is there a right wing uprising or are the liberals twisting things once again?
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
April 4, 2010 10:16pm CST
It seems as if the only topic that the Media Wants to talk about is what they perceive as the "violence" in the Tea Party movement. Obama apologists such as the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center have written bogus reports about the Tea Party Movement, saying that the movement is leading to an increase of violence in the country. Heck even Larry King is getting into the act, interviewing Dana Loesch last night, trying to get her to say that the tea party is all about violence (of course he was not successful, see video below).
Earlier this week the FBI arrested members of a radical Militia group, named the Hutaree Militia, the group described them selves as a Christian militia training for a battle with forces of the Antichrist. These nut jobs had a sick idea to kill a cop and then kill every one who attended the cop's funeral.
Since the arrest, the media has been tripping all over themselves to connect this group of idiots to the tea parties and predict that there will be more "right-wing militia" uprisings coming soon because of the violent intentions of anyone who opposes the President. The FBI disagrees:
...the alleged plot by Midwestern militants and violent outbursts by scattered individuals don't signal any coming wave of extremist violence, federal investigators say.
There's more fizzle than fight among self-styled militias and other groups right now, they say, and little chance of a return to the organized violence that proved so deadly in the 1990s.
Militia extremist statements "primarily have served as an expression of anger after a particular event," according to an FBI intelligence bulletin obtained by The Associated Press. "The FBI assesses the likelihood of violent conflict from the remaining group members or other militia extremists as low."
A group of Christian militants calling themselves the Hutaree stand charged with plotting attacks against police in Michigan, assaults that prosecutors say the militants hoped would inspire others to commit anti-government violence. There was no attack; authorities moved in and made arrests last weekend because, the prosecutors contend, the group was girding for action in April.
There is always a risk of a lone wolf launching an attack, and law enforcement officials cannot rule out the possibility that they have failed to detect larger, more organized plots still unfolding. But the FBI bulletin - it was issued to police departments - underscores that authorities have not yet detected clear signs of a revival of organized violence that would require a strong federal response.
....One key: Law enforcement officials say the lack of an armed, deadly confrontation in last weekend's arrests - as there was in the 1993 standoff in Waco, Texas - made it less likely any groups would attempt new violence.
According to the FBI bulletin, the arrests of nine suspected members of the Hutaree group in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana, generated sympathy from other militia groups, but no copycats.
The militia movement came under intense scrutiny following the 1995 bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, as law enforcement methodically investigated the hodgepodge of extremist groups around the country and jailed some of their leaders.
Fears about those groups subsided in the past decade, as the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks led the public and the government to focus on the threat of international terrorism.
After last weekend's arrests in the Midwest, law enforcement officials say that as serious as the Hutaree case is, the FBI sees a more widespread danger from homegrown violence, given a rash of such cases in the past year.
.....Anti-government anger flared in some quarters after Congress passed the massive health care overhaul this month, and a few lawmakers received threats or even suffered vandalism. And the angry political rallies of conservative tea party members have been well publicized. Lost jobs have given millions plenty to be upset about.
..The Southern Poverty Law Center recently reported an increase in what they define as right wing extremist and hate groups around the country.
In comparison, outbursts of violent extremism are minuscule.
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9 responses
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
5 Apr 10
There can be no doubt... That no matter what the truth is, elitists and media outlets will twist anything and everything to their agenda. There are no doubt some nutjobs out there, and for that matter more than enough "far right" nutjobs to speak of... However, these days, with the polarization that is being fueled, and the way things are getting manipulated, it seems to me, at least, that the label "far right" is actually starting to be applied to people who are rather middle of the aisle. If you look at history, though, over the past 40 years, it's been the so-called "left" that has been involved in the most violent of repeated acts--just take a look at some of Obamas old cronies, themselves leftist anarchists guilty of domestic bombing... I'm not even sure, anymore, what to hope for. Our country is going straight to He11 and no one wants to admit it, and as far as doing anything about it?... That's what's scary, because, what, exactly, is to be done?

@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
9 Apr 10
The problem with citing the Turner Diaries--race and racism an issue for another day-- is the fact that Hal Turner is an ousted FBI provocateur--kind of makes you suspicious of such writings, then, doesn't it?
