Why Obama Doesn't Go To Church??????
By nzinky
@nzinky (822)
United States
April 3, 2010 1:10pm CST
He says he doesn't go because it would be disruptive to other church members and they would interupt the sevice looking at him......Half of the people at church wouldn't care if he's there or not every president before went to church and they didn''t make a scene........Why doesn't he come out and say he doesn't go because he a Muslim........He spreads his pray rug on the floor in the white house to pray.......
Is he that ashamed of his relgion or doesn't he want us to know what he really is a socialist or a communist.
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26 responses
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
5 Apr 10
Actually, I think he believes he's his own "god." I doubt he's really that frightened of a God he clearly doesn't believe in or respect. I think it's just another PR event.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
6 Apr 10
Interesting maggie. What evidence do you have to support these beliefs...or is it just a feeling?
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
4 Apr 10
nzinky, by now, you ( and many of those in sleeping America) must know that this monster usurper is a devout liar. Of course he is a Muslim, but a very special kind, one who truly hates America and wants to decimate our Judeo-Christian roots and remove our freedom so he can become our ruler, with help from his gangster and Arab friends, not to mention George Soros. He is multi-ethnic and multi-"religious" in his evil and in choosing evil partners. No righteous, upstanding man of any "religion" or ethnicity would pay millions of taxpayer dollars to keep his vital records sealed. He is a man of darkness, deception, treachery, and criminal behavior including identity theft (29plus Social Security numbers, none his), re-entering this country as an illegal alien, refusal to declare his aliases (against the law when applying for ANY KIND of license, probably why he finally had his fraudulent law license removed), all kind of threats and intimidation,up to and including even complicity in murders (Quarles Harris, Jr. and members of Rev. Wright's church choir), and constant Constitutional violations, of course including treason.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
5 Apr 10
Wow, Epic! I always love how you pull no punches. Have you read my various posts, here? I just posted one about how he's a liar for his cause. I see it as no great jump to imagine he'd take Communion in a PR moment just to further his aims! Muslim or not, I think he shaves his "god" every morning...
Thanks for the info, by the way, re the SS#s. Could you post a link to that? I want to get the full story. TIA!

@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
5 Apr 10
P.S. While you're at it, please post a link re the "complicity in murders" as I know zilch about that. Not that it would surprise me to find it were true; we are discussing a Chicago machine politician, after all.

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
3 Apr 10
Have you seen Obama's prayer rug spread out on the floor in the White House?
There have been various public reasons given for why the Obamas don't attend church but only they know what is fact and what is fiction...all any of us can do is speculate. So, let's look at what we do know. First of all, Muslim doesn't automatically equal socialist or oommunist since there are many American Muslims who are neither. Secondly, Obama is not just the president, he is a father and both he and his wife are responsible for molding their two daughters. No responsible parent would intentionally cause their own children to be ashamed of their religious beliefs...most especially if those beliefs are important to them. For this reason I don't believe that the Obamas are secret Muslims who hide their religious beliefs in shame and fear. Michele Obama doesn't strike me as the kind fo woman who would allow her children to be manipulated in this way.

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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
5 Apr 10
Yes they do...and receiving Holy Communion, which is what the First Family did, was an action that spoke volumes. That is something that goes against the Muslim belief that Jesus was nothing more than a prophet.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Apr 10
Obama has gotten out of church what he wanted to get, and I don't think having a relationship with God is what he was after. I would think he no longer sees a need for it in his life.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
5 Apr 10
An obvious conclusion, given all the evidence. Kudos.
@millertime (1394)
• United States
5 Apr 10
It doesn't matter that much to me whether or not the president goes to church although it DOES matter to a lot of people in this country. The reason he gives, that it will be disruptive, is not a very good excuse and I don't believe it's the real reason. After all, other presidents have gone to church regularly with no problems at all.
As for him being a Muslim or not, well, he himself has said that he was raised Muslim but became a Christian. Only he knows what his true beliefs are and for everyone else to speculate. One thing I will say is that by not going to church, he fuels the speculation that he is not a Christian. Witness the many posts saying he doesn't go to church because he is a Muslim.
I hear he does have a new spiritual adviser though, who, by the way, just happens to be a communist. But just because Obama wants a spiritual advisor that's a communist, doesn't necessarily make Obama a communist, right? Right...
@GreenCake (2)
• Israel
4 Apr 10
To be honest, I think he is a muslim, and generally a really bad president. He didn't do anything but threat Israel, he's on the muslim's side, I'm pretty sure he's muslim.
He also got that Oscar for peace, what the? What did he get that for? For sitting in the white house with his pray carpet?
To summary he doesn't go to church because he's a muslim, and if he'll go to church, it'll be a one time thing to make people think he's christian. At least that's my opinion. :P

