Will they take this sign?
By sulsisels
@sulsisels (1685)
United States
April 2, 2010 8:08am CST
I just watched 19 kids and counting. I've seen it a few times before and was and still am amazed by the whole thing. As I'm watching this new, 26 week gestation, 1lb 3oz baby struggling for life in the NICU with so much to overcome, I wonder, will this be the "sign" that finally tells them that enough is enough? Michelle Duggar is a grandmother, she is about to enter into the menapause stage of life and is still having kids. You would have to live under a rock to not know and understand that getting pregnant at her age is very high risk, not only for the baby but for her as well. You can't tell me that the fact that she just had a baby who isn't even 1 year old yet and then getting pregnant a couple of weeks after that child was born didn't have something to do with it. Her body hadn't had any time to heal and I just don't understand what the heck they are thinking about. I saw a snippet from a soon to air interview with Larry King and the Duggars and when Larry asked "goony" Jim Bob (how that name fits him!) if this very sick baby will be the last he responded with "Oh, thats not for us to decide...That is up to God"...Well, I'm sorry but I do not believe that God wants her to continue to put herself and the child at risk and common sense tells you, Jim Bob, that if you don't use protection and have relations with your wife right after she has given birth and is very fertile that DAHHHHH,,,she just might get pregnant AGAIN..I think that he is a very selfish man in that respect and I think that he totally controls Michelle. She thinks that he is just so wonderful and I guess thats great but if I were her, I'd put a lock on the bedroom door. I'm not judging their lifestyle choices or the way they choose to raise their children (even though I disagree with a lot of their theories) The children do seem very well adjusted and are good kids but they are also sheltered from the "real world", I had to laugh too at the response of one of the little boys when asked about "Who is your favorite actor"? Ths boy said "What do you mean, actor?) No clue at all about actors or movies or so many things they have chosen to keep from them. No dancing, no tv, no videogames, no shopping for "new" clothes, no jeans or shorts for the girls and so on and so on and so on.....I strongly disagree with all of that but thats me..In anycase, I hope this litle baby makes it. The poor little thing dosen't deserve this and sure has a long long road in front of her. I just hope that Michelle puts her foot down and makes number 19 the final. Do you agree?
3 responses
@sleepylittlerose (1648)
• United States
2 Apr 10
It is hard to watch as little Josie stuggles each episode but it is nice to see the family giving support to those who are supporting them during this time.
It is also amazing to watch her as she is growing and becoming stronger each week.
I watch the show weekly so based on the information that has been provided in some of the other episodes understand a little more as to why the Dugger's have left the choice to have another child up to God. They Dugger's actually had 20 children but lost one in early pregnacy due to the use of birth control. Michelle was pregnant while on birth control and loss the child (this would of been their 2nd child between Josh and the twins). And thier frugal lifestyle about buying used and saving the difference is a good message that we could all learn from.
As for thier basic lifestyle I find it very similar to the Amish or Menonite communities. And both of these groups facinate me so I can not object to that in anyway.
As for Michelle having more kids, I certainly hope that they would consider abstinace during those times that she could possibly get pregnant because the risk she is taking with her own body and that of her unborn child is great. But if their religious beliefs are so strong then their way of thinking would be that He will not lead you to it if He is not going to lead you through it.
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@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
7 May 10
hi sleepy..very good points..I would like to believe also that he wont lead you to it if he is not going to lead you through it..What a nice way to live your life. I know that my faith gets me through a lot of difficult things and I too believe that he never gives us more than we can handle..The amish and Mononite lifestyle fascinates me too..as a matter of fact just this morning I watched a program about the Amish..Its so hard to believe that people still live this way, but they all seem really happy and enjoy the basic things of life..something we could all learn from..Its been awhile since I posted this, but I'm sure you've seen that Josie has come home..Its so unbelievable that she completed the last tri-mester outside of the body..Medicine is so amazing..I saw her smile for the first time..too cute..still so tiny but so strong!! God is good!!
@kedralynn (980)
• United States
7 May 10
Shows like this kind of bother me. They're making money off of having a ton of kids. They're making money and name for themselves after endangering this woman and the child. They're airing their stuff on tv for what? Free goodies? Enough is enough. My sister kept popping out kids, starting at age 15 and kept going one after another. The doctor actually suggested having her tubes tied as she was getting more and more complications as the years went on. She miscarried a lot too. At 32 they said enough is enough and her tubes were tied after an emergency C section was done to save one of her babies.
Ok sure I understand, leave it up to god. But uh... when you're at that age, the risks are really bad! I personally take birth control. Why? I don't want a ton of babies that I can't afford to take care. I also have a genetic condition that I do NOT want to give to my children. So I might not have any of my own. I haven't decided yet. And I don't want to face that until I'm ready. Maybe I'm selfish but I want my kids to have the best life. I don't know if I could properly give my children everything they deserve if I had so many...
Sure it's not really up to us, and I highly doubt the tv producers will chime in and say "hey maybe you should stop" because they want it to keep going and keep getting people watching. Which is also sad. And I don't see the family stopping any time soon either...
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
14 May 10
Hi kendralynn..Boy, did I call it right or what regarding the new baby..They bring her home from the hospital and not 2 days later have to take her back. Now the Dr.s are saying that she may need major surgery on her bowels or something..This child will never be normal..The entire last trimester was spend outside of the womb. She is 4 months old and looks like she was born yesterday and is only 4 lbs..Its so sad for the poor little thing struggling like that. If this woman has another child, I think it should be a crime. My God,,she should be in menapause, not pregnant..Also, what happens if she gets pre eclampsia and has a massive stroke..I'll bet ole Jim Bob wont think its so funny then..Those 19 children would be left with no mother and so many of them are under 10 years old..I honestly always thought that how many children someone has is their business, but this is a different case..I think someone like Child protective services ought to step in and order her to stop..I find the whole thing stupidity..Plain stupidity..Thanks for your comment..
@kedralynn (980)
• United States
14 May 10
Ugh that's so horrible. I feel so bad for the baby. Here she is fighting for her life because her parents thought it would be cool to pop out a 19th child. This is not responsible parenting if you ask me. And I wonder if the doctor advised against this last pregnancy. I hope that little girl makes it. But I doubt she'll ever live a normal healthy life...
@beeeckie (802)
• United States
2 Apr 10
I also watch this show, and although it's not my business I do think she should stop having kids. After 40 is a "geriatric" pregnancy and on top of it her uterus has seen so many births, it is so dangerous. And then there was the pre-eclampsia.
As far as keeping the kids sheltered, that is also up to them. Once the kids move out it is really up to them what they want to do. And there's nothing wrong with buying used clothes :) My lifestyle is sooo different from theirs but the one mantra I have to agree with is "Buy used and save the difference!" Awesome.
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
7 May 10
Hi beeeckie..I agree, I love that mantra also..He says it all the time. He sure is frugel but they are also financially free..Must be nice..something I know nothing about!! Thanks for the response..J
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