Would you believe calamities is a punishment from God?

April 6, 2010 11:13am CST
Some hearsays I've heard that God already warn us with calamities destruction like from earthquakes, tsunamai, heavy rains causes floods and grass fires. Through this He let the people think and ponder that we should go back to Him and have faith. And stop doings some things that can ruin and destroyed our mother nature. We should start again and repent to all our friends that we sinned and misunderstood. Do you believe in this hearsay? Sometimes it also correlates if we think it over but don't know what's in your mind today. Do things to all our fellow men and praise to him forever and give thanks. Because some people forgot the LORD if they ar on the peak of success and everthing. Or was it really happens for that is the result of global warming? Is this a sign that we must love one another and do penance to anyone? whats your views?
4 responses
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
This is simply a comment on a question posted, " Would you believe calamities is a punishment from God." My answer to this statetement is NO. Calamities occurs or happens coz they are the effects of what we do to our environment. Like Global warming for example, it happens because we care less of our nature. All of us are stewards of our Mother Earth and what happens is that we do not use its resources properly. Drought is purely due to too much heat and if we familiar as to its cause, it is purely because of Global Warming. And what is the cause of global Warming? It is due to excessive carbon dioxide on the atmosphere. If only man has utilizes resources on Earth properly, then I believe calamities that we experience nowadays are not that much destructive.
• Philippines
25 Apr 10
welcome to this site my dear! Thanks for sharing your very good ideas on this topic. Hope you enjoy here soon responding and making topics. Godd luck and smile always.
@kharlav (1667)
• Philippines
6 Apr 10
I believe that calamities are a punishment from God. As years pass by, the evil deeds of men increase and is now still increasing. Have you noticed that as evil/sins/darkness increase the calamities also increase? I dont know if you believe this but God judges countries, punishes them through calamities. The more evil (not necessarily sins but not knowing God) in a country, the more calamities.
• Philippines
7 Apr 10
I guess you have a point like mine that this is happening to wake the people to pray and have faith in Him. Go mass on Sunday or whatever days it is . Always pray daily and do things good to fellowmen.Might be it happens for almost people are enjoyed w/ their luxuries and hobbies and forget to go to church and thanks for the gifts they have received. Or else no peace and country men are competing w/ each other. I guess this is a sign to come back to him and don't forget him whatever we will have to do.
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
Ver well said kharlav, I really felt that this is the sign because earthquakes every where are already happened. I'm preety sure it is a sign already and we all together back to God and forgive all our sins and to be peace to everyone. You cannot believed it will really seen now , how many times and how many countries suffered out from this. This is a call to all believers in CHRIST that we will unite in praying so that we can be saved in His coming .
@kharlav (1667)
• Philippines
7 Apr 10
Yeah... a lot of people now don't know, don't care and don't believe in God. Evil and sin has increased and now God is bringing judgment. I believe that these things (calamities) are also a sign that the second coming of Jesus Christ will happen very soon. As the bible says in Matthew 24:6-7 entitled SIGNS OF THE END OF THE AGE "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. THERE WILL BE FAMINES AND EARTHQUAKES IN VARIOUS PLACES. All these are the beginning of birth pains" I don't know about you. But I do believe that the second coming is about to come, there are already alot of signs.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
6 Apr 10
My thoughts on this is these happenings are a result of living on Mother Earth plus the stupid disregard humans make in living in some of the most dangerous places on our earth. I don't know how many times our cities need to be destroyed before we pick up an more to safer places. For much of our existence we have needed to live in coastal areas for reasons of trade, but aren't we far enough along to be able to still have our trading areas and move the rest of our needs inland where things are more safe? Mother Earth is just doing what she needs to do with no regard to us. Do you regard the ant hills in your lives? Well to the earth we are much less than ants.
• Philippines
7 Apr 10
Hi there savypat! Okay I respect your idea about this topic. Some men are force to live nearby the coastal areas because there are no choice and also they live with it for long time and because also of some reasons that they are the one know of it. I guess when we talk about earthquake its only God's knows when it will shake so with tsunami. Thanks for your ideas. Hope you enjoy here.
@atv818 (1980)
• United Arab Emirates
6 Sep 10
We can only assume since we cannot ask God to verify if all these calamities are His punishment. All I know is that most of these calamities were mostly the fault made by us. This is the price of technologies and convenience that we have. Air-conditioning, from what I'd read, is one of the cost of global-warming.