@TheMetallion (1834)
• United States
5 Apr 10
All that flap about Reverend Wright, you still think he's a Christian. Brilliant.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
3 Apr 10
My first answer has to be WHO CARES? I've never paid the slightest bit of attention to the religious habits or beliefs of any of our Presidents and this one is no exception. You can say the people at church wouldn't care if he was there, etc., but I must respectfully disagree. I don't remember there ever being a President or a Presidential candidate whose church got the attention President Obama's got. I'm not saying this to defend or condemn Reverend Wright or to argue about WHY he and his church got so much attention, I'm just pointing out the fact that they did. Therefore, I don't think there's much doubt that whatever church the Obama's were to choose to attend would instantly be put under the microscope. That would no doubt lead to members being scrutinized and and some being out and out attacked.
I don't believe for one second he's a Muslim but if he were I still wouldn't care. I know there would be those who would be angry that he hid it from the people but more than that I would find it very sad that in the year 2010 he'd feel he HAD TO!
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
6 Apr 10
Here are two interesting ones:
[i]Now, the flip side is I think that the United States and the West generally, we have to educate ourselves more effectively on Islam. And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Muslims Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. And so there’s got to be a better dialogue and a better understanding between the two peoples.
One of the great strengths of the United States," the President said, "is ... we have a very large Christian population -- we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values[/i]
Oh the horrors.....
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
3 Apr 10
My guess, he's afraid of the lightening bolts from God's wrath.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
3 Apr 10
Keep an eye out for news reports tomorrow. The Obamas are supposed to attend church for Easter.:
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
3 Apr 10
Well I wouldn't be surprised if it happened to me. I haven't been to church in years and don't plan on going anytime too soon! 

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
4 Apr 10
No one wanted to stand close to my brother when his first child was baptized for that very reason. 

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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
4 Apr 10
I don't know if he's Muslim or what, but it's dazzlingly evident he's not Christian. "By their fruits you shall know them (Christians)." Well, what are those Christian "fruits?"
Okay, they include everything in the ten commandments plus the 11th one Christ added. They include not slandering others. Lying's a no-no, too. Definitely included is not dealing in an underhanded way to get what you want--no bullying, either. And since the Church was given the right to lead the flock, whatever they add goes, such as the direction not to abort babies. It's called murder. Eschewing belief in & acceptance of the various dogmas of other religions--even while respecting other's choices of faiths, even when they're clearly wrong--this is a must for Christians. (Bowing to false religious leaders is also forbidden, just FYI)) A corollary to that is to try to gently lead those mistaken souls to Christ. It definitely is a Christian principle to never take what doesn't belong to you, or even envy what others have in your heart...greed's out, too....Hmmm.
How're we doing here? Does any of this fit President Alinsky?
Yeah, I didn't think so, either. The only fruit he seems to bear is sour & rotten.
So there's your answer. He's just using the title Christian to gain power--even as he did while plonked down in that evil Marxist "Reverend" Wright's "church" for 20 years. It helped him rise in the Chicago ranks of thuggery among his fellow Marxists. He's a USER.
Christian is as Christian does. The moment one ceases to follow Christ's teachings & behaviors...one ceases to be a Christian, because one is, ipso facto, following something...or someone...else. Oh, one may call oneself a Christian 24/7, but if the usurper in the Oval Office is Christian...I'm the Pope.
I'd have more respect for any politician who flat-out declared their real religion (or lack of) than I do for a liar.

