5 month old won't sleep unless fed or cuddled!

@genki_7 (138)
April 5, 2010 10:28pm CST
Help! I am supposed to return to work in September and I am unable to get my son to go to sleep unless he's feeding or being cuddled/rocked. I have tried the E.A.S.Y. technique but have never been successful at getting him on that routine. I also refuse to let him "cry it out". Any suggestions?
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4 responses
@rosie230 (1700)
13 Apr 10
I have 2 children, and in my experience even though some health advisors suggest this, never let the baby cry out, because all it does is makes the baby stressed, and upset at the thought of you not being there, and I dont believe it does them any good at all. My advise for you is this... when you put your baby down make sure that he is fed, I always give my son a bath at least an hour before the time he goes to sleep at night, and make sure that the room is darkened, I have black out blinds in my kids room, which has helped for napping during the day, and also on the summer evenings when it stays light until 9pm. Also if your baby has a comfort make sure this is with him.. my son's only comfort is a dummy (soother/pacifier) but he also likes to hold one in his hand when he goes to sleep. Your son is just used to you rocking him and always being there when he goes to bed, and I can assure you it will get better. Once your baby is in his bed, (I like to say things like "you go to sleep now", or "you go na-nights now" and I give my son a kiss) anyway you leave the room, and obviously he will create and cry for you, so just keep going back, and after a while he will get into the routine of going to sleep on his own, it does take some time, but it has worked for me. I know it sounds really annoying having to keep going back and forth, but gradually your baby will get the idea. When I had the same problems as you, I actually stood in the doorway when he started and only went back in his room if he started to get up, and get really worked up. I hope this has helped you.
@genki_7 (138)
• Canada
22 Apr 10
Thank you so much for suggesting this. I had already been doing the warm bath, dark room, etc. But I've just tried sitting in the dark room with my son as he's in his crib, and I go and pat him and speak softly to him when he starts crying. I was so excited the first night I tried this and he actually went to sleep! And each night it's taking a shorter time for him to get to sleep. I'm so pleased... I don't have to let him cry, but he's getting the idea about sleeping in his crib. THANK YOU for sharing your tips!
• United States
8 Apr 10
Day one: Let baby cry for five minutes before going in to offer comfort. The next time, wait 10 minutes, and then 15. If baby is still crying after 15 minutes, keep the interval at 15 minutes for the remainder of that night until baby falls asleep. Day two: Let baby cry for 10 minutes before going in, then 15, then 20. Keep interval at 20 minutes until baby falls asleep. Day three: Let baby cry for 15 minutes, then 20, then 25. Keep interval at 25 minutes until baby falls asleep. Most children will be sleeping well by the end of three days and should definitely respond by the end of a week. If not, speak with your pediatrician. Read More http://parenting.ivillage.com/baby/bsleep/0,,7fp0204j,00.html#ixzz0kW3ozZ2p Sign up for iVillage Special Offers This is the article I used when we had the same problem with my DD when she was younger and getting her to sleep. Babies need to learn to self soothe. They won't grow up deformed or shooting at planes because mommy didn't rush in to pick them up seconds after their first whimper.
@genki_7 (138)
• Canada
8 Apr 10
I absolutely REFUSE to let my baby cry it out. I'm sorry, but that method is definitely not for me. He's had colic from birth (just getting over it now), and I just can't do that to him. I have no doubt that it works, but I just can't do it. He sleeps through the night so well (7 pm to 5:30 or 6:30 am sometimes). I also don't want him to associate bedtime with anything negative. I'd rather keep looking for another method. Thanks though.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
6 Apr 10
I am the mother of three children. My youngest is 9 months old. I think that the secret to getting a baby to sleep is to get him or her tired and then following a clear routine at bedtime. I think that a story could help your son settle before hew goes to sleep. You could place your son in his cot and let him play until he nods off to sleep. You could try to give your son a drink and food if he is old enough, then give him a bath and get his teeth cleaned if he has any teeth. Then you could read him a story and afterwards hold some toys for him to touch. You could speak gently to him and let him nod off in his own time. You could always play music to your son to let him go to sleep. It might work because the music will relax him. Good luck.
• Germany
6 Apr 10
Hi, genki_7. My son is 13 month old now and he still need to be fed or cuddled before going to sleep!!! It's ok for me since i am not a working mom, so i have time to do so. I know some moms use the E.A.S.Y. technique to let their baby sleeps on their own. And in the beginning, they also let their babies cry out loud until they are tired. I did not do this to my baby, because every time i let him cry, then he will say.."mama...mama..", calling me with his crying voice and face. I just can't do it. Finally i will just hold him up, and feed him, and then he sleeps very soundly. Letting the baby cry works very well for those mommies. They let the babies cry, but they do not leave the baby alone, they are there and the baby can see them. It's just the matter that they don't pick the baby up or satisfy the baby. I am not sure whether this method is good for baby, because i have also read the articles which against this method. In my point of views, baby is difficult to fall asleep like adults, they need something to make them fall asleep. Those babies who cry and fall asleep because they are just tired after a long loud cry. They have no more energy after that, and i don't think it's good to let baby cry until sleep. It's definitely not my choice. Perhaps you can put your baby into the sling and make him sleep, it's easy for hands. Have a nice day and happy mylotting.