CV: to be or not to be a... dummy?

just a cv - Curriculum with pen
April 6, 2010 7:53am CST
(Essere o non essere? Questo รจ il problema... :-) I'm Italian and I've been studying for many years biology, informatics, etc... In fact, I'm still studying, even after my PhD to keep in touch with updates and research. I'm quite satisfied with my life and job, obtained thanks to my education, but I know other friends aren't. They'd like to work as engineer, lawyer or researcher, but at present there's no work for them, since due to the crisis, unemployment is dramatically reaching new heights (at least here in Italy)! Acquiring more knowledge increases social expectation (better job, more money) and if a high formation turns out to be a handicap for some jobs that are not related to a degree or your overall formation, then maybe it's better to be a dummy, and of course change/reduce the quality of your cv. Do you think it's worth to worsen a curriculum vitae to obtain an unwanted, but somehow vital and less paid job?
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