@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
5 Apr 10
On the contrary! Nearly all our leaders have been Christian at times in their lives! Listen carefully as to why I say this.
You see, you're forgetting the most important Christian rule (yet another one President Alinsky doesn't follow)--forgiveness! The moment people cease to sin, & honestly repent & try to make amends to the best of their abilities, they're following Christ's directive again (thus automatically Christian again, which should be obvious), & He forgives them. They get clean slates. One has no reason to remain in sin! You seem to assume people once they sin, that's it! Why, when they don't have to? I never said or implied any such thing. You might want to search your heart as to why you think I meant that, & why you would want to impute such evil motives to me. Just a thought.
Anyhow, at some point, we have all become sinners. Those who repent, & do penance, are again Christians, i.e., followers of the Christ. Those who do not, as the hypocritical reprobate occupying the Oval Office, does not, are not, by definition, "Christians." As I said before, they are following someone else....
Oh, & just by the way, it doesn't matter what the name of one's faith may be...it is one's actions which define one as Christ-like, not the brand name. Christian is as Christian does, remember? Think of the Parable of the Good Samaritan. For that matter, think of Christ's willingness to keep company with the non-Jewish, & even with formerly very non-Godly people! He never said, "This or that brand name religion will lead you to Heaven." I don't care what temple or church one attends. What matters is whether one follows Christ's teachings to the best of one's understanding. That said, He did found ONE Church & gave it knowledge & power, so it's a place one can learn most thoroughly & fastest what He wants us to do, & only a fool turns down experts. Or have you ever tried to attempt your own brain surgery?
Still, Christ-like behavior is found everywhere, even, ironically (& unknowingly) among a few atheists, occasionally. Thank God for that, because being among those who act like the Christ is the only thing that makes this world a bearable place!
The rules of Christ are equally applied to all of us, chief among them forgiveness for one's enemies ("charity"). To my regret, I've stopped following Christ many times, but at this moment, I'm Christian, & will remain so until or if I sin again. But if I sincerely regret my sins, & change, He will forgive me, even as He forgave His own murderers. After all, it was He who told us, "Forgive 77 times." (That was a contemporary idiom of Jesus' era, meaning "ALWAYS forgive"...just FYI.
I can almost hear your next question: have I forgiven the man in the White House? Of course! Every day he offends me, other patriots, & most important, God, so every day I must forgive him. (How blessed I am to have such a frequent spiritual task! LOL!) But many mistakenly equate forgiveness with excusing the sin & forgetting the person ever sinned. This isn't what Christ taught! I can forgive a dangerous bear, who was created to do bearish things by God Himself, for biting my hand. But I'm not stupid; loving God doesn't mean one checks one's brains at the Church door! God told us to be "gentle as lambs (or maybe it was doves?), but wise as serpents" when dealing with the world.
We have the usurper in office because God wants him there, no doubt (based on long experience), to bring something good our way, eventually. It might even be something he opposes, but it will happen. It could also be that God has "hardened the man's heart," in effect, blinded him to his own evil, to chastise us for our collective evils. God has done that sometimes (& it always succeeds!). Everyone, whether doing good or evil, serves God, knowingly or not.
Americans who know what our country was designed to be (which, due to the usurper & his ilk, now isn't) are doing all they can to point out we have a devious & savage bear in the White House, & that he's there only because God wants him there, & that it's our patriotic duty to restrain him & try to undo the hideous damage he's doing.
This would all be sooo much easier if the "President" would even try to be more than a nominal Christian...

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
4 Apr 10
[i]Okay, they include everything in the ten commandments plus the 11th one Christ added. They include not slandering others. Lying's a no-no, too. Definitely included is not dealing in an underhanded way to get what you want--no bullying, either.
The moment one ceases to follow Christ's teachings & behaviors...one ceases to be a Christian[/i]
So, according to the standards you've listed we haven't had one president who was a Christian. 

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
5 Apr 10
Actually, no mags, that wasn't going to be my next question. My next question relates to this...as does the one after that and the one after that, etc:
The moment people cease to sin, & honestly repent & try to make amends to the best of their abilities, they're following Christ's directive again (thus automatically Christian again, which should be obvious), & He forgives them. They get clean slates.
Is it your contention that every president we've had prior to this one has repented and tried to make amends for the sins you listed earlier? My next question would be...how on earth do you know this? Were you in the confessional with them? When did they repent? If they didn't repent while they were in office than, again, they were not Christians according to your standards while they were in office. For some reason I can't envision Bill Clinton confessing and repenting his sins while he was the president.
In addition maggie, one does not stop being a Christian simply because one has sinned because we're all sinners. If that were true you would be hopping in and out of Christianity every other day based on the way you treat some folks here...no offense intended...just the facts. Of course, I would also be in the same flip flopping boat since I'm not always the nicest girl on the mylot block at all times either.

@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
4 Apr 10
What? if he is really serious of worshiping God, Anything on the way doesn't matter. That is a very immature reason.. who wants to bother seeing him or what? Very arrogant reason.. who is he? more than God as he thinks about himself? anyway, I don't want to say more but I feel sick about it..
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@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
4 Apr 10
I think Obama's father was a Muslim, but did he spend much if any time with his father? I'm not sure what if any religions training he received from his mother or grandparents. Were Obama's mother and father together that long that she would convert to Islam and learn it well enough to teach her son? Just guessing, I'd say Obama was not reared to go to any type of church or religious service, but thinks it would harm him politically to say he has no interest in religion. Of course it's quite possible I have no idea what I'm talking about.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
5 Apr 10
Actually, he spent a lot of time in the Muslim faith as a boy in Indonesia, even deeply impressing his teachers with his knowledge & faith. So much so in fact, that it was once recommended he become whatever they call those men who climb the minarets & call Muslims to prayer. This is all on record.
Just FYI.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
4 Apr 10
Muslims do not take holy communion in a Christian church on Easter Sunday...which is what the president did a few hours ago.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
5 Apr 10
I cannot help but wonder if this a PR thing---I'm quite sure it's not a religious change in our prez---
To me it's a means to show off and hope the American people think he is a Christian.
It just blows my mind to think we have a muslim for a president of these United States.
And,GOD help us all.
God Bless,

@valentinesdiner (1214)
• United States
4 Apr 10
And he was a wonderful Christian man, eh? If you overlook the deaths taht happened at his hands and that annoying Iran-Contra thing.
Glad taht the focus on Obama's church going has a counter-point.

