Chelsea won : Is it because of Rooney absence to some extent or......?

@zatak07 (699)
April 3, 2010 12:01pm CST
It is such a joy when your team won...but don't you think Chelsea were lucky that Rooney was not with Manu. Or its just because Chelsea were too much for Manu to handle??
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2 responses
@phynx15 (248)
• India
20 Apr 10
I don't think Chelsea are too much for Manu to handle and it is also not because of Rooney that ManU lost, it was just a game that was in favor of Chelsea and looking at the sides, I think ManU are always better. In a game like football/soccer. One man doesn't matter much. one can be a great player but it always depend on the team support. We can't blame or praise a single person in a team's lose or win. However, in tis particular match, Chelsea over played Manu, and even in this season.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
21 Apr 10
thanks for your very unbiased response to this post,Man utd is a great team by all satndard and Chelsea is equally a great team,but the winning for Chelsea in this particular match was not cos of wayne rooney or not ,Christaian Ronaldo was a partof that team when Man utd was defeated by chelsea in the FA CUP Final some years ago ,also wayne rooney was a part of it man utd also lost to some lesser team than Chelsea even this season so i think chelsea went out for a kill and got it ,they still would have won rooney or no rooney,man uitd has defeated chelsea before even when chelsea paraded their satrs so whats the fuss?
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
4 Apr 10
I think that was a major factor as Man U appeared toothless with Rooney. They were doing all the hard work but in the final third they did not appear to be very fearsome. That is where Rooney makes all the difference. We always knew that Chelsea has more match winners than Man U, but usually Man U has more heart. But today it was more Chelsea players who were desperate to win and Man U players lacked the drive due to Rooney's absence. Cheers! Ram
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
21 Apr 10
i really dont think that rooney was a factor in this game,cos rooney was there when man utd lost to a lesser team than chelsea so i think its more of a game lost which any good sportsman should take in good faith,chelsea did all the playing but man utd won finally in the final of the uefa cup 2 seasons ago so would you say that chelsea is not good for loosing that game??
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