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
9 Apr 10
It's so funny how people forget... You know I've never disparaged or disapproved of any "left" revolt/anarchy--like the WTO protests, the sixties, etc., but to have those very same people turn and call conservatives violent criminals is just plain disgusting to me--this from the same people that joined with us in the millions to protest the wars--wars they no longer protest as their guy sits in the office now? Hypocrites and cowards are todays democrat.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Apr 10
Heard a commentary on the radio today about the resignation of the Supreme Court Judge and the remarks that Mr. Biden and Obama made about the possibility of a Republican filibuster during the upcoming approval process. They both thouroughly enjoyed the idea of a filibuster during the approval of a Supreme Court justice as Senators from their respective states. But called the possibility of it happening to THEIR pick during the nomination process, irresponsible. Yes, I'd have to agree, hypocrits!
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
5 Apr 10
Good to see you, Deb!
I think there's a lot of twisting of the facts going on all over the place. People who just want to know the facts are hard pressed to find unbiased reporting of any of the news any more. I read a number of articles, though, that did state that the Tea Party and those violent radicals weren't related. Being outspoken and being violent aren't necessarily related, and I believe most people are aware of that. There's a dangerous fringe on all sides, and they are, indeed, to be feared. A simple disagreement is hardly that, at all.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Apr 10
Hey good to see you!
I don't believe that the media is totally biased. Some of the reporting is fair. BUT there are those in high places who use terminology that is suspect. I mean things like the GLARING title of one article I read that read: CHRISTIAN milita...etc.
I have to ask myself, when was the last time I saw the term: MUSLIM terrorists used for those who do things like shoot American citizens down in cold blood at an Army fort?
They're real quick to use religious designations against the religion of a large majority of Americans...but hesitate to use a religious designation for those who are of the minority faith.
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
5 Apr 10
I have a problem with that, too. Unless the group called themselves that, I don't see why the designation would be used.
As they say, there are lots of wingnuts around. Left wingnuts and right wingnuts. But the dangerous fringe is hardly the majority of any side!
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Apr 10
I don't believe they did use that name for themselves. They called themselves the Huterees...didn't they? And you are right, the majority are not the nuts. But the liberals in charge would have us all believe it to be so.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
5 Apr 10
All one has to do is look at which groups have committed the most violence.
That would be the Left, just in case anyone would be confused. The 1960's are a fine example, as are several instances since then.
Conservatives don't believe in violent protest, however they do believe in peaceful assembly, as evidenced by the behavior of the Tea Party movement.
So far, there have been no proven instances of violence by Conservatives, although they have been the target of violence and lies from the Leftists.
Even Jesse Jackson with a video camera could find no evidence of violence, and you know if he did we would all have seen it by now.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
5 Apr 10
Here is a little something that came my way this morning. It should help answer some questions about violence... or the lack thereof. ...
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Apr 10
Hey there Destiny, I would love to take a look at the videos but I have to use the computer at work until I get mine set back up for internet. YouTube is blocked. I'll try and remember to come back and take a look as soon as I get internet in a few weeks.
Yes, I remember the sixties...there was lots of violence and from both protestors and government. I don't doubt there are some serious nut cases on both sides even now. The thing I don't care for is twisting of facts to make it look worse for one side over another.
Jesse Jackson can't find violence out of the Tea Party? NOW that is surprising. Is he getting senile?
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
5 Apr 10
Of particular interest to this question is the poll, released today, that indicates that 40% of the Tea Party movement is made up of Democrats and Independents.
The media paints the Tea Party as violent conservatives, yet the violence cannot be documented. Many of the threats and much of the violence has been directed at Republican congressman. A few phone messages to Democrats, bullets and bricks directed at Republicans. Which is violent?
The reason they must try to discredit the grassroots movement is because they fear its political clout. They want to scare people away from the Tea Party. However, the media and those in power have lost credibility. The American people aren't buying it.
As for the Hutaree, who cares? There's no evidence they are linked to the Tea Party or anything other than their own peculiar views. All of the accusations against them may be true and it still proves nothing other than some crazy people had some crazy and dangerous ideas. They may not be true, I can't say. The FBI says they have emails etc. as evidence. When we see those, we will know if the allegations are true, until then, all we have are headlines.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Apr 10
I have to say that what an article DOESN'T say is just as leading as what it does say. The Hutarees where not said to be part of the Tea Party movement, but the article I read intimated that Conservative Christians and the Hutarees were one and the same...some interesting poll numbers there, thanks for posting that. I've tried to tell people that it is NOT just Republicans.
Has anyone heard anything more about the pink slips delivered to Congress by WND readers? I saw one news clip on it last fall. Nothing since.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
6 Apr 10
I would respond, but I'm too busy hiding under my desk from all the violent conservative crazies.
Ok just kidding. There are nutbag groups on both sides. Doesn't mean that there's any kind of a violent uprising happening. Sounds like hype to me!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Apr 10
BTW....with all these earthquakes around the better stay under that table even if the crazies are all in the media moguls heads.