@wealthydavid (29)
• Nigeria
3 Apr 10
You know when topic bother around religion, I actually like staying out but this is quite funny. The Christian American President doesnt attend church because He will distract the worship service of fellow brethren. I thought america was an utopic world of freedom, why is the president afraid of going to worship with his brethren in free america. Anyways never mind, politics make ordianry elected people feel like tin gods. Its the same all over the world, christian presidents refuse to attend church simply because they are proud and nothing else. We have muslim presidents and they dont give excuses to attend mosque.
What a shame..The bible says we should not forsake the assembly of the president or is the president bigger than that scripture anyways...He wont be president forever and let's see what happens after the presidency....What a life
@peavey (16936)
• United States
3 Apr 10
I agree that his excuse is lame and it would make a lot of people feel better if he would go. I don't know if he's a Muslim, but if he is, he's smart to hide it and had better continue to do so.
That said, not everyone goes to church in this country. It's not a requirement, so why do we get upset that a president doesn't go? Do all of your neighbors? All of your family? All of your friends? If they do, you're not living in the real world.

@Yuusha (111)
• Sweden
3 Apr 10
I don't understand why religion matters so much to the majority of Americans. Why is it even a factor? And how can you think Obama is a socialist or communist? Really, how conservative can you guys get? It seems like you're stuck 100 years before everyone else.

@matersfish (6306)
• United States
5 Apr 10
I don't understand the religion thing, personally. But, then again, I'm not religious. I imagine some don't want their president to believe anything they don't believe.
That's valid to an extent. Maybe you give your vote to the man or woman running who's a carbon copy of you and your ideology. But I can't see holding something so trivial over someone's head if they happen to be elected.
As far as the "socialist" stuff goes, Obama's a whole lot closer to that than simply being a liberal democrat. He is a social progressive, specializing in social justice (read: victimology) and wants the government to be more involved in the lives of private citizens, because he thinks government can not only level the playing field, but should level it for the good of the country.
That's transformed to "socialism" because it's pretty dang close.
Here's a quote from that great World Wide Web thingy:
"Socialists generally share the view that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital and derives its wealth through a system of exploitation. This in turn creates an unequal society, that fails to provide equal opportunities for everyone to maximise their potential, and does not utilise technology and resources to their maximum potential nor in the interests of the public..."
Sound like anyone we know?
It's not simply some conservative smear. The religion thing is, I think, but that "stuck 100 years before everyone else" isn't quite accurate. Some folks simply see Obama's ideology and do not recognize it as anything good for America.

@cream97 (29085)
• United States
6 Apr 10
Hi, nzinky. I really hope that this is not the excuse that Obama is making. If it is, it really is a poor excuse to not go to church.
He still needs to go whether others will be interrupted or not. People are going to eye ball a person whether they are famous or not. Going to church is great for him and his family. Your outside life and how you live it, determines how God sees you. I really don't know Obama that well. I love him as our president. And, I just hope that he is not disowning God because of another religion that he may be following. If all this is true. And if it is false then he can continue to live his life as he has been doing.

@matersfish (6306)
• United States
3 Apr 10
I don't know whether or not Obama's a religious person beyond saying so to fit the "norm." Frankly, a person's religion is something I feel to be none of my business.
Unless an individual's religion is directly affecting me, I personally don't care whether they worship or not. Being agnostic, I'm open-minded to most religious beliefs and most scientific beliefs. To each their own.
And I'm not sure that a communist or socialist wouldn't be a person of faith.
I don't know. There's a lot I come down on Obama hard about, but since I'm not religious myself, I give him a pass on church issues.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
5 Apr 10
I didn't realize 100-some words was a lot to say about something. I also didn't say I didn't have a comment to make. I said that what Obama believes is none of my business.
I don't have a problem with Christians or Muslims. I'm not a bigot.

@goldenteardrops (747)
• United States
28 Apr 10
Well I think sometimes people overlook what Church really is and it is to learn of Jesus and focus on Him. I believe the Obama has his mind elsewhere. Pleaseing people is wrong but pleaseing God is right.