born. By that time, Ishmael and his mother had been driven away and Isaac received the birthright from Abraham which by rights belonged to Ishmael since he was the firstborn son. With Ishmael being passed over in favor of Isaac like that, is it any wonder that there is antagonism between the descendants of Ishmael and those of Isaac? I can't say I blame them myself. I'm not disputing that Isaac was the son of the promise, he was. God promised Abraham that SARAH would bear a child (Sarah just laughed at the notion). It was human impatience and faithlessness that resulted in Ishmael... and those characteristics are guaranteed to result in a messy situation.
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• India
31 Mar 10
All religions are a mingling yarn of good and bad both. Whether it is Christianity (a religion I belong to), Islam (you have just criticized), Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. I am a Christian because I am born into it. Had I been born into Islam I would have been a Muslim. I would have certainly defended my faith. Belief in a religion is a conviction, everyone convinces himself with and no amount of arguments against it would deter a person to deviate from his faith. Now that I am born a Christian, I am thankful to God, I am thankful to my parents, I am thankful to my teachers, my priests who have helped me to strengthen my faith. Even after seeing other religions, I am thankful to them that they too have helped me to strengthen my faith in my own religion.
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• Philippines
31 Mar 10
I choose to be a Christian too. I am honest that I don't know anything about Islam's beliefs but judging the people who are Islam makes me to choose Christian above them. I am already contented being a Christian, and upon reading the bible makes you more than a Christian. You don't need to see nor to know everything you just need FAITH..
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