How ya been otherwise?
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Apr 10
Earthquakes - another right wing plot. lol
Things are crazy, but I'm surviving. How's the new job?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Apr 10
I love it. I get to be in charge.
Small facility, about 65 residents...I got insulin certified last week! Now I can give shots along with the pills. Lots of responsibility...but I am really learning alot.
Yea, those Tea Party protestors are upsetting the balance of the earth with all those gatherings, I'm sure! 

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@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
5 Apr 10
I do think there will be a rise in the amount of protests and unfortunately violent crimes from people upset by the Obama administration. The Dem.s pushed through a bill with hidden agendas and large amounts of public disapproval from both parties and from the last poll I saw a whopping 80% plus of the public. They are quickly losing our nations trust. Will those who politically oppose them use it to their advantage? Of coarse they will the same way they used it against Bush, that's the game. Do I think they promote such behavior as killing cops, NO. No I do not. Local congressmen and senate leaders have had some vandalism done to their homes and offices here but no I do not think it was because of any political groups just a public tired of being ignored. In our are a group of 5 who did damage to a local congressman's office head quarters stated in their defense that after many phone calls, letters, emails and appointments this particular leader had not only ignored our local public's opinion but was in direct conflict it. They where aggravated, they did not do right but I can see how they felt as I too apposed what they did. This said leader had a general poll done in our are to "help him decide" on the health care bill. Public approval of the bill in his district was only 10%, opposed was 84% leaving 6% uncertain. He blatantly disregarded the people who he is supposed to represent and his response to criticism was " we the democratic party feel this is the best for our nation even if the people dislike it...." Now for a man who is supposed to be representing public opinion that was one damning comment.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Apr 10
I hate to say here what some are saying in my neck of the woods. Not violence individually...but lots of talk of Tax Revolts...I know of some people who are refusing to pay income taxes this year etc. Other sorts of protests...and lots of watchfulness and awareness from country folk....
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
7 Apr 10
Yes I have heard of some boycotting being done and some refusals for taxes but I think the tax refusal will only lead to more trouble for some folks. We are a rural area as well and the disapproval is very vocal.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
9 Apr 10
Hey deb...sorry I missed this one. Lets start out right from the beginning and call this group, the Hutaree, what it is...a terrorist organization. This is not a genuine, legitimate Militia. No genuine Militia advocates the over throw of a government or violence against civilians. A Militia is a defense force...period. The Militia is not a movement, it is a lawfull institution. Nor are they a "right wing" thing... it is like saying the army or the airforce is "right wing".
As for the Southern Poverty Law Center...they are nothing more than a hate group who have no clue as to what they are talking about.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Apr 10
I agree, they are not responsible protestors. And I grieve that there are those out there who would plan such things. My thoughts are that this isolated group will be held up as an example of ALL Christian groups who do not agree with their governments latest tactics. I think back to Waco and Ruby Ridge and can see how over the years the WAY the news is reported has a lot to do with people's perspective of the issues.
I don't doubt for a minute that there are crazies out there from both sides, but as has been said here, ie. those who participated in the sixties ranged from hard core to so-so in their zeal. It is the same today. This comparing of extremists with every day citizens who happen to identify with the Christian religion is irresponsible reporting...yet the major news agencies are refusing to admit that extremist Muslims live and breathe on our doorsteps and have committed crimes in the name of Allah right here in America, it is hypocritical at best.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Apr 10
They want conservatives to get violent, they are pushing as hard as they can to provoke people into violence. And yet, who is violent? The brick thrown through a democrat's headquarters was thrown by a democrat operative. The G20 meeting was assaulted by rioters that were liberals who destroyed windows and littered the streets. There are many more examples, too, but I'm sure most of them are covered up. Prominent conservative talk show hosts have to have protection because of all the threats on their lives.
There will always be a few crazies on both sides. The Tea Party is not violent and I hope that despite all the provocation they will remain peaceful and deliver their message.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Apr 10
I agree with you dragon...see my response to the above poster. We are being pushed, and we're being led down the road to accepting something like Waco and Ruby Ridge AGAIN.
@EmilSpasov (152)
• Bulgaria
5 Apr 10
yeah, all this piled up together sounds really apocalyptic...
but haven't you heard about a constant state of fear deliberately sustained by the media?
so whenever the media is desperately and by any means trying to draw your attention on something, you should ask yourself why and what they don't want you to notice behind all this
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Apr 10
I think you have a point here. Fear is part of it. Scare everyone who is ill informed or misinformed into thinking that anyone who is conservative is dangerous. Do you think it's working?